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From Alt-Light to Alt-Right: A Journey Through Taboo


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With the ascension of Donald Trump, there also arose a new right-wing movement. This movement was the equal and opposite reaction not just to the culture of hysterical verbal abuse from the left that has descended like a storm from hell upon any attempts at rational discourse, but also to the left’s treacherous enablers within the mainstream conservative movement that would rather virtue signal their ideological purity than actually conserve our freedoms.

This group, which championed Western civilization and sought to preserve its most precious treasures from the rapid advancement of corrosive leftist ideals, quickly became an alternative to the spineless Republican establishment’s brand of in-name-only “conservatism” that has been exemplified by the likes of globalist cronies such as the Bushes and Paul Ryan.

Realizing the real threat this movement posed to their chances of winning the 2016 election once Donald Trump secured the Republican nomination, the Clinton Campaign quickly came up with a new strategy to besmirch their opponents. This strategy was to cojoin the Trump movement with a separate group called the Alt-right due the the Alt-right’s inclination towards exploring controversial topics. Ever since, there has been a misconception that the Alt-right is the new-right movement that’s emerged as an alternative to the Republican/cuckservative establishment.


These are the Milos, Paul Joseph Watsons, Gavin Mclnnes’, and the Lauren Southerns of the alternative media. These people champion nationalism over globalism and promote western values like free speech, while understanding the threat that massive third world immigration, particularly from Islamic countries, poses to the existence of these values. And while there are many areas of overlap between the New-Right and Alt-right, there are a few crucial distinctions.

The purpose of this piece is to highlight these key distinctions and share material for those who are interested in taking a journey through taboo.


First and foremost is the issue of race. The Alt-right recognizes that race is a reality and a very important one. The Alt-right at its core is about promoting racial consciousness among Europeans. They are unabashedly pro-white (not to be confused with white-supremacism, which advocates for domination over groups deemed inferior.) Whatever issues those within the Alt-right disagree about, this is the issue that unites them. The New-right, while they are quick to point out anti-white racism and see the reality of racial differences, do not advocate for white’s issues. They see western civilization as the result of certain values.

On the other hand, the Alt-right would explicitly say that there are differences between the races and thus, different races build different civilizations. Furthermore, there’s no reason to think non-whites can maintain civilizations built by whites. This is an unavoidable issue for the Alt-right.


The Jewish Question

Different rules for different races is racist. If you attack whites for doing what Jews do and you suppress what Jews do, you are a horrible anti-white bigot.- Stefan Molyneux



Given how explosive this topic is, it’s no wonder why the Hillary campaign wanted to associate the Trump movement with a group that flirts with such a taboo even though there isn’t unanimous agreement among those within the Alt-right about the importance of this subject.

Western society has gone through a rapid decline throughout the past hundred years. Any analysis that seeks to understand why we are in the mess we’re in has to take a number of variables into consideration.

The Alt-right, as a group that is concerned about the advancement of white’s interests and the protection of their heritage, is very concerned with figuring out white’s missteps which have contributed to this decline. At the same time, the Alt-right rejects historical narratives devoid of any nuance which are designed to provoke white guilt.


So, just as it is important to understand the role Europeans have played in the societal decline we are witnessing today, it is equally important to understand the role Jews have played. Thus, the Jewish question is not a single question, but rather an umbrella term which covers a wide-ranging debate about the positive and negative aspects which Jewish influence has had on the Western world.

WW2 Revisionism


World War 2 was one of the most horrific events ever to occur in human history. It’s estimated that over 60 million people, mostly European, died as a result of this catastrophe. Because of the profound and permanent impact this war has had, it is critical to understand what really happened and why. What makes the Alt-right different from the Alt-light in this respect is what exactly they are willing to question.

Like many significant historical events, WW2 is shrouded in propaganda. Details and nuances are left out of the versions of this event that most people are taught about in government schools throughout the world. It is in fact illegal in many countries to question certain details of the official narratives of the Second World War.

Truth does not fear investigation. 


Post Script:

The videos shared here do not necessarily represent my views as this material is new to me and so I'm still in the studying phase. So, I'm not interested in having long debates on the message board with people who might disagree with something in the content videos shared. 
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The reason topics like this one ought to be of most importance to libertarians and ancaps is that they reveal the biggeat hurdles and challenges of a free society. Some groups just won't make it out of it. Jews have enormous power and will always hold on to it unless taken by force, and blacks will not be able to live in a technologically advanced society based on private property. If you haven't noticed, only europeans and even then only a fractions of europeans give one damn about objective morality and freedom. It's no wonder many people involved in the alt right confess to being ex libertarians who saw no path forward left.

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The Alt-Right is a movement that's been around for more than a decade from what I know. It does nothing, it did nothing, and it will do nothing. If they would stop circle-jerking over how white they are for a moment they might actually achieve something. But they don't. They recently got into the mainstream because the Alt-Light accidentally called themselves the same name. Yes, they're so inconsequential nobody even noticed the term "alt-right" was taken.


These people are so incompetent that a gay-greek-jewish-blackophile shitposter has accidentally taken control of their whole "movement".


I have also never met a person that self-identifies as alt-right and is also employed.


Here's the thing. The blacks which bitch about whites achieve nothing. The whites that bitch about jews achieve nothing. The asians and jews are shit out of luck because there's no one else left to blame but themselves which is why they tend to get shit done.

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The Alt-Right is a movement that's been around for more than a decade from what I know. It does nothing, it did nothing, and it will do nothing.


The influence of the alt right in the US presidential election was not trivial. The effects of the past 18 months have energized it in ways that were not available 10 years ago. Richard Spencer is financing a college tour after his lecture in Texas went viral. Dismissing them and mocking them won't make them go away, and it gets stronger every day. People are waking up.

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These people are so incompetent that a gay-greek-jewish-blackophile shitposter has accidentally taken control of their whole "movement".



You are seriously misinformed if you think that Milo controls the Alt Right.


The whites that bitch about jews achieve nothing. 


They may stop the Jewish infiltration of White societies. First you have to make people aware that there is a problem, then you can fix it. 



I have also never met a person that self-identifies as alt-right and is also employed.



Congrats, you met your first alt-righter who is also employed.

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The Alt-Right is a movement that's been around for more than a decade from what I know. It does nothing, it did nothing, and it will do nothing. If they would stop circle-jerking over how white they are for a moment they might actually achieve something. But they don't. They recently got into the mainstream because the Alt-Light accidentally called themselves the same name. Yes, they're so inconsequential nobody even noticed the term "alt-right" was taken.


These people are so incompetent that a gay-greek-jewish-blackophile shitposter has accidentally taken control of their whole "movement".


I have also never met a person that self-identifies as alt-right and is also employed.


Here's the thing. The blacks which bitch about whites achieve nothing. The whites that bitch about jews achieve nothing. The asians and jews are shit out of luck because there's no one else left to blame but themselves which is why they tend to get shit done.

No curiosity here at all. 

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The Alt-Right is a movement that's been around for more than a decade from what I know. It does nothing, it did nothing, and it will do nothing. If they would stop circle-jerking over how white they are for a moment they might actually achieve something. But they don't. They recently got into the mainstream because the Alt-Light accidentally called themselves the same name. Yes, they're so inconsequential nobody even noticed the term "alt-right" was taken.


These people are so incompetent that a gay-greek-jewish-blackophile shitposter has accidentally taken control of their whole "movement".


I have also never met a person that self-identifies as alt-right and is also employed.


Here's the thing. The blacks which bitch about whites achieve nothing. The whites that bitch about jews achieve nothing. The asians and jews are shit out of luck because there's no one else left to blame but themselves which is why they tend to get shit done.


I say you should give the gay-greek-jewish-blackophile shitposter a chance.

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You are seriously misinformed if you think that Milo controls the Alt Right.



The people have no idea who the leaders of the alt-Right movement are. The people have no idea there's even a difference between alt-Right and alt-Light. People however have heard about Milo. People however follow Milo's cues on where the movement is going. I know for a fact the alt-Right is butthurt over Milo being branded as its leader and it's wonderful. Milo IS going places, the alt-Light IS going places, and the alt-Right will be HIDING behind their laurels because they're so incompetent and they know that if they don't they'll be left far, far behind.





Congrats, you met your first alt-righter who is also employed.



I have never met you. You might be an actual magical fairy for all I know.



The influence of the alt right in the US presidential election was not trivial. The effects of the past 18 months have energized it in ways that were not available 10 years ago. Richard Spencer is financing a college tour after his lecture in Texas went viral. Dismissing them and mocking them won't make them go away, and it gets stronger every day. People are waking up.

You're confusing alt-Right with alt-Light. Tally up the viewcounts/subscribers of the alt-Right leaders to those of the alt-Light leaders.

Again, this is what bothers me about the alt-Right. They're WEAK. I just checked, Richard Spencer has 31k subscribers on twitter (couldn't find any other outlet of his). Milo has 1.5 MILLION subscribers on facebook and youtube. Add to this the fact that he's an editor of Breitbart which is larger than the New York Times. Add to this that his book is easily selling out Hilary Clinton's book.


It's Milo that has had an influence on the election. It's Milo who's being pushed forward as the face of the alt-Right by the media.

AGAIN, this is what the alt-Right does. They claim influence but never bother to add said influence comes from people outside their movement.



No curiosity here at all. 


No shit. Why would I pay attention to a movement that takes credit for other's work and claim popularity when in reality they have less of an impact than MLP? If what they say has value then let that stand on itself, don't ride the coat tails of others and assume people care about what you have to say just because they have heard the term "alt-right".



I say you should give the gay-greek-jewish-blackophile shitposter a chance.


I love Milo. No homo.

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Milo IS going places, the alt-Light IS going places, and the alt-Right will be HIDING behind their laurels because they're so incompetent and they know that if they don't they'll be left far, far behind.


It's safe to listen to Milo, McInnes and the rest of the bunch. They pretend to be edgy while they don't offer any solutions. 


I have never met you. You might be an actual magical fairy for all I know.



Perhaps not knowing employed people has more to do with you and not with the Alt-Right?

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It's safe to listen to Milo, McInnes and the rest of the bunch. They pretend to be edgy while they don't offer any solutions. 


Yes, Milo, one of the leading figures of gamergate, the movement that drew first blood against PC culture which eventually led to its demise. You're saying he offers no solutions?

Gavin, one of the guys that created Vice and now acts like a figurehead for free speech in the alternative media and mainstream media. You're saying he also offers no solutions?


Remind me again, Mr. Alt-Right... what do YOU do? How are YOU changing the world?




Perhaps not knowing employed people has more to do with you and not with the Alt-Right?


I have never met an alt-righter that's employed and have never met an employee that's alt-right. How's that?



From where I stand the alt-right are the moaners that offer no solutions. It's just the new trendy topic. The shine will wear off and the "movement" will dissolve into what every other movement based on bitching dissolves into: socialism/communism.

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Yes, Milo, one of the leading figures of gamergate, the movement that drew first blood against PC culture which eventually led to its demise. You're saying he offers no solutions?


Oh yeah, ethics in game journalism is the most pressing problem we have in the West right now. Brianna Wu is stil making her shitty games, Sarkeesian also collects money and doesn't make videos. Where is the demise? If you think that attacking SJWs and making fun of them is a solution you are out of your mind. '



Gavin, one of the guys that created Vice and now acts like a figurehead for free speech in the alternative media and mainstream media. You're saying he also offers no solutions?



What are they? 



Remind me again, Mr. Alt-Right... what do YOU do? How are YOU changing the world?




I organise meet up groups in the real world. 



I have never met an alt-righter that's employed and have never met an employee that's alt-right. How's that?



No idea. Perhaps your social circles reflect your personal circumstances. 


From where I stand the alt-right are the moaners that offer no solutions.


White ethno states are the solution. Your perspective is flawed.


will dissolve into what every other movement based on bitching dissolves into: socialism/communism.


There are no Jews in the Alt-Right so this is unlikely.

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Sir, are you classified as "Alt-Right"? "Negative, I am a meat popsicle." (Bruce Willis, 5th Element)


Interesting seeing many of the different right wing groups fight it out. Perhaps to have a more centred view of the world is to be very fortunate. The more left-wing groups seem content to hold onto political power or double down. So much of the economy of the UK seems geared towards people with a more left wing out look or in group preference.


The Alt-right does seem to have its figureheads. The ones mentioned at the beginning having a strong alternate media presence, though maybe there are other people not widely known doing great work behind the scenes. A lot of the Alt-right figures I've never heard of until recently.


Perhaps Hegel wasn't so much of a philosopher, but some sort of herd psychologist.

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The people have no idea who the leaders of the alt-Right movement are. The people have no idea there's even a difference between alt-Right and alt-Light. People however have heard about Milo. People however follow Milo's cues on where the movement is going. I know for a fact the alt-Right is butthurt over Milo being branded as its leader and it's wonderful. Milo IS going places, the alt-Light IS going places, and the alt-Right will be HIDING behind their laurels because they're so incompetent and they know that if they don't they'll be left far, far behind.





I have never met you. You might be an actual magical fairy for all I know.




You're confusing alt-Right with alt-Light. Tally up the viewcounts/subscribers of the alt-Right leaders to those of the alt-Light leaders.

Again, this is what bothers me about the alt-Right. They're WEAK. I just checked, Richard Spencer has 31k subscribers on twitter (couldn't find any other outlet of his). Milo has 1.5 MILLION subscribers on facebook and youtube. Add to this the fact that he's an editor of Breitbart which is larger than the New York Times. Add to this that his book is easily selling out Hilary Clinton's book.


It's Milo that has had an influence on the election. It's Milo who's being pushed forward as the face of the alt-Right by the media.

AGAIN, this is what the alt-Right does. They claim influence but never bother to add said influence comes from people outside their movement.





No shit. Why would I pay attention to a movement that takes credit for other's work and claim popularity when in reality they have less of an impact than MLP? If what they say has value then let that stand on itself, don't ride the coat tails of others and assume people care about what you have to say just because they have heard the term "alt-right".





I love Milo. No homo.

The people have no idea who the leaders of the alt-Right movement are. The people have no idea there's even a difference between alt-Right and alt-Light. People however have heard about Milo. People however follow Milo's cues on where the movement is going. I know for a fact the alt-Right is butthurt over Milo being branded as its leader and it's wonderful. Milo IS going places, the alt-Light IS going places, and the alt-Right will be HIDING behind their laurels because they're so incompetent and they know that if they don't they'll be left far, far behind.





I have never met you. You might be an actual magical fairy for all I know.




You're confusing alt-Right with alt-Light. Tally up the viewcounts/subscribers of the alt-Right leaders to those of the alt-Light leaders.

Again, this is what bothers me about the alt-Right. They're WEAK. I just checked, Richard Spencer has 31k subscribers on twitter (couldn't find any other outlet of his). Milo has 1.5 MILLION subscribers on facebook and youtube. Add to this the fact that he's an editor of Breitbart which is larger than the New York Times. Add to this that his book is easily selling out Hilary Clinton's book.


It's Milo that has had an influence on the election. It's Milo who's being pushed forward as the face of the alt-Right by the media.

AGAIN, this is what the alt-Right does. They claim influence but never bother to add said influence comes from people outside their movement.





No shit. Why would I pay attention to a movement that takes credit for other's work and claim popularity when in reality they have less of an impact than MLP? If what they say has value then let that stand on itself, don't ride the coat tails of others and assume people care about what you have to say just because they have heard the term "alt-right".





I love Milo. No homo.

Negate and dismiss. No arguments. No curiosity. Boring. In return you will be negated and dismissed. Ignored.

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Oh yeah, ethics in game journalism is the most pressing problem we have in the West right now. Brianna Wu is stil making her shitty games, Sarkeesian also collects money and doesn't make videos. Where is the demise? If you think that attacking SJWs and making fun of them is a solution you are out of your mind. '

I was talking about what happened 4 years ago. Now is now. 4 years ago there was no such thing as a migrant crisis.

The US military was unable to push back against marxism (PC culture) yet gamers were. You think that was an unworthy feat?



White ethno states are the solution. Your perspective is flawed.



Are you married to a white?

Do you have white kids?

Do you have a business that only hires whites?

Do you sponsor in any way any whites?

Do you patron white-only businesses?

Are you planning on moving to a white country of which there are plenty?

Are you planning of going into politics in order to push forward a white agenda?



There are no Jews in the Alt-Right so this is unlikely.


Marx might have been a jew but Germany got rid of their jews then descended into socialism much like my own country got rid of its jews and descended into communism. You either have no clue what you're talking about or I mistook your point.



Negate and dismiss. No arguments. No curiosity. Boring. In return you will be negated and dismissed. Ignored.


Funny how the guy that started the thread is also the guy that avoids the conversation and urges others to do the same. Sad !


What are they? 

FDR, Red Eye, Greg Gutfeld Show, Compound Media, Rebel Media, Info Wars, The Joe Rogan Podcast, The Gavin McInnis Show, Sean Hannity.

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Now is now.


Milo et al have achieved nothing. PC culture is as strong as ever, Wu and Sarkeesian and many others are still around. What exactly was the success?


4 years ago there was no such thing as a migrant crisis.


Europeans disagree with that.


You think that was an unworthy feat?


I couldn't care less about games. If you are an adult and see games as something more than a way to pass time you are childish.


Marx might have been a jew


He was. As were most of the Communists in Russia. Read Solzhenitsyn's 200 years together for more info on that topic.


then descended into socialism much like my own country got rid of its jews and descended into communism.


Come on, you can argue better. Which ethnic group made up the majority of the Communist top echelon?



FDR, Red Eye, Greg Gutfeld Show, Compound Media, Rebel Media, Info Wars, The Joe Rogan Podcast, The Gavin McInnis Show, Sean Hannity.



I asked for their specifc solutions.

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Milo et al have achieved nothing. PC culture is as strong as ever, Wu and Sarkeesian and many others are still around. What exactly was the success?


Europeans disagree with that.


I couldn't care less about games. If you are an adult and see games as something more than a way to pass time you are childish.


He was. As were most of the Communists in Russia. Read Solzhenitsyn's 200 years together for more info on that topic.


Come on, you can argue better. Which ethnic group made up the majority of the Communist top echelon?



I asked for their specifc solutions.



I'm from Europe. The migrant crisis is a French, German, British, Swedish problem. That's 4 out of 28 countries. The problem is the EU because those 4 countries seem intent on dragging the rest of the other 24 down with them. This was why Brexit happened in the first place, Germany started telling Britain what to do. Get your facts in order and your chronology straight. If you think there was a migrant crisis 4 years ago in Europe you must have literally been born yesterday.


I wasn't talking about games, I was talking about how gamers exposed and crushed PC culture. Nice try on changing the subject.


Communists/socialists were/are >99% white, if we don't count China and North Korea of course. But nice try on ignoring the rest of my point.


Again, if you're blaming jews for communism/socialism how come communist/socialist countries got rid of their jews first then descended into communism/socialism second?

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I'm from Europe. The migrant crisis is a French, German, British, Swedish problem.


You forgot France, Belgium, Austria, and Sweden.


 If you think there was a migrant crisis 4 years ago in Europe you must have literally been born yesterday.


Nah. Rotherham goes on for some years now. The Nogo areas in major European cities have been around for quite some time.


I wasn't talking about games, I was talking about how gamers exposed and crushed PC culture.


The protagonists of PC culture are doing just fine. What are the consequences of the exposure?



Again, if you're blaming jews for communism/socialism how come communist/socialist countries got rid of their jews first then descended into communism/socialism second?



Because the UK and the US let those countries down during and after WW2. Churchill and Roosevelt traded in Stalin's support for those countries in the conferences of Yalta and Potsdam. 


Communists/socialists were/are >99% white


The USSR was a multicultural society. Around 70% of it's inhabitants were Slavs, the rest were different minorities.

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You forgot France, Belgium, Austria, and Sweden.



The migrant crisis is a French, German, British, Swedish problem.





Nah. Rotherham goes on for some years now. The Nogo areas in major European cities have been around for quite some time.


You're confusing Europe for a country.



The protagonists of PC culture are doing just fine. What are the consequences of the exposure?



There you go at it again. I was talking about cultural marxism (PC culture) and now you're suddenly talking about some specific people which you didn't even bother to mention.





Because the UK and the US let those countries down during and after WW2. Churchill and Roosevelt traded in Stalin's support for those countries in the conferences of Yalta and Potsdam. 




The USSR was a multicultural society. Around 70% of it's inhabitants were Slavs, the rest were different minorities.



Yeah, and much like the slavs all of said minorities were also part of the WHITE RACE.

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There you go at it again. I was talking about cultural marxism (PC culture) and now you're suddenly talking about some specific people which you didn't even bother to mention.



Ok, I get it. You can't answer my question.


You're confusing Europe for a country.



Nice deflection. Could it be that migrants ruin European cities? 






The Soviet Union converted the other countries of eastern Europe into Soviet Satellite states within the Eastern Bloc, such as the People's Republic of Poland, the People's Republic of Bulgaria, the People's Republic of Hungary,[17] the Czechoslovak Republic,[18] the People's Republic of Romania,[19] and the People's Republic of Albania.[20] The Soviets later formed the puppet state of East Germany (officially The German Democratic Republic) from the Soviet zone of German occupation.[21]






100% White phenotype.
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  • 4 weeks later...

Certainly an interesting topic, of which the responses I haven't totally read (yet anyway).


I don't know how valuable my thoughts are in this discussion, as I am by no means a self-sufficient prepper patron-ing  alt-Right-ish groups or building a White ethno-community etc. etc. (yet anyway).


Therefore, as someone who's fresh out of high school and into the working world, I begin;


Based on what I can tell, right-wing thinking has certainly (in moderation) returned to the forefront. While Trump is no ethno-state guy, he is certainly keeping the worst elements of foreigners from entering my country. He may even crack down on existing dangerous elements, which would do us White ethnostate builders some justice.


The JQ has rolled around in my mind for months, and I'd argue my position is relatively the same as Stefan Molyneux's; the Jews are a high-IQ high-in-group preference demographic that has (collectively) a strong social position as the result of generally good and productive behavior, as well as having (as an origin) many Leftist intellectuals from Marx to Lenin (I don't know if he's Jewish but I think he might have a little juice) to Trotsky. Jewish Leftists however aren't the bloodiest; Mao, Hitler, Castro, Stalin etc. have a much bigger rap sheet per each (although I concede it was Jewish intellectuals who set up Stalin and inspired Hitler--however I wouldn't call it a "crime" or something punishable). 


Therefore, while not the model minority East Asians tend to be, I don't really buy into the whole Jewish conspiracy theory (don't get me wrong I know they have powerful lobbies but I doubt they're anymore the cause of the world's problems than any other ethnic group).


On the other hand I could pretty easily make the case that Muslims, Mestizos, and Blacks are generally terrible enough ethnicities that the innocents who'd suffer in persecution become mere statistics in the safe-guarding of the White race.



Now, on current events...


As previous posters said, the alt-Lite (non-racially focuses right-wingers) has brought a lot of progress to the movement and shifted the Overton window, while the alt-Right (racially focused, ranging as moderate as my main man Stefan to as far "extreme" as William Luther Pierce) has fed a lot of the motivation and intellectual content of the alt-Lite. 


To use an analogy; the alt-Right is Marx while the alt-Lite is Lenin. The alt-Right isn't a popular-action movement but rather an intellectual think-tank looking to influence those capable of leading masses of sheeple into doing the right (or wrong) thing. The alt-Lite, ranging from my okay-man Milo Yiannopolous to Mike Cernovich and Donald Trump are the people doing the foot work with some inspiration from the alt-Right.



If we want to make a bigger impact, we must simply dedicate ourselves to positively influencing the doers inn society while building our own projects and slowly building the foundation for a much bigger social change.

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When it comes to examining Jewish power and influence, I don't think there's a grand "Jewish Conspiracy" anymore than I think there's a grand "female conspiracy" when examining female power and influence.

Both David Duke and Kevin MacDonald in their books about the subject of Jewish influence both acknowledge the explanatory value of biology (IQ/group evolutionary strategy) just as Stef when he talks female behavior he acknowledges the value of biology(eggs are scarce and women need resources) in explaining female behavior that's been harmful to the West (voting left/refugees welcome.)



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When it comes to examining Jewish power and influence, I don't think there's a grand "Jewish Conspiracy" anymore than I think there's a grand "female conspiracy" when examining female power and influence.


Both David Duke and Kevin MacDonald in their books about the subject of Jewish influence both acknowledge the explanatory value of biology (IQ/group evolutionary strategy) just as Stef when he talks female behavior he acknowledges the value of biology(eggs are scarce and women need resources) in explaining female behavior that's been harmful to the West (voting left/refugees welcome.)

To be honest, I think Stef figured all this shit out ages ago. But he's so damn efficient at red-pilling your average American that he couldn't possibly afford to talk about the JQ and go all Cantwell on his audience.

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To be honest, I think Stef figured all this shit out ages ago. But he's so damn efficient at red-pilling your average American that he couldn't possibly afford to talk about the JQ and go all Cantwell on his audience.

Stef has indeed cited Kevin MacDonald in The Truth About Immigration ;)

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Remember when Stef did videos called


No Excuse For Female Evil


The Virus of Female Responsibility Avoidance


Why Women Support Socialism


Women, We Need to Talk About Hillary



These are videos wherein Stef examines the facts of female behavior that has played a role in shaping society today . He does this factually and fairly(biology) , but does not hesitate to say when female behavior has been incredibly destructive, which is important to be aware of to anyone who wishes to change society.


It's important to assign accountability in the context of a society that suppresses facts with regards to female behavior and exaggerates male crimes.


Blame is one of these emotionally loaded words that's designed to discourage you from making judgements about particular groups,whether that be parents, immigrants, women, or *gasp* Jews.


I wish I could ban the word blame from rational discourse. But, I can't so I wrote an article about the word instead.




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When it comes to examining Jewish power and influence, I don't think there's a grand "Jewish Conspiracy" anymore than I think there's a grand "female conspiracy" when examining female power and influence.


Both David Duke and Kevin MacDonald in their books about the subject of Jewish influence both acknowledge the explanatory value of biology (IQ/group evolutionary strategy) just as Stef when he talks female behavior he acknowledges the value of biology(eggs are scarce and women need resources) in explaining female behavior that's been harmful to the West (voting left/refugees welcome.)









Really makes me rethink what I had earlier stated about a Jewish conspiracy.


Their power is great, and while some of it certainly comes from their superior genes, the majority comes from how well they've adapted to the hostilities of medieval and early modern Europe. 


No race has been so thoroughly persecuted for centuries to the point where even hidden enclaves in remove valleys would eventually be purged. Combined with other restrictions (in terms of land ownership and enterprise, an endemic problem many Europeans suffered as well for centuries) and persecutions (such as programs) it really shouldn't be a surprise that Jewish genetic quality has flourished as the dumb and weak among them were ruthlessly purged from their gene pool. The result being the modern and strong Jewish race which is capable of keeping a fairly tight though devolved network of interest groups and lobbies that act for the betterment of their race.


We Whites should want to become like the Jews if we ever want to overcome the wheel of history that makes Romes and USSRs an almost inevitability. 


The English, French, Germans, Russians, and Spaniards have all experienced similar persecution from the hands of Vikings, Muslims, and Romans (who themselves had to struggle to dominate their native Italy) and the result were relatively strong and smart races capable of dominating the globe.


However none have been so thoroughly persecuted (and thereby purged of their stupid and weak) as the Jews have. 


And while Jews may not have much in numbers, they more than make up for it in their natural intelligence and racial union. 


While I don't advocate for a millennia-long race-wide White holocaust to trim our numbers , I do advocate for following the Jewish way of prioritizing intelligence and faithfulness in finding wives/husbands as well as looking out for our own ethnic interests.


It may take a few generations, but if we parent peacefully and select each other based on shared values and intellect rather than what makes our Richards hard and cats wet, as well as build our own little network of lobbies and interest groups, we can become like the Jews and eventually build our own Israel. 

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Really makes me rethink what I had earlier stated about a Jewish conspiracy.


Their power is great, and while some of it certainly comes from their superior genes, the majority comes from how well they've adapted to the hostilities of medieval and early modern Europe. 


No race has been so thoroughly persecuted for centuries to the point where even hidden enclaves in remove valleys would eventually be purged. Combined with other restrictions (in terms of land ownership and enterprise, an endemic problem many Europeans suffered as well for centuries) and persecutions (such as programs) it really shouldn't be a surprise that Jewish genetic quality has flourished as the dumb and weak among them were ruthlessly purged from their gene pool. The result being the modern and strong Jewish race which is capable of keeping a fairly tight though devolved network of interest groups and lobbies that act for the betterment of their race.


We Whites should want to become like the Jews if we ever want to overcome the wheel of history that makes Romes and USSRs an almost inevitability. 


The English, French, Germans, Russians, and Spaniards have all experienced similar persecution from the hands of Vikings, Muslims, and Romans (who themselves had to struggle to dominate their native Italy) and the result were relatively strong and smart races capable of dominating the globe.


However none have been so thoroughly persecuted (and thereby purged of their stupid and weak) as the Jews have. 


And while Jews may not have much in numbers, they more than make up for it in their natural intelligence and racial union. 


While I don't advocate for a millennia-long race-wide White holocaust to trim our numbers , I do advocate for following the Jewish way of prioritizing intelligence and faithfulness in finding wives/husbands as well as looking out for our own ethnic interests.


It may take a few generations, but if we parent peacefully and select each other based on shared values and intellect rather than what makes our Richards hard and cats wet, as well as build our own little network of lobbies and interest groups, we can become like the Jews and eventually build our own Israel.


Reminds me of something I said to a friend once like "whites could go very far by adopting the slogan the slogan what would the Jews do? " ;)


There's a lot whites can learn from the experts of culture preservation. But yeah man, I'd highly recommend those books. Particularly Kevin MacDonald's. Really fascinating stuff!

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Reminds me of something I said to a friend once like "whites could go very far by adopting the slogan the slogan what would the Jews do? " ;)


There's a lot whites can learn from the experts of culture preservation. But yeah man, I'd highly recommend those books. Particularly Kevin MacDonald's. Really fascinating stuff!


Will do  :happy:


Though I must say, if I were a Jew, I wouldn't disassociate Jews with Whites given the difference only matters to Jews and Whites, meaning; if Blacks or some other non-White group were to initiate a pogrom against Whites (which has sadly become all too common), the Jews would be targeted as well.


Jews and Whites need to unite, if the Jews want to survive the potential WWIII disaster scenario known as Bosnian-Serbian War Part II: American Edition. 

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Will do  :happy:


Though I must say, if I were a Jew, I wouldn't disassociate Jews with Whites given the difference only matters to Jews and Whites, meaning; if Blacks or some other non-White group were to initiate a pogrom against Whites (which has sadly become all too common), the Jews would be targeted as well.


Jews and Whites need to unite, if the Jews want to survive the potential WWIII disaster scenario known as Bosnian-Serbian War Part II: American Edition. 


The Jews are afraid of what will happen if Whites become nationalistic again.  Last time it turned out badly.

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The Jews are afraid of what will happen if Whites become nationalistic again.  Last time it turned out badly.


Last time Whites were nationalistic? When Whites were nationalists, Jews were doing pretty good as bankers (so long as they could avoid being scapegoated in pogroms).


If you meant socialistic, then yeah I can see your point. Ironically a lot of Jews really want the blood red hammer and sickle to come back and rack another six gorillion (not even counting the Jewish holocausts in the U.S.S.R.)

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