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Democratic Fascism

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Democratic fascists believe that both the economy and society should be run democratically—to meet public needs of its tax-paying citizens, not to take profits from a few and redistribute to non-citizens. To achieve a more just society, many structures of our government and economy must be radically transformed through greater economic and social interest of the citizen so that ordinary Americans can participate in the many decisions that affect the lives of the productive citizen.


Democracy and fascism go hand in hand. All over the world, wherever the idea of democracy has taken root, the vision of nationalism has taken root as well—everywhere but in the United States. Because of this, many false ideas about fascism have developed in the US.


Doesn’t fascism mean that the government will own and run everything? Democratic fascists do not want to create an all-powerful authoritarian government. But we do not want big corporate bureaucracies, foreign interest groups, immigrants, and non-tax paying citizens to control our society either. Rather, we believe that social and economic decisions should be made by those whom they most affect – the tax paying citizen of the country.


Today, corporate executives, foreign interest groups, immigrants, and non-tax paying citizens who answer only to themselves and a few anti-nationalistic politicians make basic economic decisions affecting millions of people – like offshoring millions of jobs, entangling us in foreign disputes that do not benefit national interests, and voting for more money taken from the pocket of the productive citizen and put into the hands of the inferior. Resources are used to make money for globalists, immigrants, and moochers rather than to meet the needs of the productive working class….  …. [/satire]


I basically took the basis for this from the “Democratic Socialist of America” website and changed some words and concepts.  While I do not think that fascist ideas really hold any merit, I do think that the concept as satire and a meme could be the ridicule nuke needed to send the “Democratic Socialist” sophists running for cover if it gained prevalence.  Thoughts?

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sorry guy, I have truly had enough of Fascism literally for the rest of my life, pretty much we have had fascism for the last 30 years, only just a taste. so your arguments, do not persuade me to give up my freedom for authoritarian control(which we both know is what happens eventually, there is a such thing as democratic tyranny) anyways good luck with your insane agenda, I think im going to sit on the side of constitutional republic with free market capitalism.

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sorry guy, I have truly had enough of Fascism literally for the rest of my life, pretty much we have had fascism for the last 30 years, only just a taste. so your arguments, do not persuade me to give up my freedom for authoritarian control(which we both know is what happens eventually, there is a such thing as democratic tyranny) anyways good luck with your insane agenda, I think im going to sit on the side of constitutional republic with free market capitalism.


Which arguments do you disagree with you and why?  Also, I would recommend you read the whole thing, which you obviously didn't.


(Hint: I am making fun of Democratic Socialist who hide behind the word "democratic")

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WASATCHMAN, I obviously misunderstood what you wrote. I do not disagree with the premises. I see now you were being a bit more satirical than what I took as a true political position. I think I came in assuming that you were arguing for democratic fascism. even reading this a second time, I still find myself thinking you are arguing for democratic fascism, but I see how you are making fun of democratic socialist hiding behind the idea of democratic... I guess my initial response was very haphazardly put forth. I guess the big thing that I didn't understand that how much of this post was satire.

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