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New Years Resolutions


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Does anyone have any new years resolutions that they would like to share?


I know that for some people, they think that it is ridiculous. People don't often follow through on them, that the end of the year is just an arbitrary time to make such a commitment and is therefore somewhat meaningless. But I do see some value in them--if they were truly without value or purpose, then no one would do it and it wouldn't be a thing. With the ending of one year, an arbitrary starting/ending point based on the revolution of the earth around the sun, it is like one chapter closing and another one beginning. It offers a good  marker for reflection. How did this year go? What worked this year? What didn't work? It's nice to have something to frame these events that have happened in a given period of time. Because I have traveled around so much, I have things that are grouped by destination. Parent's house. China. Alaska. Vietnam. Here. But I imagine that I'll soon find a place where I would like to stay for a long time, and then I'll no longer have that nice, clean dichotomy. The year might have to be the divider.


I don't have any formal resolutions. I feel like I am already heading in the direction that I want/need to be heading, so my resolutions would basically boil down to "Keep doing what I am doing, 'cept harder." Most of it would be working on my health, both mental and physical. Keep journaling, keep exercising. Resolve more issues. Be more me than before; it's worked out well so far, and I expect and suspect that I'll fail at anything else that I try to do/be.


What about you?

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I see it both ways. Starting new, on something I wanted to do but needed a jumping off point like starting a new work out schedule. The mind set that this is a new year and a time to do what you always wanted to do but never had a chance, now saying that this is how I used to think.


Now if I see value in something I do not wait or try not to put it off. I give myself a time limit, boundaries and desired outcomes. To me new years is a good time to reflect on how I have done this past year and what I can do better for the coming year. I like to offer resolutions to people I care about who may find value in my opinion. I would suggest one for my wife and she would do the same for me, so we can take constructive information and use it for the better. Nothing to grand just a small thing to work on going forward. 

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I've never set any new year resolutions before. Maybe I'll set one up now. One of the top item would be complete my reading of "six pillars of self esteem" and start on other books. Continue to learn 3d rendering software, master the sketching of human anatomy and create a set of art deco styled icons.

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Ooh, nice goal. How do you plan to go about that? I noticed there is a figure drawing open class near me. I always loved those.

As for me, I'll be learning it on my own with some youtube videos and Pinterest guides. I've learned the basics in the past. All I need now is practice. So a lot of reference pictures will help. Ya classes would be a lot more helpful for a beginner. I really love to sketch a lot of things :D

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