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Anti-Trump group Tortures man, How wide spread is the radical?


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Donald Trump isnt even president yet and we are getting major protest and even attacks. The most recent one seems to be in Chicago which was live streamed on facebook


The majority of the people in the US supported Hillary(popular vote), But I understand not all are radical. My question is how far wide spread is the violent left? And what can be done to stop them from potential attacks?

If they are protesting Trump for what he says he will do, will the protest/attacks get worse when he is actually in office doing what he promised? 

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Well I don't know for certain but the solution to communism/socialism has always been violence in the past. We could try marginalization. You don't have any nazi friends do you? So in the same manner you should not have any socialist/communist friends.

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I will be amazed if Trump can survive his presidency.


If one were to accept the mainstream media reports, it is highly probable that a viewer might feel rather proud and heroic for eliminating Trump.


We have never seen such devoted propaganda against a president.   


Given how we have all been conditioned to think of "racism" and given how we have all been taught that Trump=Racist, it is a very small step to think that removing Trump would make you a national hero.


The media and progressive culture is inciting violence.

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Well I don't know for certain but the solution to communism/socialism has always been violence in the past. We could try marginalization. You don't have any nazi friends do you? So in the same manner you should not have any socialist/communist friends.

I'm sure all these commie bastards will be heartbroken not to have us on their friends list.


Violence was used against communists because it's the only thing that works. Unfortunately, a lot of countries figured that out a little too late. You're not going to win any wars when your enemies are kidnapping and torturing innocent people and you're afraid to call them words which you were taught were very rude or racist.

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Kill the mainstream medias revenue source! (And academies too)


Everyone got adblock off to those sites and on for the good and honest ones?


Everyone informed friends to adblock too? To see and serach revenue sources for these companies propaganda agengies?


Those 2 fuel it like noooo other.



PS. http://www.journalism.org/2014/03/26/revenue-sources-a-heavy-dependence-on-advertising/

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The violent left is a term that describes two categories of character. There are violent people and there are people who identify with the left.

My interpretation of the political implication exhibited in this video is that though these people use the current conflicts in American politics as part of their vicious humiliation in the torture of the victim they in fact have very little interest in politics.

The sadistic ritual they were participating in was an environment they desired to be in rather than any other environment that was available to them. Most people here will agree that they would rather be in any aspect of their own life than torturing someone for even a fraction of a moment. When I ask myself why I think these people would have rather been torturing someone than doing anything else with their time the first thing that comes to mind is that the other activities and environments that were available to them were less desirable. The fact that torturing a person in an abandoned house gave these people more of a sense of liberty than living peacefully in their lives is where the real cause of the violence stems from.

A combination of factors from authoritative parenting that mirrors the absolutely murderous and corrupt government institution that dictates the appropriation of our society and the numerous affects that result create these terrifying social mutations. These are individuals operating from non-reality and their fundamental beliefs are without rational reason. Their principals are based in ideology that has not been questioned because our society operates based on these principals.

Our government pays soldiers with the money they steal from us in taxes to torture people in more atrocious ways than these young adults did in the video. Violence is associated with power rather than horror in our society.

It takes effort and time to break out of that conditioning. There are few who are parented in reality and even fewer who can break through the matrix of ideologies that constitute the definition of reality that the government dictates.

If the torturers in the video felt a sense of liberty and stability in their lives I don't think they would have desired to engage in this kind of degenerative brutality. They are operating in a state of complete desperation and irrationality.

I must say that this state is ideal for the (LEFT)government as it renders a person completely disabled and vulnerable to manipulation. It is when we are broken that we surrender.

YES, there is racism but all of this focus on racism is a distraction from the real issue. I think we are focusing on racism because it seems allot easier to remedy than the issue of a society that participates in the initiation of coercion against individuals to the affect that the unborn are being robbed and people are born into tax slavery rather than enriching and individually empowering environments.


These people have committed a horrendous crime and must suffer adequate consequences.


The way to prevent things of this nature from happening again is certainly NOT TO CONTINUE THE RACE WAR NARRATIVE but to continue individually creating prosperity and opportunity for our society to become more enriching and less desensitized to horror. People need to be inspired rather than threatened in order to desire to do something. We can't behave for violent people, we can only create the incentive for people to choose peace over violence as an effective way of communication.

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The violent left is a term that describes two categories of character. There are violent people and there are people who identify with the left. My interpretation of the political implication exhibited in this video is that though these people use the current conflicts in American politics as part of their vicious humiliation in the torture of the victim they in fact have very little interest in politics. The sadistic ritual they were participating in was an environment they desired to be in rather than any other environment that was available to them. Most people here will agree that they would rather be in any aspect of their own life than torturing someone for even a fraction of a moment. When I ask myself why I think these people would have rather been torturing someone than doing anything else with their time the first thing that comes to mind is that the other activities and environments that were available to them were less desirable. The fact that torturing a person in an abandoned house gave these people more of a sense of liberty than living peacefully in their lives is where the real cause of the violence stems from. A combination of factors from authoritative parenting that mirrors the absolutely murderous and corrupt government institution that dictates the appropriation of our society and the numerous affects that result create these terrifying social mutations. These are individuals operating from non-reality and their fundamental beliefs are without rational reason. Their principals are based in ideology that has not been questioned because our society operates based on these principals. Our government pays soldiers with the money they steal from us in taxes to torture people in more atrocious ways than these young adults did in the video. Violence is associated with power rather than horror in our society. It takes effort and time to break out of that conditioning. There are few who are parented in reality and even fewer who can break through the matrix of ideologies that constitute the definition of reality that the government dictates. If the torturers in the video felt a sense of liberty and stability in their lives I don't think they would have desired to engage in this kind of degenerative brutality. They are operating in a state of complete desperation and irrationality. I must say that this state is ideal for the (LEFT)government as it renders a person completely disabled and vulnerable to manipulation. It is when we are broken that we surrender. YES, there is racism but all of this focus on racism is a distraction from the real issue. I think we are focusing on racism because it seems allot easier to remedy than the issue of a society that participates in the initiation of coercion against individuals to the affect that the unborn are being robbed and people are born into tax slavery rather than enriching and individually empowering environments. These people have committed a horrendous crime and must suffer adequate consequences. The way to prevent things of this nature from happening again is certainly NOT TO CONTINUE THE RACE WAR NARRATIVE but to continue individually creating prosperity and opportunity for our society to become more enriching and less desensitized to horror. People need to be inspired rather than threatened in order to desire to do something. We can't behave for violent people, we can only create the incentive for people to choose peace over violence as an effective way of communication. 


1.  Gentle hint:  paragraphs are your friend.


2.  The primary problem with the Black community is that Black IQ averages around 85.  The problems associated with this population are what we would expect given that IQ rating.  From a policing perspective, the origins of this IQ rating are irrelevant:  violent, anti-social people need to be policed.  If the social doctors can work their magic and raise the Black average IQ, which will lead to less horrible social outcomes, more power to them, but in the meantime the criminals among them must be held accountable, and not be able to exculpate themselves by appeals to "racism" or somesuch.


3.  These particular criminals are not politicians, they are sadists, the type who walk around looking for an excuse to harass, molest, hurt, degrade, or torture someone.  A lone, soft, White, mentally retarded Trump supporter sounds right up their alley.

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1.  Gentle hint:  paragraphs are your friend.


2.  The primary problem with the Black community is that Black IQ averages around 85.  The problems associated with this population are what we would expect given that IQ rating.  From a policing perspective, the origins of this IQ rating are irrelevant:  violent, anti-social people need to be policed.  If the social doctors can work their magic and raise the Black average IQ, which will lead to less horrible social outcomes, more power to them, but in the meantime the criminals among them must be held accountable, and not be able to exculpate themselves by appeals to "racism" or somesuch.


3.  These particular criminals are not politicians, they are sadists, the type who walk around looking for an excuse to harass, molest, hurt, degrade, or torture someone.  A lone, soft, White, mentally retarded Trump supporter sounds right up their alley.

I echo this sentiment. I have dedicated my life to at last achieving a more peaceful and erudite society. The violent elements will have to be dealt with and of course punished for their inability to conform to peaceful negotiation. My only concern is that this may be taken to far by ideologues as most movements with good intentions often end up doing such as with the bastardization of BLM. I don't know about you, but I do not want to end up in some gas chamber or prison camp because of the color of my skin. I pray that rationality prevails over delusion and extremism no matter its origin. Black, White, Mexican, Native American, Asian (not likely) extremism from anybody is unacceptable. Time will tell I suppose. 

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I echo this sentiment. I have dedicated my life to at last achieving a more peaceful and erudite society. The violent elements will have to be dealt with and of course punished for their inability to conform to peaceful negotiation. My only concern is that this may be taken to far by ideologues as most movements with good intentions often end up doing such as with the bastardization of BLM. I don't know about you, but I do not want to end up in some gas chamber or prison camp because of the color of my skin. I pray that rationality prevails over delusion and extremism no matter its origin. Black, White, Mexican, Native American, Asian (not likely) extremism from anybody is unacceptable. Time will tell I suppose. 


Nor do I.


One's wealth in rationality is counted in the coins of principle.  What principles would you suggest to help us endure and prosper as a civilisation, avoiding the persecution and destruction of any race?

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Nor do I.


One's wealth in rationality is counted in the coins of principle.  What principles would you suggest to help us endure and prosper as a civilisation, avoiding the persecution and destruction of any race?

I would say the principles that have to win the day are the NAP and basically Molyneux's ethical framework that he went into painstaking detail to describe in his book "Universally Preferable Behavior: A Rational Proof Of Secular Ethics." If more people could read and understand this book, then a lot of the nonsense currently happening would diminish enormously. The problem is I cannot force anybody to read this book because that would counter my own principles. So for the time being and essentially indefinitely I am just going to keep making the case. 

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