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Is there a better Organisation than FDR?


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Is there a better organisation than FDR? In terms of content, quality, heart/balls and release times; Philosophy, Self-Knowledge, Economics, Peaceful Parenting, Journalism, History, Politics, Call-in-Shows, Religion, Save Our Souls The West, Movie Reviews, Books.......(probably missed somethings).


Or if not better(which can be subjective), similar. Out of the Hundreds of millions of people in The West is there someone/s with as excellent an organisation and passion. Could be a Priest, Philosopher, former Business Tycoon Genius, Therapist, Communist, anyone? But Not a Buddhist monk(They drone on), Generic Clickbait Smooth Talking Philosophy or Focused on trivia(so generally hardcore and triggering).


Specifically does anyone know anybody who is seemingly as Genius imo(Or at least well practised) as Stefan at Self-Knowledge?


One of the ways I became acquainted with Austrian Economics, then Libertarianism and then Philosophy was looking at book reviews on Amazon. Its kind of annoying when people say X person or idea is crap, but don't even give alternatives, if not an argument. Does anyone have a good method for searching for better information and Self Knowledge, if not through an empirical method, perhaps more intuitively. Something greater than the sum of its parts.

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The call-in shows are the essence of FDR and there's not anything like it elsewhere. Most other podcasts of the like pick a topic then pic people to talk about it. Stefan picks people then the people pick what they want to talk about. Stefan tries to understand the person before addressing their question which in most cases leads to common ground. I haven't seen anyone else do this in a podcast or in real life. This is what's unique about FDR.

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No one I have ever heard is better than FDR/ Stef, but another excellent person I have recently been listening to is Dr. Jordan Peterson. Look him up; he's a brilliant and very honest guy doing great work to make the world a better place. His interview with Joe Rogan (#877) is one of the most interesting interviews I have ever, ever heard. I REALLY hope Stef gets him on to do an interview soon. And also Wim Hoff!

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By the way, Stef describes himself as "very smart". I'm wondering what his basis is for saying that. Obviously opinion of self doesn't count.

What objective standard would you accept as a measure of intelligence? By all indirect measurements, it's very obvious Stefan is at least two standard deviations above average in intelligence. Just by the fruits of his labor you can tell.

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Any standard will do for starters.  Your case analysis is not standard.  I'm asking because it seems prudent to have answers to the questions that will obviously be asked and you can never be too intimidating.  If Stef wants to have no defense except opinion of his fans, which is redundant intelligence as agreement, and shadow slinking crybabies that do nothing but press a minus button on posts because questions hurt their feelings, that's no sweat off my back.  Except that I like winning, so if I'm going to be on a team I prefer that it does what wins.

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Team Jihadi is basically the winning team demographically. What teams are effectively winning? Looking for knowledge, ease of participation, material profit, not a particularly empathetic person, though annoyingly I find justice somewhat important to me.


Obviously opinion of self doesn't count.


 Except that I like winning, so if I'm going to be on a team I prefer that it does what wins.


If opinion of self doesn't count, then does opinion of others count either?

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No one I have ever heard is better than FDR/ Stef, but another excellent person I have recently been listening to is Dr. Jordan Peterson. Look him up; he's a brilliant and very honest guy doing great work to make the world a better place. His interview with Joe Rogan (#877) is one of the most interesting interviews I have ever, ever heard. I REALLY hope Stef gets him on to do an interview soon. And also Wim Hoff!

I looked at Dr. Jordan Peterson on Youtube, bit of a slow tempo to his voice, but I guess his intent to make the world a better place is apparent. Wim Hof looks like an interesting character, "The Iceman Cometh" a phrase I haven't heard for a long time. Never heard of either person before or at least registered, thank you.

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Not an argument.

It is what "not an argument" is.  What Will Torbald said is not an argument.  Claiming to be smart is not an argument.  But the difference in my case is I don't need to explain the problem in not making an argument to anyone that already listens to Stef.


Team Jihadi is basically the winning team demographically. What teams are effectively winning? Looking for knowledge, ease of participation, material profit, not a particularly empathetic person, though annoyingly I find justice somewhat important to me.




If opinion of self doesn't count, then does opinion of others count either?

Jihadi on its own resources is trivial.  It could never enable itself in the evolution of technology.  But what I'm talking about is getting things right on the lowest level.


The answer to the second question is no.  A method of analysis that is not hidden counts.  You saying that a person is smart tells me nothing except that you agree with that person about some stuff.  The trick with standard tests is that you are kinda caught if you approve a type of test, then don't get the result you want.  I would challenge Stef to take a test or tests if he can reasonably afford it, but ideally I extend that to everyone else.  Everyone should be tested and all scores should be exhibited.  Hiding is some type of confession.

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The only thing I've discovered that comes close is Teal Swan.


She is great at effectively influencing ones understanding of self knowledge toward being in line with reality.




I listen to her when the bomb in my brain has gone off and I can't focus on the themes of the content that are commonly the subject of fdr episodes.


Teal is primarily concerned with self knowledge where as Stefan talks about a range of subjects from parenting to politics.


The topics commonly found on fdr contain insight into self knowledge but they require ones mind to focus on a number of issues rather than making self knowledge the primary focus.


I enjoy the range of subject matter found on FDR because it inspires me to expand my goals and to continue improving the standards of the expectations I have for myself.


I'd recommend watching The FDR Bomb in the Brain series if you feel that you need to focus on self knowledge.




There is so much new content coming through FDR that sometimes is easy to forget about earlier content.


Stefan has covered a complete range of knowledge about the human condition and each time I review the discourses I identify new perspectives.


Teal Swan and Stefan Molyneux concisely express ideas that are true but they have a different method of presentation.


Reading about Socrates is also an enjoyable way of studying self knowledge.


You can get ancient philosophical texts free on iBooks. Phaedrus and Timaeus are two interesting selections.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Jihadi on its own resources is trivial.  It could never enable itself in the evolution of technology.  But what I'm talking about is getting things right on the lowest level.

Then that would have to be freewill. Unfortunately imo I do not entirely have freewill, but can conceive that I might eventually have it, though my feeling are still tied to the concepts?/Illusions? of social or at least intellectual hierarchy.


The answer to the second question is no.  A method of analysis that is not hidden counts.  You saying that a person is smart tells me nothing except that you agree with that person about some stuff.  The trick with standard tests is that you are kinda caught if you approve a type of test, then don't get the result you want.  I would challenge Stef to take a test or tests if he can reasonably afford it, but ideally I extend that to everyone else.  Everyone should be tested and all scores should be exhibited.  Hiding is some type of confession.


You say that "obviously opinion of self tells doesn't count" it tells you nothing, that everyone should be tested. Everyone should be tested is an opinion of self, as well as an opinion of others.


IMO Stefan is a genius, by the work he has done, perhaps you disagree and I would not dispute your opinion, I may ask who you think is. Is it better though to have an IQ of 150 in someway crippled psychologically or one of 120; a computer with the latest processor with tons of malware, or one with an old processor and no malware. 


Close except for diametrically opposed views on things such as epistemology. 


I am not sure how much chakras and auras are in "line with reality".

Glory to the Zerg Overlord(Kind of...  a nerdy PC Game joke), yeah looked too psychedelic to me, even girly. BUT, still different perspectives. Typing Self Knowledge into Youtube I found a philosopher J.Krishnamurti, slow and often black and white, though I have only watched 4 videos I found it very insightful.




I'm not sure if Organisation was the best word to use, I know the word community is used and imo is perhaps the better one psychologically. While having social connotations Organisation also has, processing connotations, if a picture says a thousand words how many does a film clip say?  


"The Best of Both Worlds Part 2" comes to mind for some reason, I have heard Stefan say that "all organisations drift to the Left and that the Left never sleeps". In the episode "The Best of Both Worlds Part 2" The Enterprise crew basically stops the "Borg" from assimilating the planet by getting them to go to "sleep" and that severing Picards link from the collective would be like getting them, though perhaps him to "cut off an arm".


One other thought comes to mind. In the past in England there were "temples" where a person would go to practice law, though maybe justice or philosophy, open to all, perhaps there are similar organisations providing some form of value.


Thoughts, opinions, revelations focused on Philosophy, Self Knowledge, Journalism.... Miscellaneous section.

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Glory to the Zerg Overlord(Kind of...  a nerdy PC Game joke), yeah looked too psychedelic to me, even girly. BUT, still different perspectives. Typing Self Knowledge into Youtube I found a philosopher J.Krishnamurti, slow and often black and white, though I have only watched 4 videos I found it very insightful.


*Zerg Overmind  :)


Not saying there is not a lot of value to be extracted from her work, she has some videos on trauma which were approached really scientifically and in line with modern psychology views, but everytime I listen to someone other than Stefan for some period of time I am just expecting for some irrational approaches and beliefs to pop up at some point.  

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  • 2 weeks later...
You say that "obviously opinion of self tells doesn't count" it tells you nothing, that everyone should be tested. Everyone should be tested is an opinion of self, as well as an opinion of others.


IMO Stefan is a genius, by the work he has done, perhaps you disagree and I would not dispute your opinion, I may ask who you think is. Is it better though to have an IQ of 150 in someway crippled psychologically or one of 120; a computer with the latest processor with tons of malware, or one with an old processor and no malware.

I want to have a better informed opinion about others and others to have a better informed opinion about me.  But I'm not an advocate of IQ tests in particular.  In my book it the worst test ever conceived, referring to the type of questions used.


I was not told my scores on tests, but I graduated school in 7 years instead of 12 and won an award for a provincial math competition.  Peter Thiel has been my favourite person to listen to.  But I have no need for heroes.


Your second question is unexpected.  I've been on the edge of suicide for most of the last half of my life.  This cripples my ability to concentrate.  Otherwise I would be a millionaire by now.  Instead I'm mostly unemployed.  A combination of high ability and strong desires can be a ticket to either salvation or the grave, depending on circumstances.  The answer depends on what counts as malware.  Suppressed emotion can free brain power.  Does that make emotion malware?

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I want to have a better informed opinion about others and others to have a better informed opinion about me.  But I'm not an advocate of IQ tests in particular.  In my book it the worst test ever conceived, referring to the type of questions used.

I think what you might be getting at is trust, rather than opinion. If it were only opinion you were looking for, hobbies would suffice to say. I don't think I've actually done a proper IQ test, in the UK they use SATs, which from what I remember test various comprehension abilities to be logged away for whatever end.


I was not told my scores on tests, but I graduated school in 7 years instead of 12 and won an award for a provincial math competition.  Peter Thiel has been my favourite person to listen to.  But I have no need for heroes.



Your second question is unexpected.  I've been on the edge of suicide for most of the last half of my life.  This cripples my ability to concentrate.  Otherwise I would be a millionaire by now.  Instead I'm mostly unemployed.  A combination of high ability and strong desires can be a ticket to either salvation or the grave, depending on circumstances.  The answer depends on what counts as malware.  Suppressed emotion can free brain power.  Does that make emotion malware?

Yes it kind of sucks. Thought about suicide when I was younger 5-11, probably the idea of a potential hell afterlife from my mother kept me alive. She has very poor verbal and mathematical ability, has mothering instincts and looks, but absent minded. Father works long hours everyday including weekends, is an idiot compared to his father, but probably about average intelligence for the UK. Though pretty aggressive, probably genetic from his mother's German side, tends to shout every other day.    


I think conflicting emotions can impede the acquisition of knowledge and especially creativity. Early childhood trauma such as being hit and thinking you're going to be murdered, locked in the house, shouted at, having possessions removed, because "Boy", were not particularly helpful to me. Good perhaps if you want some degree of obedience, but evil.


Now being a millionaire or not would not bother me too much. Personally I think I have almost a complete lack of desire. I think I'd like to be effective and help to resurrect western civilization, to help save me. From what I see is possible biblical bloodshed, I mean Kane, hillary, Syria, Armageddon, they were just trying to make that one happen. On the other hand watching the World burn has its appeals. But I don't know, if there are no sane groups to join, cooperate with go with the insane ones. Just a few thoughts. 


"Permanent mass unemployment destroys the moral foundations of the social order. The young people, who, having finished their training for work, are forced to remain idle, are the ferment out of which the most radical political movements are formed. In their ranks the soldiers of the coming revolutions are recruited." Ludwig von Mises.

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