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From the left, I was asked to opine on post-truth, a new meme put out by left academics and journalists that we are now in a 'post-truth' age in which facts are ignored by politicians appealing to people's emotions. More specifically only politicians that are not on the left or from the establishment and more than anyone else it refer to Donald Trump and Nigel Farage.


Russian hacking
Fake news
I'm going the miss the days of truth politics. The days when Tony Blair declared a war without any evidence, when Nick Clegg hoovered up a slumgullion of youngsters by saying he'd block tuition fee rises, when David Cameron offered a 'cast iron' deal on a referendum on the Lisbon treaty, or when the govt. said it would cost £350m to topple Qaddafi, which ended up being £1.75b, which BBC-Sky-News presented as if it was as inconsequential as a new hospital being built. Now everything is Russia, because of assessments and judgement from sources. The Director of National Intelligence released their damming 25 page report today. No evidence, mainly just stills from RT on how they are putting out stuff like anti-fracking content as an attack on the US fracking industry. Many commentators are frothing at the mouth based on their emotions, in complete lack of evidence. Post-truth.
Yet a bunch of academics and journalist who have never had to provide anything of value as money is hauled to and dumped at their feet as the academic institutions they have all but taken over have become overvalued and increasingly useless and the journalists paid out of dwindling funds (The Guardian) or billionaires (WaPo - Jeff Bezos, NYT - Carlos Slim...), as they have to sell off assets and make huge layoffs just to make giant losses, as trust in them craters into single digits, as their comments sections turn against them leading to their annulment, and they loose double-digit percentages of their audience per year; now declare anything they don't like is some new word, because of their feelings, in lack of evidence. Post-truth.
The biggest instance of post-truth latched onto is the claim "we send £350 million a week", which is 100% accurate. Yes, there is more to the story than that, that about £100m comes back, which was debated constantly during the run up to the referendum. If people weren't engaged enough to be informed of that, maybe they could have been filled in with likes of:
Brexit will mean little England with no special relationship with US: http://tinyurl.com/z8qj4pp
Brexit could trigger the end of western civilisation: http://tinyurl.com/zenlk4v
Brexit could trigger war and genocide: http://tinyurl.com/zth5xke
[From one of the few non-hysterical voices at TG]
Or the multitude of dire imminent and long-term economic predictions. All based on feelings; no evidence was provided. Post-truth.
And the same has been rolled out for Trump. Emotional hysteria pumped out by the fake news media has the disabled, blacks, Jews, Hispanics and gays running around worrying that they are about to be carted off to concentration camps at any minute, based on nothing grounded in reality. It doesn't matter that he has eight Jewish grand-children, ran on the most most pro-gay platform ever, did this: http://tinyurl.com/hkdvz4win the Republican Party in which doing so means lost votes, and has/had numerous high profile relations with the likes of Don King, Mike Tyson and Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr. It doesn't matter, because some site said someone who ran some site conceived of in Israel, founded by a Jew, disproportionately staffed by Jews, with an office in Israel and unapologetically pro-Israel is a white supremacist and anti-Semite. Post-truth.
This post-truth meme has been pushed by the left (def: collectivist, favour certain identity groups over others). However, the largest study of personalities using one of the most lauded personality tests found that Democrats are considerably more prone to making decisions based on emotions, while Republicans are to smaller extent more likely to make decisions based on thinking, Libertarians are twice as likely to make decisions based on thinking as opposed to emotion, while Green Party supporters (the far left in many cases) are twice as likely to make decisions on emotion as opposed to thinking.
Study - Liberals are more emotional than conservatives:
Women, who are more emotional, are more likely to be Democrat:
Yet we are now told it's all reactionary right-wing bigots that are frothing at the mouth acting on emotions. This is based on emotions, not evidence. Post-truth.
This is why you will see Rand Paul (Libertarian-R, KY) give a ten hour speech in the senate, presenting facts; and Bernie Sanders (Socialist-I, VT) get up and say "White people don't know what it means to be poor in this county.", before a couple of thugs steal his mic and he shrinks into the background.
- Immigration is a net-negative in immediate terms (ONS stats)
+ Racist! Divisive!
+ Fake news!
+ Post-truth!
/ We should have compassionate immigration even if people don't economically add to our country (emotional decision, gaining moral high ground without paying the price [tax] - narcissism)
- We have no idea how we are going to pay pensions in thirty plus years (ONS report)
+ Fake news!
/ Don't worry about it
- We can't afford to be the international health service (basic maths)
+ Racist! Divisive! Stigmatising people who are ill!
Nothing can be considered with emotion. You can't look into the past, or future; you can't consider anything in the present. Emotions are subjective and relative only to yourself. This is why whatever the left (def. above) gets hold of is destroyed.
- Once internationally acclaimed newspapers being ran into the ground, loss of trust
- Higher education: decline; more government involvement in US has skyrocketed tuition fees, producing people who are increasingly mentally and practically less able to survive in the world; unemployment and low quality employment among degree holders up; useless professors who can't be fired and never have to react to any real-world forces
- States schools: US- highest spent per capita in the world but slipping further down OECD education rankings, stagnation
- Pensions: unsustainable
- National health service: unsustainable
- Twitter: stock sent into the toilet because of CEO's feelings
You can't socialise nothing. And right now, we don't have much more to socialise. If there were actual austerity, it would take 30-60 years to pay off public and private debt. This is what we have been gifted by the emotions of the left - the bill for past consumption. Very moral.
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Nothing has changed, the media has always been about narrative and propaganda over truth. Always. What happened is that they can no longer hold any legitimacy thanks to the internet and the historic evidence of their constant deception - so instead of growing human decency, they peddle the idea of post truth. But it's post nothing since there was never truth to begin with. Don't keep falling into their narrative.

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Nothing has changed, the media has always been about narrative and propaganda over truth. Always. What happened is that they can no longer hold any legitimacy thanks to the internet and the historic evidence of their constant deception - so instead of growing human decency, they peddle the idea of post truth. But it's post nothing since there was never truth to begin with. Don't keep falling into their narrative.


So... hack at the revenue source since thats all they understand Yes? :) (And advice friends and aquiuntaces to do the same, ignore and ablock and remain skeptical)

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But at least I know there's still hope and we'll do anything to make the world great again. :) Am I right guys?




They can no longer hold any legitimacy thanks to the internet and the historic evidence of their constant deception - so instead of growing human decency, they peddle the idea of post truth. But it's post nothing since there was never truth to begin with. Don't keep falling into their narrative.

It's beautiful to watch. Creative destruction.

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If nothing can be considered emotionally does that apply to everyone? If so, then even those on the left can't actually be considering things emotionally. So then what are they doing? Not doing a great job of rationally considering something? 


Also, isn't curiosity an emotion? Isn't curiosity the pre-cursor to rational consideration? 

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