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Fighting SJW's by Bending the Spoon


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Here's a secret:  words do wear out.  Eventually words, phrases, and ideas can become so over-played they become trite.  At that point the culture moves on to fresher words, fresher ideas.  Using a word too much is like bending a spoon back and forth, back and forth, until it breaks.


That's my New Year's proposal to fight the SJW's and other political correctoids.  Use the following word as often as possible, straightly or ironically, in various contexts, so as to encourage it to "break" and cynicalise all those who hear it/use it.  It's not like the use of this words can get any worse for the West, but the danger is in the opposite:  that it becomes a sacred word only used ritualistically by chosen high priests and their picked acolytes.  The word is, of course:




I would like everyone in the West to be sick of that word, to want to puke when they hear it because it is tied like a wiggling fly to a whole webwork's worth of anti-White connotation.  This is racist, that is racist, everything's racist, we're all racist!  I want the common response to the accusation of "racism" to be that old college standby, "meh."


Can anyone else think of words that need bending?

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I think most people who have a problem with the use of this word have such a problem because they are and simply don't like being correctly branded with the word.


Touché, but then we face the hypocrisy of people who approve of measures taken to ensure the existence, culture, advancement, and self-consciousness of every race except Whites, who are headed for debasement and destruction in both media and the physical world.  So the word "racism" is really a weapon used to hurt Whites by getting them to stop talking about, and stop thinking about, themselves as a race.


It's a brilliant and audacious move; I can't think of any genocide in history in which the targetted group was told it doesn't exist.  Correct me if I'm wrong.

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The Nazis told the Jews Jews don't exist?  Those yellow stars they were made to wear meant nothing?  Or are you referring to another genocide of Jews?

People are really saying "White people don't exist?"  The cries of "White Privilege" means nothing?  Furthermore, the notion of "White Genocide" is ludicrous on its face. White people, as a "race", are not facing extinction any more than Black people, Brown people. If there is any "race of man" that is facing extinction in the World today, it is the North American Natives or "First Peoples". The reality is, there is no such thing as racial purity, all races have mixed to one degree or another and will continue to do so indefinitely. There are ethnic groups which may ultimately be assimilated into larger groups, losing their distinctiveness, but such has happened ever since the first humans left Africa millennia ago.

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The White race is predominantly viewed in academia as a mere illegitimate and pernicious social construct, and the fact that said race currently exists at a suicidal fertility rate is applauded when it is not ignored or denied by both faculty and the students they have trained.





From Wikipedia (anything under 2.1 is suicidal):


The average total fertility rate in the European Union (EU-28) is calculated at 1.58 children per woman in 2014.[21] This ranges from 1.2 in Portugal to 2.1 in France.[22]

In the non-EU European post-Soviet states group to 2015, Russia has a TFR of 1.78 children per woman,[23] Belarus 1.70 and Ukraine 1.50.[24]

Emigration of young adults from Eastern Europe to the West aggravates the demographic problems of those countries. People from countries such as Moldova, Romania, Hungary, and Czech Republic are particularly moving abroad.[25]


and the academic or academia-friendly commentary, which is currently effectively hegemonic in Universities:




This is not a scientific issue.  Race is an artistic issue, a one of preferences.  Just as people prefer the faces of their own biological kin—and adopted children often go to considerable or even great lengths and after many decades to find their biological parents and kin—so is racism a preference for biological kin, writ large to be Continental rather than Familial.


I like how White people look.  I like how they talk, and act, and even smell.  I like their civilisation, not without problems, of course, but still better than any other civilisation ever created to date that we know of.


I don't want that civilisation to disappear, which it will if the destructive forces are not stopped and replaced by constructive ones.  The universal Western trend is to “diversify” which means that society and all its organs is “too white” and must be de-albinised.  This will eventually mean that the old movies, television programmes, comic books, cartoon strips, and even the great art of Europe will be marginalised and hidden and even destroyed by bitter and vindictive self-hating Whites and their Coloured allies.


This is evil.  White people's natural affinity towards and preference of their own kind is both natural and good, and propaganda to encourage race-mixing and White self-hatred is sadistically wicked.  As the others are, the White race is an artistic gift of Nature, to be preserved and made to flourish.



The Canadian aboriginal population, at least, is not dying off.



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The White race is predominantly viewed in academia as a mere illegitimate and pernicious social construct, and the fact that said race currently exists at a suicidal fertility rate is applauded when it is not ignored or denied by both faculty and the students they have trained.


The notion of race, and what precisely is meant by race is a pernicious social construct. It separates one group of people from another group of people and almost guarantees the bigotry of racial superiority and inferiority based on nothing more than membership in a "pure race" or an "impure and inferior race". Furthermore, there is a very strong tendency towards the bigoted assignment of virtue and vice in a general sense to specific races.


The very concept of the "White Race" has historical fluidity and has included "superior and inferior white races" in times past. But the easiest way to recognize that race is a social construct is to recognize the concept of the "one drop rule" which suggests that any amount of "dilution" or "impurity" traditionally exempts one from the "Pure White Race" and places one in an inferior "non-white" race. Interestingly, those most concerned about race generally have very little individual accomplishment to speak of or take pride in; rather, such individuals derive their self-esteem from their in-group membership and association.


This is not a scientific issue. Race is an artistic issue, a one of preferences. Just as people prefer the faces of their own biological kin—and adopted children often go to considerable or even great lengths and after many decades to find their biological parents and kin—so is racism a preference for biological kin, writ large to be Continental rather than Familial.


There is nothing wrong with having preferences, or even promoting the continuance of one's preferences through non-coercive, non-violent means. There is, nevertheless, something particularly pernicious and wicked in promote one's preferences at the expense or exploitation of others. This is true regardless of one's race or racial preference(s).


I like how White people look. I like how they talk, and act, and even smell. I like their civilisation, not without problems, of course, but still better than any other civilisation ever created to date that we know of.


I don't want that civilisation to disappear, which it will if the destructive forces are not stopped and replaced by constructive ones. The universal Western trend is to “diversify” which means that society and all its organs is “too white” and must be de-albinised. This will eventually mean that the old movies, television programmes, comic books, cartoon strips, and even the great art of Europe will be marginalised and hidden and even destroyed by bitter and vindictive self-hating Whites and their Coloured allies.


You're talking about the loss of White Privilege. You're talking about the of ease you will no longer have in looking into the propaganda of your culture and seeing yourself in every hero or heroine, and seeing "the other" as the villain, of seeing ready examples of success and virtue rather than seeing yourself cast as the unsuccessful and villainous... something which so many non-whites have had to struggle with as minority members of society. Your unconscious bigotry and inability or unwillingness to identify with your neighbor is what drives your fear.


This is evil. White people's natural affinity towards and preference of their own kind is both natural and good, and propaganda to encourage race-mixing and White self-hatred is sadistically wicked. As the others are, the White race is an artistic gift of Nature, to be preserved and made to flourish.


And there you have it. The demonization of miscegenation is the herald of the worst forms of racism, it is vicious bigotry masquerading as virtue. There is nothing wrong with the desire to preserve that which one considers unique, different, special, or good; but to vilify those who do not share your aesthetic preferences is to encourage and ultimately incite to violence against those who do not share it.


The Canadian aboriginal population, at least, is not dying off.


Through miscegenation and the "one-drop rule"... it's considered acceptable to acknowledge one's aboriginal heritage in a way that it once was not. A "pure aboriginal population" as you might term it is most certainly disappearing... in much the same way that previous racial and ethnic populations have disappeared, swallowed up and incorporated by categorization within a different or new "race" or ethnicity.


And as per Wikipedia, the American Indians are effectively stable.

Again, for the same reasons as stated above for the aboriginal populations of Canada.

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I think most people who have a problem with the use of this word have such a problem because they are and simply don't like being correctly branded with the word.

'Racism' is both overused and misused.

The majority of people who use the word 'racist' aren't even describing racial prejudice, but facts abouts race they don't like. 



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You say, “There is nothing wrong with the desire to preserve that which one considers unique, different, special, or good,” yet you also say, “There is, nevertheless, something particularly pernicious and wicked in promote [sic] one's preferences at the expense or exploitation of others. This is true regardless of one's race or racial preference(s)."  What does “expense and exploitation” mean?  It means, in the minds of academia, its students, increasingly-challenged mainstream media, political and pecuniary elites both cynical and idealistic, and plenty of left-progressive or just suicidally polite people, that the “desire to preserve” is illegitimate.


If “desire to preserve” is illegitimate, it means that Whites, who naturally and unsurprisingly enjoy their own cultural hegemony in their own countries--which they built--just as other races enjoy hegemony in their own countries, have no right to such majoritarian hegemony, to enjoyment of their own kind preferentially to other races, or to advocate for their interests as a group at all.  Having a White news anchor is “White Privilege”.  Watching White movies is “White Privilege.”  Living in a Caucasian neighbourhood and giving one's sons and daughters the chance to attend an all-White school and mix with and quite probably marry other White boys and girls is “White Privilege”.


Your ideology leaves no room for any effective and meaningful resistance to the White phenotype being marginalised, submerged, and destroyed, and its associate culture with it.  All that's left is our impotent and guilty “desire to preserve” which will be rooted out soon enough when prejudice-detector machines are perfected.  Every step we might take to express preference would be decried by you and your thought-masters as coming at the expense and exploitation of Coloureds.


The horrible thing about all this is that we did it to ourselves with our own genius for principle.  We created a society based on the principle of man as imago viva Dei that says all men are created equal, without equally enshrining the principle that Nation-States exist to preserve the interests of certain Nations at once racial, cultural, religious, and linguistic, that every Nation merits respect but also a homeland and that migration between these homelands is controlled in a sovereign fashion by said Nations.  Lacking that ingrained principle, we were vulnerable to parasitical ideologies like cultural Marxism and its elite backers who would use the “equality” principle to wipe out the White race step by step, as part of their goal to eliminate the Nation-State entirely and replace it with a globalist empire.


That's what it is in the end:  you are serving globalism.



1. Imagine this playing out in a capitalist anarchy.  If individuals refuse to allow immigrants on or through their land, on grounds of race, on grounds of Nation, are they not being "pernicious"?  Who should punish them for their perniciousness?


2. If races are really just “races” as you put it, then genocide doesn't matter does it?  There's only murder.  And if we can wipe out an entire group of people who share a strong phenotypal resemblance, one saddled with the label of being “privileged” and “racist” and even a “cancer” without murdering anyone, then we've committed no crime, and that's very clever of us, isn't it?

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