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Dealing With Irrational Hatred Of Blacks Coming From Alt-Right White Supremacists


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Recently on Stefan's YouTube channel I got into a scuffle that I must admit I was not proud of. For the sake of privacy I will not furnish this individuals name but he was quite irrational in his hatred of other human beings. I understand that African Americans coming from Sub Saharan Africa clearly do not have the highest IQ quotas because I have heard Stefan make the case repeatedly and compellingly. What is irritating is that most people in his comments are not interested in finding solutions whatsoever. When Stefan expresses his frustration he at least puts forward educated speculation as to what the root cause could be and offers concrete solutions. He also consistently makes the case for the NAP and peaceful parenting which I have been disseminating and articulating like my life depended on it through Facebook, Instagram, Gab, Minds, Twitter, and YouTube. These people did not have the same dedication to reason and evidence as Stefan does. I guess my question boils down to this, is it worth spending my time trying to persuade these people? I find myself often being dragged down to their level because I feel like I must defend my integrity. Have I become irrational? Feedback is greatly appreciated.  

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From dipping into the corpus of literature on IQ, it does appear that 'black' people are genetically predisposed to lower IQs (Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study, Eyferth study). There is an overview here:


However, environmental factors are obviously a large contributor. The IQ of students in the main areas of China, Hong Kong and Singapore is about 110 (i.e. about 50% of people can pursue professional careers), but a study students from the UK found that people from the same region only have an IQ of about 101, while, if I remember correctly, native, white British people came top with about 102, at least out of any major group.

I don't think there is any question that the reason for this ~9 point IQ gap (which is societally transformative) is due to the more strict and drilled education system in East Asia. Thus there is probably little genetic difference that drives white and East Asian IQ. The slight gap between East Asian and white IQ in the U.S. is likely due to the white, southern culture arsing from a large number of criminals who were transported to the colonies in the 1700s.

As for blacks in the U.S., it is fairly obvious that the culture of guns, drugs, money, broken families etc. has a significant effect on IQ. The UK study referenced above found that the average IQ of people who received state subsidy for their school meals was 92, while the average IQ of private school pupils was 112. It's probably likely that the people who have state-paid meals are genetically predisposed to low IQs. My experience from being in school with these people is that they were more likely to be from single mother homes, victims of domestic violence etc. - the same things you find in higher proportions among U.S. blacks.

If you consider Africa, where many countries have an average IQ of less than 70, it's not really a surprise considering the lack of or poor quality of education, high levels of domestic violence and so on. Sub-70 IQs are the mean where these people will regress to, it's the mean for their environment.

My conclusion is that increases in IQ capacity probably happen slowly over time. If you look at reports on IQ by occupation, clergy come high up. If you were to test the IQs of people who are descendants of families that have a long history of being Church of England clergy, I imagine you would find they have abnormally high IQs as they have been receiving the best education for hundreds of years. The same theory has been applied to Ashkenazi Jews, though I am fairly sure that long-standing CoE families would excel above them.

It seems clear that increasing the intelligence for all hinges on education and culture and its clear that left parties are incapable of results here and if anything have a responsibility for poor education and degenerative culture. I'm fairly sure that if you could take U.S. blacks out of a thug life setting and place them in the Singapore school system, IQs would increase dramatically. New methods need to be explored and methods that work spread, but the current state-dominated education system has killed innovation and led to decline.

As for dealing with alt-right white supremacists, as with any mind-set with entrenched views it will be difficult to have any impact based on a few online exchanges. We can't know the sum of inputs that has led to people's conclusions. I don't think its useless to engage with them though, but nothing could be gained from escalating an insult match with them. If people such as yourself keep defying their expectations and presenting them with information and ways of looking at things which contradicts them, it could change them. Consider the bewilderment tactic:

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I don't know exactly who said it first but you can't reason out somebody from a position they didn't reason themselves into.


This is what the Alt-Right is. I have said it many times before and got a lot of flack even in this forum. They have been around for more than a decade to my knowledge, all they do is bitch about other races, and they recently got into the spotlight because of the counter culture referred to now as the Alt-Light. They claim credit for other people's work, including Stefan's work. 


They have no principles, just prejudice against all races except whites. They say whites deserve a white ethnostate (of which there are plenty) because they're being oppressed. Fair enough. This anti-black hatred is just a smoke screen. It's easy to scapegoat blacks because there are so many instances of blacks being violent caught on camera. But if their principle is less violence = better society, then surely they would support the least violent races like asians and jews. They don't. They say they don't want low IQ populations. Fair enough. Then you hear them talk about how problematic jews are. No principles, just rationalizations after the fact.


I wouldn't worry about them because like I've said, they've been around for years and really didn't do much if anything to further their agenda whatever it may be. You're just noticing them now because they have gotten brazen due to the popularity and approval of the Alt-Light. As a general rule I try to follow, I never try to persuade people which aren't really affecting change in the real world. I don't know how well you can gauge that about a person from a social media account.

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There is a solution: Freedom of association. There is a stronger solution: Strong separation into nation states. But you know why blacks don't want that. They can't survive on their own without whitey, but they must also guilt white people into giving them social programs. I will say however, that there is no such thing as an irrational hatred. Most people who have lived amongst blacks have enough empirical evidence to support their disdain. Negating their experiences and calling them irrational is itself an unthinking conditioned response.

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There is a solution: Freedom of association. There is a stronger solution: Strong separation into nation states. But you know why blacks don't want that. They can't survive on their own without whitey, but they must also guilt white people into giving them social programs. I will say however, that there is no such thing as an irrational hatred. Most people who have lived amongst blacks have enough empirical evidence to support their disdain. Negating their experiences and calling them irrational is itself an unthinking conditioned response.

What's your opinion on jews?

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From dipping into the corpus of literature on IQ, it does appear that 'black' people are genetically predisposed to lower IQs (Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study, Eyferth study). There is an overview here:




However, environmental factors are obviously a large contributor. The IQ of students in the main areas of China, Hong Kong and Singapore is about 110 (i.e. about 50% of people can pursue professional careers), but a study students from the UK found that people from the same region only have an IQ of about 101, while, if I remember correctly, native, white British people came top with about 102, at least out of any major group.

Hong Kong and Singapore are far more competitive in nature, so it was predominantly the less intelligent Chinese that left those regions to come live in welfare states. Even red China has more competition and less of a welfare state than the UK.


I don't think there is any question that the reason for this ~9 point IQ gap (which is societally transformative) is due to the more strict and drilled education system in East Asia. Thus there is probably little genetic difference that drives white and East Asian IQ. The slight gap between East Asian and white IQ in the U.S. is likely due to the white, southern culture arsing from a large number of criminals who were transported to the colonies in the 1700s.


Another thing to consider are the standards of "whiteness" in the US. Just look at some of the criminals described as "white males".


It seems clear that increasing the intelligence for all hinges on education and culture and its clear that left parties are incapable of results here and if anything have a responsibility for poor education and degenerative culture. I'm fairly sure that if you could take U.S. blacks out of a thug life setting and place them in the Singapore school system, IQs would increase dramatically. New methods need to be explored and methods that work spread, but the current state-dominated education system has killed innovation and led to decline.


IQs wouldn't increase because of the education system but because all the blacks too unintelligent to function within the system wouldn't be allowed to live off the money of the people who do, and if they choose to turn to crime Singapore probably wouldn't be as gentle as the west is.



Recently on Stefan's YouTube channel I got into a scuffle that I must admit I was not proud of. For the sake of privacy I will not furnish this individuals name but he was quite irrational in his hatred of other human beings. I understand that African Americans coming from Sub Saharan Africa are clearly do not have the highest IQ quotas because I have heard Stefan make the case repeatedly and compellingly. What is irritating is that most people in his comments are not interested in finding solutions whatsoever. When Stefan expresses his frustration he at least puts forward educated speculation as to the root cause could be and offers concrete solutions. He also consistently makes the case for the NAP and peaceful parenting which I have been disseminating and articulating like my life depended on it through Facebook, Instagram, Gab, Minds, Twitter, and YouTube. These people did not have the same dedication to reason and evidence as Stefan does. I guess my question boils down to this, is it worth spending my time trying to persuade these people? I find myself often being dragged down to their level because I feel like I must defend my integrity. Have I become irrational? Feedback is greatly appreciated.  

I think you'll find that many of those people are interested in finding solutions, they're just well aware that coexistence isn't one.

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Recently on Stefan's YouTube channel I got into a scuffle that I must admit I was not proud of. For the sake of privacy I will not furnish this individuals name but he was quite irrational in his hatred of other human beings. I understand that African Americans coming from Sub Saharan Africa are clearly do not have the highest IQ quotas because I have heard Stefan make the case repeatedly and compellingly. What is irritating is that most people in his comments are not interested in finding solutions whatsoever. When Stefan expresses his frustration he at least puts forward educated speculation as to the root cause could be and offers concrete solutions. He also consistently makes the case for the NAP and peaceful parenting which I have been disseminating and articulating like my life depended on it through Facebook, Instagram, Gab, Minds, Twitter, and YouTube. These people did not have the same dedication to reason and evidence as Stefan does. I guess my question boils down to this, is it worth spending my time trying to persuade these people? I find myself often being dragged down to their level because I feel like I must defend my integrity. Have I become irrational? Feedback is greatly appreciated.  


Wuzzums got it:  like almost everyone else, the Alt-Right lacks principle, in particular the principle of human creativity, of humans being individually made in the image of God. Without this principle and others like it, we are, in principle, merely vicious, squabbling, and warring animals, with nothing but our base passions to guide us, whether hate, fear, sadism, or that quiet desperation so prevalent among White people that welcomes death.


The Alt-Right has an axiom, the 14 Words of White conservation.  But this is not a principle, because it is not universal.  The Alt-Right sees something valuable--the White race--being threatened with destruction and dissolution, and that invokes a mixture of fear, rage, and delight-in-possession (i.e., possession of elements of Whiteness, such as prototypically a White wife and children).  But these are animal emotions, they lack the complexity and nuance that principled thought expects and induces.


Blacks are human, that's the revelation.  They may be "Blacks" in technical talk, but, they are, more strictly speaking, Black people, and recognising that is a problem for the Alt-Right, which views such recognition as weakening their mission.  Alt-Right members may admit to a single human species on the side, but officially they don't have the confidence in their mission that a dedication to principle would give them.  As one film character put it, "This is a Romantic movement, it always has been."  That is the heart of its anti-Christianity which denies man is imago viva Dei, or made in the image of God.


The question is, can the Alt-Right and its periphery, which harbours many goodhearted and useful people, survive the shift from one "operating system" ("steel-like romanticism") to another ("imago viva Dei") without being gutted of its purpose, its manpower, and its insights into the nature of human society, White society, and the ongoing "soft" genocidal push to wipe out the West.

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What's your opinion on jews?


There's the normie jew, the jews as a collective, and the elite jews. The normies, whatever, normal people. They have their quirks like all. The collective, as weird as mormons probably. The elites that control the media/banking/deep state/globalism/nwo is where you start wondering why most of the people in those groups emit echo. But whether they should be allowed in a white ethno-state or something like that is up to the people who are making that really difficult transition themselves. Some say no, some say yes. Most jews are not involved in any weird shenanigans like that, so I wouldn't offer resistance to it for that reason. Removing criminal blacks, muslims, and latinos is far more important. It's when you see the same jews that deny refugees in Israel, but are sending boats and receiving people at the shores of Europe where you notice there inconsistencies with what they preach to others and what they actually do for them. Then there's other jews like Trump's son in law and Stephen Miller where it's like, sure, America First as long as Israel gets to keep his strongest ally. A lot of people would shut up about the jews if they didn't have that double standard like the Trump team did.

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There's the normie jew, the jews as a collective, and the elite jews. The normies, whatever, normal people. They have their quirks like all. The collective, as weird as mormons probably. The elites that control the media/banking/deep state/globalism/nwo is where you start wondering why most of the people in those groups emit echo. But whether they should be allowed in a white ethno-state or something like that is up to the people who are making that really difficult transition themselves. Some say no, some say yes. Most jews are not involved in any weird shenanigans like that, so I wouldn't offer resistance to it for that reason. Removing criminal blacks, muslims, and latinos is far more important. It's when you see the same jews that deny refugees in Israel, but are sending boats and receiving people at the shores of Europe where you notice there inconsistencies with what they preach to others and what they actually do for them. Then there's other jews like Trump's son in law and Stephen Miller where it's like, sure, America First as long as Israel gets to keep his strongest ally. A lot of people would shut up about the jews if they didn't have that double standard like the Trump team did.

So these problematic elite jews you speak of. Do they control the Fed? Congress? White House? Disney? What about the whites in power? Can they do no wrong or are all their mistakes the fault of jews?

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then surely they would support the least violent races like asians and jews. They don't. They say they don't want low IQ populations. Fair enough. Then you hear them talk about how problematic jews are. No principles, just rationalizations after the fact.

Good point. I have seen these people posting a lot of memes, for example depicting Donald Trump as an SS officer, placing Bernie Sanders (Jew) in a gas chamber. They don't even/know care that all of Trump's eight grand-children are Jewish. Not very well informed or fact-based.


Hong Kong and Singapore are far more competitive in nature, so it was predominantly the less intelligent Chinese that left those regions to come live in welfare states. Even red China has more competition and less of a welfare state than the UK.


Is there any evidence for this? When groups come into the west and they have significantly higher IQs than their native country it's cast as they are the best from that country, for example India: 82 to 97.x (UK students, it was higher among non-Muslim Indians). And in the case of East Asians it's because they were not smart enough for their home country.

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So these problematic elite jews you speak of. Do they control the Fed? Congress? White House? Disney? What about the whites in power? Can they do no wrong or are all their mistakes the fault of jews?


Are these rhetorical questions? You don't know the Fed is owned by jews? Disney? Congress? It's not that if it were run by whites there would be no wrong, it's that it would be their wrong to own. Being controlled by a foreign interest is always worse.

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Are these rhetorical questions? You don't know the Fed is owned by jews? Disney? Congress? It's not that if it were run by whites there would be no wrong, it's that it would be their wrong to own. Being controlled by a foreign interest is always worse.


Well you're at an impasse which should really make you ask some fundamental questions.



These institutions are indeed controlled by the jewish cabal 

These institutions are institutions in a white majority country.

We know they didn't take control of them by force so doesn't it stand to reason whites are just incompetent?



These institutions should be controlled by whites because they're in a white majority country.

There are PLENTY of white countries out there controlled by whites, from the banks to the government to whatever.

How come the white countries where the elite are jews are faring far, far better than the white countries where the elite are whites?



You complain about blacks vilifying whites because whites run the country.

You complain about jews for running the country.

So how come when blacks complain about their overlords it's illegitimate but you complaining about your overlords is legitimate?



How come there are no jews in communist/socialist countries?



Hong Kong, South Korea, South Africa, India, Canada, Australia, Austria, New Zealand. These were or are controlled by foreign interests.

Are you still willing to say that being controlled by a foreign interest is always worse?

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Well you're at an impasse which should really make you ask some fundamental questions.



These institutions are indeed controlled by the jewish cabal 

These institutions are institutions in a white majority country.

We know they didn't take control of them by force so doesn't it stand to reason whites are just incompetent?



These institutions should be controlled by whites because they're in a white majority country.

There are PLENTY of white countries out there controlled by whites, from the banks to the government to whatever.

How come the white countries where the elite are jews are faring far, far better than the white countries where the elite are whites?



You complain about blacks vilifying whites because whites run the country.

You complain about jews for running the country.

So how come when blacks complain about their overlords it's illegitimate but you complaining about your overlords is legitimate?



How come there are no jews in communist/socialist countries?



Hong Kong, South Korea, South Africa, India, Canada, Australia, Austria, New Zealand. These were or are controlled by foreign interests.

Are you still willing to say that being controlled by a foreign interest is always worse?


1- The Fed was a voluntary act? Are you saying that with a straight face? - On the other institutions, jews have a way of infiltrating them slowly and taking over them. Just because you didn't steal a media company it makes right everything you do after it. Say, like having 24 hour liberal propaganda on every channel. I wonder why Europeans are so eager to become extinct?


2- I don't have any specific examples. It's such a broad point that it might as well mean nothing. You first have to justify having an occupied government by a foreign interest. The null position is that the native people of the country in a republic have self determination. Otherwise you're advocating de facto colonialism. But I guess you're fine with it if it's jewish. When whites do it oh no it's so baaad.


3- Because blacks are wrong in reality, not in your strawman. They blame whites (jews included, since they can't tell them apart) for all their problems. When in reality, blacks are incapable of succeeding in a free market competition with asians, whites, and jews because they are that much more intelligent and civilized. Whites don't say, instead, that jews took their wealth and that they were kangz. Whites say that jews are promoting the multiculturalism and globalism that is destroying their countries and culture. Big difference. Such weak sophistry, tbh.


4- Jews invented and propagated communism. Also, see who runs the central banks in those non jewish socialists countries.


5- What, the British Empire? A colony of the same people is not the same (canada, australia, new zealand, south africa). What kind of asinine objection is that? Well I guess the Indians loved it when white imperialists took over and never protested and asked for their independence. They should just see themselves as incompetent!

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They have no principles, just prejudice against all races except whites. They say whites deserve a white ethnostate (of which there are plenty) because they're being oppressed. Fair enough. This anti-black hatred is just a smoke screen. It's easy to scapegoat blacks because there are so many instances of blacks being violent caught on camera.

Scapegoat? So you're saying that blacks aren't more violent?


They don't. They say they don't want low IQ populations. Fair enough.

For the most part they say they don't want non-white populations.


But if their principle is less violence = better society, then surely they would support the least violent races like asians and jews.  Then you hear them talk about how problematic jews are. No principles, just rationalizations after the fact.

Asians aren't a less violent race, it's just that the west has thus far attracted the less violent ones. And even those overwhelmingly vote for more government. 75 % of Jews in the US vote left, and that number is probably way lower than it is any country in the world besides Israel. How exactly are these groups which want to expand the state "least violent"?



Is there any evidence for this? When groups come into the west and they have significantly higher IQs than their native country it's cast as they are the best from that country, for example India: 82 to 97.x (UK students, it was higher among non-Muslim Indians). And in the case of East Asians it's because they were not smart enough for their home country.

Is it not just common sense that different economic systems churn out different economic migrants?

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1- The Fed was a voluntary act? Are you saying that with a straight face? - On the other institutions, jews have a way of infiltrating them slowly and taking over them. Just because you didn't steal a media company it makes right everything you do after it. Say, like having 24 hour liberal propaganda on every channel. I wonder why Europeans are so eager to become extinct?


Did I ever say the Fed is not the initiation of force?


You mistook my point completely.



2- I don't have any specific examples. It's such a broad point that it might as well mean nothing. You first have to justify having an occupied government by a foreign interest. The null position is that the native people of the country in a republic have self determination. Otherwise you're advocating de facto colonialism. But I guess you're fine with it if it's jewish. When whites do it oh no it's so baaad.



No, I don't have to justify anything regarding foreign interests because I wasn't talking about foreign interests. I was talking about jews in power. This might BLOW YOUR MIND but you can be a jew, a citizen of a country, and in a position of power in said country AT THE SAME TIME.



3- Because blacks are wrong in reality, not in your strawman. They blame whites (jews included, since they can't tell them apart) for all their problems. When in reality, blacks are incapable of succeeding in a free market competition with asians, whites, and jews because they are that much more intelligent and civilized. Whites don't say, instead, that jews took their wealth and that they were kangz. 



There's the normie jew, the jews as a collective, and the elite jews. (...)The elites that control the media/banking/deep state/globalism/nwo is where you start wondering why most of the people in those groups emit echo.


You don't know the Fed is owned by jews? Disney? Congress?


1- The Fed was a voluntary act? Are you saying that with a straight face? - On the other institutions, jews have a way of infiltrating them slowly and taking over them. Just because you didn't steal a media company it makes right everything you do after it. Say, like having 24 hour liberal propaganda on every channel. I wonder why Europeans are so eager to become extinct?



Congratulations, you played yourself.




4- Jews invented and propagated communism. Also, see who runs the central banks in those non jewish socialists countries.



You seem to be under the impression you answered my question. You might have answered A question, but what I asked was:




How come there are no jews in communist/socialist countries?




5- What, the British Empire? A colony of the same people is not the same (canada, australia, new zealand, south africa). What kind of asinine objection is that? Well I guess the Indians loved it when white imperialists took over and never protested and asked for their independence. They should just see themselves as incompetent!


South Korea.

Hong Kong.



Never heard South Korea complain about the US.

Heard Hong Kong complain about the lack of British rule.


Again. I was calling you on your bullshit. You said "always". You can either retract it like a normal person would when proven wrong or dig yourself deeper. You might need a shovel, though. 

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How come there are no jews in communist/socialist countries?


Coming from a formerly socialist country, this is just plain false - and most that did leave didn't do so because of socialism but the wars that came due to its collapse.


Russia and Ukraine are good examples - look at how prominent they were in the party leadership, and how numerous they are among today's oligarchs.

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There is a solution: Freedom of association. There is a stronger solution: Strong separation into nation states. But you know why blacks don't want that. They can't survive on their own without whitey, but they must also guilt white people into giving them social programs. I will say however, that there is no such thing as an irrational hatred. Most people who have lived amongst blacks have enough empirical evidence to support their disdain. Negating their experiences and calling them irrational is itself an unthinking conditioned response.

That's what I am working towards as well, Free Market Capitalism. I know that it is possible with enough dedication. Of course I empathize with the White people who are experiencing hardship. But it is not just whites who are under attack here. The Prison Industrial Complex eats Blacks alive. Propaganda and "tough on crime" rhetoric spoken by Nixon and Reagan played a very big role in turning the Black community into what it is now. The documentary 13th on Netflix explores this very real phenomena. It used to be different back in the 50's and 60's before huge government got involved and tried to "help" and it can be different again. The disdain against Whites is also not entirely unwarranted here. Just as the fringes of the Alt-Right do not speak for the entire movement, so too do the fringes of BLM not speak for the entire movement. BLM does not mean only Black lives matter just that they matter in addition to everyone else. The narrative that has been built up that takes words and actions associated with a few individuals and then says that speaks for the whole movement is irrational. I believe both movements share the same end goal, reducing the massive influence and power of the of the government. I think we have all gone through too much ridiculous racism both black and white for anyone to want to try and grab the power of the State. The problem is that the radicals on both sides have polarized and disenfranchised the centrists. I am not accusing you of doing this btw. I just want the hatred to stop. 

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Coming from a formerly socialist country, this is just plain false - and most that did leave didn't do so because of socialism but the wars that came due to its collapse.


Russia and Ukraine are good examples - look at how prominent they were in the party leadership, and how numerous they are among today's oligarchs.

Coming from a formerly communist country what I said stands true.

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Coming from a formerly communist country what I said stands true.

Yeah, I get that this wasn't really an argument. But you seem to presume that WWII made all the Jews in eastern Europe disappear (which isn't true) and that the rise of communism was a result of local action rather than just a system installed by the occupying Red Army. And the prominence of Jews in Bolshevik Russia is indisputable, as is their over-representation in the communist grab for power in Germany.

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Did I ever say the Fed is not the initiation of force?


You mistook my point completely.


What point, about incompetence? I adressed that when I said how jews take over organizations. It's a parasitical process. If you get leeches on you, you're not incompetent, that's just what leeches do. The last time whites were very competent in removing their parasites everyone got very upset at that.


No, I don't have to justify anything regarding foreign interests because I wasn't talking about foreign interests. I was talking about jews in power. This might BLOW YOUR MIND but you can be a jew, a citizen of a country, and in a position of power in said country AT THE SAME TIME.


Jews -are- a foreign interest. Why don't you get that? Do you think not that jews are a foreign nation, a different race altogether, and that they have Israeli interests in mind? Being a citizen of a country is not the same as belonging to a nation. Nation and country are different things.



Congratulations, you played yourself.


False. Blacks are poor and they blame whites and they're wrong about it. Whites are not poor, and they don't blame jews for their poverty. They blame jews for taking control of their nations, foreign lobbies, multiculturalism, and their delight at the thought of white replacement - and they are right about it. The interest most invested in the multikult of the west is the jews. This point is extremely clear.


Again. I was calling you on your bullshit. You said "always". You can either retract it like a normal person would when proven wrong or dig yourself deeper. You might need a shovel, though. 


It is always preferable to have self determination of your nation. That is what is natural, peaceful, and the default position. If a country -asks to be controlled by a foreign nation- that is a voluntary decision, an act of self determination. If a foreign nation takes over a country using subversion, parasitism, propaganda, and economic manipulation, that is an invasion, not a sovereign act between countries. Your rhetoric isn't welcome, spare the shovel. Make an argument.


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What point, about incompetence? I adressed that when I said how jews take over organizations. It's a parasitical process. If you get leeches on you, you're not incompetent, that's just what leeches do. The last time whites were very competent in removing their parasites everyone got very upset at that.


There are degenerate leeches in all the races. If it's not a jew leeching off (talking about government here) then it will be a white leeching off. And if it's a white leeching off will you be arguing against "the white problem"?

Now you get my point?

I'm calling you on your consistency. I'm trying to see if there's a principle behind what you're saying or just plain prejudice.






Jews -are- a foreign interest. Why don't you get that? Do you think not that jews are a foreign nation, a different race altogether, and that they have Israeli interests in mind? Being a citizen of a country is not the same as belonging to a nation. Nation and country are different things.




I wonder if you have the guts to say this in Northern Ireland, or Scotland, or Ukraine, or North Korea, or Pakistan, and so on. It seems to me you're the one equating the interest of nations to the interest of countries.





False. Blacks are poor and they blame whites and they're wrong about it. Whites are not poor, and they don't blame jews for their poverty. They blame jews for taking control of their nations, foreign lobbies, multiculturalism, and their delight at the thought of white replacement - and they are right about it. The interest most invested in the multikult of the west is the jews. This point is extremely clear.





I'm white. I don't blame jews for anything.

The germans are white. They don't blame jews for anything.

Poland is white. They don't blame jews for anything.

France is white. They don't blame jews for anything.

Italy is... I can go on and on.

Has it occurred to you that you're the one complaining about jews and you're falsely extrapolating it to the whole of the white nation?






It is always preferable to have self determination of your nation. That is what is natural, peaceful, and the default position. If a country -asks to be controlled by a foreign nation- that is a voluntary decision, an act of self determination. If a foreign nation takes over a country using subversion, parasitism, propaganda, and economic manipulation, that is an invasion, not a sovereign act between countries. Your rhetoric isn't welcome, spare the shovel. Make an argument.


Again, you said "always" which is blatantly false. Instead of owning up to this obvious mistake you doubled down because you want to save face. My contention was with the logic of the statement not its content.

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I'm calling you on your consistency. I'm trying to see if there's a principle behind what you're saying or just plain prejudice.


Define prejudice first and I will tell you what I believe. Anything else is just an excuse to shout "raayyycisss" like people can't have an objective view. I'm neither white nor jew, and from a third point of view, I see that there are valid complaints. Are there people who also on top of that make fun of jews, sure. That doesn't make the objections invalid. The myth of prejudice is to say that a dislike of a group must be the fault of a lack of thought or reason from the person making the complaint - and that is nothing but liberal drivel. You made the "I'm an individual and I don't complain" when I made an argument about groups. Don't bring anecdotal, individualistic drivel to a battle of collectives.



That's what I am working towards as well, Free Market Capitalism. I know that it is possible with enough dedication. Of course I empathize with the White people who are experiencing hardship. But it is not just whites who are under attack here. The Prison Industrial Complex eats Blacks alive. Propaganda and "tough on crime" rhetoric spoken by Nixon and Reagan played a very big role in turning the Black community into what it is now. The documentary 13th on Netflix explores this very real phenomena. It used to be different back in the 50's and 60's before huge government got involved and tried to "help" and it can be different again. The disdain against Whites is also not entirely unwarranted here. Just as the fringes of the Alt-Right do not speak for the entire movement, so too do the fringes of BLM not speak for the entire movement. BLM does not mean only Black lives matter just that they matter in addition to everyone else. The narrative that has been built up that takes words and actions associated with a few individuals and then says that speaks for the whole movement is irrational. I believe both movements share the same end goal, reducing the massive influence and power of the of the government. I think we have all gone through too much ridiculous racism both black and white for anyone to want to try and grab the power of the State. The problem is that the radicals on both sides have polarized and disenfranchised the centrists. I am not accusing you of doing this btw. I just want the hatred to stop. 


How far are you into human biodiversity? Would you consider yourself a race realist? Have you wondered why Haiti looks like Africa instead of Berlin? The problem with BLM is that it is used a rhetorical weapon to stiffle dialog just as the word racist lost its edge. The moment you start bringing racial issues someone will interject "What, you don't think black lives matter?" and derail everything.

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How far are you into human biodiversity? Would you consider yourself a race realist? Have you wondered why Haiti looks like Africa instead of Berlin? The problem with BLM is that it is used a rhetorical weapon to stifle dialog just as the word racist lost its edge. The moment you start bringing racial issues someone will interject "What, you don't think black lives matter?" and derail everything.

If race realist means Nihilist, then no. The power of education, specifically philosophy, and patience is one that is often underestimated by people with this mindset. Ok so Haiti looks like Africa right now and other African countries are also struggling but so what? Does that mean Capitalism and Western Values can never permeate these regions? I guess I am just not interested in people who simply give up because it seems hopeless. What progress has ever been made with that attitude? Just imagine if the abolitionists had said people would never understand why slavery was wrong and given up on that basis.   

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If race realist means Nihilist, then no. The power of education, specifically philosophy, and patience is one that is often underestimated by people with this mindset. Ok so Haiti looks like Africa right now and other African countries are also struggling but so what? Does that mean Capitalism and Western Values can never permeate these regions? I guess I am just not interested in people who simply give up because it seems hopeless. What progress has ever been made with that attitude? Just imagine if the abolitionists had said people would never understand why slavery was wrong and given up on that basis.   


Well, this point of view that you have comes with assumptions and predictions. That even though you can measure the IQ of a Haitian at 65, you can make him perform at the level of a 130 with enough Western Values and Capitalism and Education. That experiment has been tried multiple times, and it has failed. You really can't do it. The difference between an educated low IQ person, and a high IQ person is that the high IQ person can generate, create, and transmit knowledge. The low IQ can only receive it, but it doesn't have the capacity to create knowledge. Hope is an emotional appeal. I've tried passing through walls, and I just have to accept that the laws of physics prevent me from doing it. It doesn't mean it's "hopeless". It's just the way the world is.

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Well, this point of view that you have comes with assumptions and predictions. That even though you can measure the IQ of a Haitian at 65, you can make him perform at the level of a 130 with enough Western Values and Capitalism and Education. That experiment has been tried multiple times, and it has failed. You really can't do it. The difference between an educated low IQ person, and a high IQ person is that the high IQ person can generate, create, and transmit knowledge. The low IQ can only receive it, but it doesn't have the capacity to create knowledge. Hope is an emotional appeal. I've tried passing through walls, and I just have to accept that the laws of physics prevent me from doing it. It doesn't mean it's "hopeless". It's just the way the world is.


There is the possibility of increasing functionality culturally.  Does anyone believe the British upper classes  have genetic "better breeding" than the lower?


"Whereas, the range of possible behavioral adaptations among the inferior living species, is bounded by the so-called "genetic" characteristics of specific breeds, mankind is distinguished as the only species which can invent and introduce the genetic-like cultural characteristics which distinguish one culture and its current stage of development from others. These distinctions remind us of the process of generation of the ostensibly abiotic periodic table, in the work of Mendeleyev, or the evolutionary emergence of classes and species of living types within the Biosphere. These willful changes in the relatively specific kinds of voluntary behavioral characteristics of persons or entire cultures, should be compared to the choice of a new, distinct set of "definitions, axioms, and postulates" of a synthetic physical geometry, such as that of Bernhard Riemann."

--Lyndon LaRouche (boldface emphasis mine)

The Spirit of Russia's Science

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There is the possibility of increasing functionality culturally. Does anyone believe the British upper classes have genetic "better breeding" than the lower?


"Whereas, the range of possible behavioral adaptations among the inferior living species, is bounded by the so-called "genetic" characteristics of specific breeds, mankind is distinguished as the only species which can invent and introduce the genetic-like cultural characteristics which distinguish one culture and its current stage of development from others. These distinctions remind us of the process of generation of the ostensiblyabiotic periodic table, in the work of Mendeleyev, or the evolutionary emergence of classes and species of living types within the Biosphere. These willful changes in the relatively specific kinds of voluntary behavioral characteristics of persons or entire cultures, should be compared to the choice of a new, distinct set of "definitions, axioms, and postulates" of a synthetic physical geometry, such as that of Bernhard Riemann."

--Lyndon LaRouche (boldface emphasis mine)

The Spirit of Russia's Science

You can teach violin to a jungle savage, but the savage will never invent a violin. And while an advanced civilization can try to educate, they can't change their biology. What's the point of quoting something said before the human genome was analyzed? Before studies of intelligence heritability showed it is predominantly genetic? Before unquestionably unbiased IQ tests show a constant average difference amongst all races? It's as outdated as talking about a flat earth in the 21st century.

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You can teach violin to a jungle savage, but the savage will never invent a violin. And while an advanced civilization can try to educate, they can't change their biology. What's the point of quoting something said before the human genome was analyzed? Before studies of intelligence heritability showed it is predominantly genetic? Before unquestionably unbiased IQ tests show a constant average difference amongst all races? It's as outdated as talking about a flat earth in the 21st century.


Now now, Gauss' contributions to mathematics are not outdated, even if they have been added to.  So with Vernadsky and the concept of the three phase spaces of abiotic, biotic, and noëtic.  Science has foundations, it isn't so revolutionary that today is totally different from and superior to yesterday.  If that were so, why fight the Communists' Year Zero thinking--they're just a revolutionary way of thinking that totally supersedes the old, defunct Western way.


I agree with your implications that we should maintain our national genetic integrity, and that genetics has a lot to do with IQ, but there is a commonality in the world, that of discoveries of principle that, however concentrated as original discoveries in the Western nations, are, as you concede, transmissible, and those transmissions are valuable for those people and for world security as a whole.  The more we can make the Third World function--to play violin--the less people pressure it will put on us.

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Now now, Gauss' contributions to mathematics are not outdated, even if they have been added to. So with Vernadsky and the concept of the three phase spaces of abiotic, biotic, and noëtic. Science has foundations, it isn't so revolutionary that today is totally different from and superior to yesterday. If that were so, why fight the Communists' Year Zero thinking--they're just a revolutionary way of thinking that totally supersedes the old, defunct Western way.


I agree with your implications that we should maintain our national genetic integrity, and that genetics has a lot to do with IQ, but there is a commonality in the world, that of discoveries of principle that, however concentrated as original discoveries in the Western nations, are, as you concede, transmissible, and those transmissions are valuable for those people and for world security as a whole. The more we can make the Third World function--to play violin--the less people pressure it will put on us.

Yeah well, that's what people are calling ze ebil colonialism these days. Very unpopular. Also tried before.

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Yeah well, that's what people are calling ze ebil colonialism these days. Very unpopular. Also tried before.


Yes.  We're hated if we're selfish and do nothing, and we're hated if we try to improve the world, and we're hated if we bend over and take it.  But, other civilised, less Western nations recognise the value in routing around the system of oppression that is destroying us--look at the BRICS nations' alternative financial system, and the New Silk Road project of China with its "win-win" posture for international development.  A sufficient amount of economic development, by nations that are competent enough to handle it, will contribute to world order, and, in principle, to the spread of principle, which is a tide that will lift all boats.  The other half of the equation is damming the other tide.

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That's what I am working towards as well, Free Market Capitalism. I know that it is possible with enough dedication. Of course I empathize with the White people who are experiencing hardship. But it is not just whites who are under attack here. The Prison Industrial Complex eats Blacks alive. Propaganda and "tough on crime" rhetoric spoken by Nixon and Reagan played a very big role in turning the Black community into what it is now. The documentary 13th on Netflix explores this very real phenomena. It used to be different back in the 50's and 60's before huge government got involved and tried to "help" and it can be different again. The disdain against Whites is also not entirely unwarranted here. Just as the fringes of the Alt-Right do not speak for the entire movement, so too do the fringes of BLM not speak for the entire movement. BLM does not mean only Black lives matter just that they matter in addition to everyone else. The narrative that has been built up that takes words and actions associated with a few individuals and then says that speaks for the whole movement is irrational. I believe both movements share the same end goal, reducing the massive influence and power of the of the government. I think we have all gone through too much ridiculous racism both black and white for anyone to want to try and grab the power of the State. The problem is that the radicals on both sides have polarized and disenfranchised the centrists. I am not accusing you of doing this btw. I just want the hatred to stop. 


Racism exists among all groups. It might be more accurate to call it in group preference. However, there are some factors between how whites and non whites express their in group preference that makes whites more vulnerable to claims of racism than most groups.


As a black man, have you ever been accused of being racist against whites from another black? As a white man, simply for stating facts and making arguments for freedom of association, I have been characterized as being sympathetic to anti black racism from other whites. This is sort of peculiar to the white community as I have seen. The dynamic is turned on its head in most other communities, where labeling in group preference as some form of prejudice would mean you're going to get attacked from your in group, viciously so.


So whites viciously self attack for having in group preferences, and other groups viciously attack for not holding an in group preference. So the criticism whites face is far more universal.


It's also important to take note of where the guns are pointed. Who has the force of the state behind them? Generally the worst sort of violence against any group is state violence. Right now blacks are disproportionately benefiting from taxes that whites pay. 90% of crime between the races is blacks on whites due to state forced association. Blacks are over-represented in many institutions because of affirmative action.


Obviously I would never judge the average black American based on BLM, and I would not expect to be judged based on the statements of prejudiced whites. What I find frustrating is any distortion of reality - and as a person who values freedom, I find it frustrating when the groups in society which are more anti-freedom on average are not being shown light on.


Whites are by far the least praising of socialism among all the races. When you say blacks are under attack because of the prison industrial complex, that sounds like a distortion of reality to excuse the choices of blacks, because as far as I understand it there is no proven, consistent bias in the laws of the country that favor whites over blacks. The only specifically racial laws are anti white. When you say whites are worthy of disdain because the growth of government has effected blacks negatively, you are excusing blacks of responsibility. Blacks favor big government over whites consistently and they tend to directly benefit at the moment more than whites, in general.


You simply can't have an honest conversation about race if whites are deserving of disdain for growing government, but blacks are excused from their role as being more consistent supporters of big government.


I don't blame anyone for following incentives they are given. I get why blacks go on welfare if their incomes tend to be lower and their job opportunities crappier (because of lower IQ). I get why dumb women who lack impulse control don't cross their legs if the government is willing to subsidize their choices. I don't necessarily blame people for this, or at least I try not to be shocked. Likewise, I don't blame white politicians for appealing to the socialist tendencies of non whites. 


What I want is for society to be honest about these things. I think that would do a great deal more for every group involved if we were just able to talk honestly about the facts. But as long as whites, blacks, latinos, muslims and politicians don't want to talk about the facts, then all groups will be negatively effected to a degree that could destroy and hollow out the foundation of what has been built over centuries.

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It's also important to take note of where the guns are pointed. Who has the force of the state behind them? Generally the worst sort of violence against any group is state violence. Right now blacks are disproportionately benefiting from taxes that whites pay. 90% of crime between the races is [black on white] due to state forced association. Blacks are over-represented in many institutions because of affirmative action.


Fixed that for you.

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You can teach violin to a jungle savage, but the savage will never invent a violin. And while an advanced civilization can try to educate, they can't change their biology. What's the point of quoting something said before the human genome was analyzed? Before studies of intelligence heritability showed it is predominantly genetic? Before unquestionably unbiased IQ tests show a constant average difference amongst all races? It's as outdated as talking about a flat earth in the 21st century.

Ok so they do not invent anything, but who cares about that? As long as these people are not actively trying to undermine the society I do not see the issue here. And if they do try to do that you remove the problematic elements but keep all the best ones. You cannot just deport all Blacks because they look similar to people from Sub Saharan Africa. That is similar to arguing for expelling all Whites from South Africa because "evil Whitey" It's a ridiculous positron on its face. That is the most irrational thing I have ever heard. We have this thing called self defense and because a lot of people have guns in this country I am 100% certain the undermining of American values by "subhuman" Blacks will never happen. Are you saying that everyone who doesn't invent something is useless? What is your definition of invent? Is it something that can only be done by the highest intellects?  

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Ok so they do not invent anything, but who cares about that? As long as these people are not actively trying to undermine the society I do not see the issue here. And if they do try to do that you remove the problematic elements but keep all the best ones. You cannot just deport all Blacks because they look similar to people from Sub Saharan Africa. That is similar to arguing for expelling all Whites from South Africa because "evil Whitey" It's a ridiculous positron on its face. That is the most irrational thing I have ever heard. We have this thing called self defense and because a lot of people have guns in this country I am 100% certain the undermining of American values by "subhuman" Blacks will never happen. Are you saying that everyone who doesn't invent something is useless? What is your definition of invent? Is it something that can only be done by the highest intellects?  


If every black person in America became a race realist and started looking inwards for their shortcomings instead of blaming everyone else (including the liberal democrats, I'm looking at you Stefan) then that would be a giant step for peaceful relations - but it will never happen. It's important to care 'about that' because having the narrative that everybody is the same and equal and that all differences are due to social oppression do 'undermine the society' as you say. It's a neverending barrage of propaganda being fed to innocent people, white or black, that is highly problematic. Whites feeling guilt and blacks feeling anger. That doesn't happen here in south america where blacks, even if they do commit crimes in larger proportions, are not full of anger and hatred, nor are hispanic colonialists full of hispanic guilt. We also don't have 'american values' that are, let's face it, white people values. That works well for them, but not much for the rest of the world. Actually, it works well for asians and jews too since they are doing better than whites these days. I'm saying that society requires innovation and maintenance. Each generation is a reset from the last one, and birth rates aren't equal. At one point the minorities will out reproduce the high IQ people, and the whole system will implode as low IQ people don't innovate, don't invent, don't create wealth, they just suck resources, vote for more government programs, and want socialism.

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If every black person in America became a race realist and started looking inwards for their shortcomings instead of blaming everyone else (including the liberal democrats, I'm looking at you Stefan) then that would be a giant step for peaceful relations - but it will never happen. It's important to care 'about that' because having the narrative that everybody is the same and equal and that all differences are due to social oppression do 'undermine the society' as you say. It's a neverending barrage of propaganda being fed to innocent people, white or black, that is highly problematic. Whites feeling guilt and blacks feeling anger. That doesn't happen here in south america where blacks, even if they do commit crimes in larger proportions, are not full of anger and hatred, nor are hispanic colonialists full of hispanic guilt. We also don't have 'american values' that are, let's face it, white people values. That works well for them, but not much for the rest of the world. Actually, it works well for asians and jews too since they are doing better than whites these days. I'm saying that society requires innovation and maintenance. Each generation is a reset from the last one, and birth rates aren't equal. At one point the minorities will out reproduce the high IQ people, and the whole system will implode as low IQ people don't innovate, don't invent, don't create wealth, they just suck resources, vote for more government programs, and want socialism.

I hardly think Stefan is allowing Black people to blame everyone else but themselves. Have you seen his recent videos, or any of his content on race? He like I makes the case that Blacks need to start being accountable and have agency for their actions. Those who want to blame everyone else are not doing themselves any favors because nobody in their right mind supports this position or will even want anything to do with those people. Given how historic Trump's victory was I imagine there is never going to be another Regressive Leftist government ever again because all the people who voted for Trump, including me, will as long as we draw breath vote for smaller and smaller government. Of course I cannot know this for sure but I would venture to guess that that is fairly educated speculation. Unless the Left goes through a fundamental shift towards a truly European Classical Liberal ideology they will never again possess the One Ring To Rule Them All. 

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