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This morning I an idea that I thought you'd all have an interesting perspective on.


It was inspired by misreading the title of an article.


Imagine a world where there are people who are genetically modified in respect to having specific genetic qualities selected through an artificial process.


In this world there are regular people like all of us and then there are these superior people who are more efficient in every respect from intelligence to good looks and health.


How would that make you feel about your own identity?


Would you accept your inferiority or would you resent it because the advantage these genetically modified people have over you is a product of artificiality?


If these people, through genetic modification naturally had better odds of selecting their desired partner and having success in general would you feel that your strong but unmodified genetic expression (the qualities that compose your organism) was being dominated in a way that severely threatened your ability to thrive?


If these modified super humans found regular humans unattractive because of incomparable qualities and naturally the superior humans became segregated from the regular organic humans would the superior humans not have a more prosperous society while we continued to wrestle with the randomness of our own predisposed potential?


Would regular humans not feel resentful toward the 'perfect' humans?


Would you feel differently if their superiority was due to some kind of external technological fusion like a micro chip that would affect gene expression?


A kind of technology that in other words is something that can be removed and that requires human labour post birth to implement.


Looking forward to your thoughts!



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There will always be people that will feel resentful towards those who are better, generally we call them communists.

There are people who are content with whom they are and do not feel resentful towards the ones which were more blessed, generally we call them christians.

There are people who are better and choose to indulge themselves with what life has to offer, we call these people entertainment.

There are people who are better and choose to use their gifts for the betterment of mankind, we call these people heroes.

There are people however that find strength through weakness, knowing your limitations makes you prepare to conquer every obstacle, generally we would call such a person Batman.


Thing is about sci-fi plots they're more often than not about the present.


I believe in free will and I thing we have the choice which type of person we want to become.

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Well said. I enjoyed the poetry in your post. I think I'll aspire to be a Batman.


At the very least if I were living in segregation among superhumans my drive to compete would always be operating at full capacity allowing me to access the complete potential of successfully mastering the ability to pursue my interests.


Also, Gattaca looks really cool! Thank you for the recommendation :D

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Well said. I enjoyed the poetry in your post. I think I'll aspire to be a Batman.


At the very least if I were living in segregation among superhumans my drive to compete would always be operating at full capacity allowing me to access the complete potential of successfully mastering the ability to pursue my interests.


Also, Gattaca looks really cool! Thank you for the recommendation :D


Thing is about Batman, he always wins. He's the weakest superhero in the DC universe and has never lost a fight. This is his archetype, human perseverance always prevails.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think they would probably look unattractive to regular people, because they would look fake and artificial by being so perfect. Being imperfect is part of what makes us human.

That reminds me of the Making of Silent Hill 2, where the leader of the project said that he on purpose made the characters imperfect and got non professional dubbers and motion capture people in order for it to be more realistic and for us to be more able to relate to the characters. The guy (named Guy by the way) who dubbed the main character was a business owner for example.

There is also a phenomena which I cannot remember the name (I am terrible at remembering spoken word), whereby when you make a robot with some human features, it looks "cute" and "interesting" up until a certain extent. If you put on a graph whereby going to the right the robot looks more human, it reaches a point where people find it repulsive and scary. If you continue down this trend, however, and go past this repulsive and scary part, people start "liking" the robot again.

In a different tone, when we look at seriously disfigured people and/amputees, most of us get scared, even if we know the person does not present us any danger whatsoever. Reason being that it goes against of what we are used to think of as humans. We usually imagine that humans have two legs, two arms and so on and so forth.

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  • 8 months later...
On 2017-01-12 at 3:24 PM, Wuzzums said:



There will always be people that will feel resentful towards those who are better, generally we call them communists.

There are people who are content with whom they are and do not feel resentful towards the ones which were more blessed, generally we call them christians.

There are people who are better and choose to indulge themselves with what life has to offer, we call these people entertainment.

There are people who are better and choose to use their gifts for the betterment of mankind, we call these people heroes.

There are people however that find strength through weakness, knowing your limitations makes you prepare to conquer every obstacle, generally we would call such a person Batman.


Thing is about sci-fi plots they're more often than not about the present.


I believe in free will and I thing we have the choice which type of person we want to become.

Gattaca was a very accurate representation of the idea, I now own it and have watched it four times. It's SUCH A GOOD MOVIE! Thank you!!! :D

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Rv, the Uncanny Valley

on a spectrum we don't feel threatened by a doll, but as it gets closer to a human, it begins to look similar to a human enough that our mind rebels and tells us something is very wrong... eventually, as something gets closer to perfection tho, them our brain can't distinguish any more and we identify it as normal. 

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