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Christianity – God = Marxism


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Christianity's commandments in a nutshell are love of God, love of neighbour. So, if Christianity defines a society, we might expect both loves in that society to recede as and if Christianity recedes.


Yet, in modern times, this is not so. As love of God recedes, we are left with Marxism, embodying the Christian-sounding maxim of “from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs.” This concept of equality and fairness is by now ingrained into the Western world, and Marxism does a good job of opportunistically filling the void left by the absence of Christianity.


It doesn't matter if particular “social justice” groups style themselves Marxist, all that is needed is a drive toward utopia, a belief in government, and a dismissal of the concerns of “outer space” that predominates Christianity.


Christianity positively defies Marxism by historically serving to defend private property as in Exodus 20:15, to promote the authority of natural law as developed by the Doctors of the Catholic Church, and by putting Caesar in his place in Mark 12:17. Marxism seeks to confiscate property, to deny natural law, and to command total obedience to the government as the source of all law, justice, and progress.


Without Christianity, the engine of social progress grinds on towards the Marxist end-point. It may be thwarted by reactionary efforts, but lacking a profound alternative to allegiance to the government, Marxism holds the moral high ground, and its agents both witting and not have the inertia to see it through. That Marxism contains contradictions that will lead to social disaster is irrelevant; the machine will not stop unless it is stopped.


Why is Christianity the only one to stop it? Simply put, Christianity is symbolised most clearly in the Crucifixion and by extension the Resurrection, which is the defining event of Western civilisation. Without that event, there could be no Karl Marx, for Europe would have degenerated into perennial Oriental barbarism. With it, man is oriented towards principle, towards a self-image as being made in the image of God and therefore possessed of responsibility and worth which culminates in the Judgement.


Thus, every man must become his own Philosopher King ruling his wilful nature and his appetites, in terms of principles of the physical and the artistic-moral, the discovery, assimilation, and transmission of which form the basis for increasing society's power to exist. This is done in the understanding that the universal is rational, under a rational God, and thus mankind's role as caretaker and co-creator is undertaken for the glory of God.


Marxism sidesteps the artistic-moral—all art becomes mere propaganda, all morality descends from Marxist theory--and concentrates purely on the physical, accepting the rational nature of the world on atheistic faith. In a sense, Marxism is the Western counterpart to Buddhism; it doesn't ask why the world ultimately is the way it is, it just wants to kill the pain. And, in this, both are attractive to de-Christianised Western minds.


A proposed alternative to Marxism, namely radical or anarchic Capitalism, suffers from the same defect: It is a painkiller, and its ultimate solution of dispensing with Caesar entirely, is unproven and frightening. To people seeking a painkiller, Marxism, for all its historical horrors, springs æternal.


If we want to avoid Marxism, and instead achieve an abundant and free society, we need to hold onto the Christian worldview, of a rational God, of natural law, of private property, of separating allegiance to God from allegiance to government, and of man being made in God's image, a divine agent for positive change.


Only inside this cocoon can abundance, justice, and freedom emerge. Christian society is not static, it is capable of learning, but the lessons of atheist painkillers will only kill the patient. Thus, we have the principled evolutionary potential for anarchic Capitalism as one facet of a total society, provided it is not reduced to the spare, materialist blunder that is Marxism.

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how do you explain people who are neither Christian nor Marxist?


View it in terms of what is best for humanity, what serves the general welfare of humanity as a whole. The dividing opposition here, behind Christianity and Marxism, is republicanism and oligarchism. Christianity allowed for the republican impulse to be fostered and advanced, the idea that the nations need some manner of government that exists to serve their respective general welfares, in opposition to the rule by the few.*  Marxism pretends to anarchic in goal but in fact always serves the oligarchy. So fit in anyone else, environmentalist, pagan, Moslem, etc., in terms of how well their philosophy advances the interests of mankind.


*From this movement can be plausibly sketched an anarcho-capitalist participality that functions as well as or better than a traditional government.

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View it in terms of what is best for humanity, what serves the general welfare of humanity as a whole. The dividing opposition here, behind Christianity and Marxism, is republicanism and oligarchism. Christianity allowed for the republican impulse to be fostered and advanced, the idea that the nations need some manner of government that exists to serve their respective general welfares, in opposition to the rule by the few.*  Marxism pretends to anarchic in goal but in fact always serves the oligarchy. So fit in anyone else, environmentalist, pagan, Moslem, etc., in terms of how well their philosophy advances the interests of mankind.


*From this movement can be plausibly sketched an anarcho-capitalist participality that functions as well as or better than a traditional government.


You realize that's not an answer to my question right?  The premise is that without Christianity, Marxism.  I point to many people who are neither.  So that's a problem with your argument.

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You realize that's not an answer to my question right?  The premise is that without Christianity, Marxism.  I point to many people who are neither.  So that's a problem with your argument.


Ah, I see.  No, no, no, I'm not talking in absolute terms like a logical syllogism or 2+3=5.  I'm saying that the conditions prevailing in the West have been generated by the Christian train, and that the Marxist train split off from its tracks, and has the most vigour which it has derived from a combination of inherited Christian charity/love of man, and nihilism against the old order, and that if Christianity were eliminated we would be left with a Left that musters most of the power through its bribery of the population, and its capitalising on the population's hatred of hetero/white/God/daddy etc, with everything else at best being reactions against that power.

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[. . .] It is notable that the Jews, even now when at least a relative security of tenure is possible, prefer moveable property, and, in spite of their acquisitiveness, have little real sense of personal property, especially in its most characteristic form, landed property. Property is indissolubly connected with the self, with individuality. It is in harmony with the foregoing that the Jew is so readily disposed to communism. Communism must be distinguished clearly from socialism, the former being based on a community of goods, an absence of individual property, the latter meaning, in the first place a co-operation of individual with individual, of worker with worker, and a recognition of human individuality in every one. socialism is Aryan (Owen, Carlyle, Ruskin, Fichte). Communism is Jewish (Marx)1. Modern social democracy has moved far apart from the earlier socialism, precisely because Jews have taken so large a share in developing it. In spite of the associative element in it, the Marxian doctrine does not lead in any way towards the State as a union of all the separate individual aims, as the higher unit combining the purposes of the lower units.  --Otto Weininger


1. I add to the list : Bolsheviks,Trotkyist, AIPAC, Bnai Brith, ...


To your title, I'd correct it to Christianity - God = Judeoprotestant (Judeochristian an aporia) => Freemasonary => Judaism

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Are you deducting YHWH from Judaism?


Heck, he is only the god of Mt. Sinai. All the other mountains have gods, too, so there's no particular need to elevate him above the others. "Adonai" and "Elohim" could just as easily be translated "and all the rest" just like our fated farmgirl and scientist on Gilligan's Island before the reformation (now in color!).

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Marxists want to improve society without improving themselves, which is impossible, because society is made up of unique individuals.  Christianity succeeded because it used to emphasize improving the individual, to improve society.  It all starts with you.  When I was growing up, it was preached to me,"God only helps those who help themselves", which I never hear anymore.


The core of Christianity is God.  Without God, then Christianity ceases to exist.  It dies.  It does not transform into something else.  Marxism is Marxism/Communism and not some form of perverted Christianity.  A can only be A.  By trying to tie Christianity to Marxism, by taking out it's main component is an unfair attempt at smearing Christianity.


By the way, I am an Agnostic.

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Marxists want to improve society without improving themselves, which is impossible, because society is made up of unique individuals.  Christianity succeeded because it used to emphasize improving the individual, to improve society.  It all starts with you.  When I was growing up, it was preached to me,"God only helps those who help themselves", which I never hear anymore.


The core of Christianity is God.  Without God, then Christianity ceases to exist.  It dies.  It does not transform into something else.  Marxism is Marxism/Communism and not some form of perverted Christianity.  A can only be A.  By trying to tie Christianity to Marxism, by taking out it's main component is an unfair attempt at smearing Christianity.


By the way, I am an Agnostic.


Could Marxism have arisen outside a Christian culture?

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Could Marxism have arisen outside a Christian culture?

It arose from Judaism.  Notice how Jews are always in the Left in France, USA, Canada and probably elsewhere too.


Are you deducting YHWH from Judaism?

Not sure to understand that question ?  Jesus said that anyone can be elected.  Everyone is Jewish, therefor there are no more Jews.

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Could Marxism have arisen outside a Christian culture?

Yes, it had already existed before Christianity.  Marxism  has been around at least since Plato.  Marxism is just another name for collectivism.  Perhaps you've heard the other names it goes by such as: communism, socialism, fascism and a recent creature called public and private partnership. 

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Yes, it had already existed before Christianity.  Marxism  has been around at least since Plato.  Marxism is just another name for collectivism.  Perhaps you've heard the other names it goes by such as: communism, socialism, fascism and a recent creature called public and private partnership. 


And, did Marxism go anywhere or do anything of note, on anything resembling a large scale, without first incubating within and developing its elabourate theory (Marx, Engels) in response to, Christendom?

It arose from Judaism.  Notice how Jews are always in the Left in France, USA, Canada and probably elsewhere too.


Not sure to understand that question ?  Jesus said that anyone can be elected.  Everyone is Jewish, therefor there are no more Jews.


You wrote:

"To your title, I'd correct it to Christianity - God = Judeoprotestant (Judeochristian an aporia) => Freemasonary => Judaism"
as if Judaism didn't have a God to be deducted.  I found that confusing.
Are there any Jewish scriptures supporting modern Marxism, even proto-Marxist?
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You wrote:

"To your title, I'd correct it to Christianity - God = Judeoprotestant (Judeochristian an aporia) => Freemasonary => Judaism"
as if Judaism didn't have a God to be deducted.  I found that confusing.
Are there any Jewish scriptures supporting modern Marxism, even proto-Marxist?


Oh OK, I see.  I'll simplify some ideas first.  


Catholic promotes New Testament. 

Protestant also promotes Old Testament to go against Catholic church with the help of two Rabbies.

Catholic are against Judaism.  Catholic church admitting Judaism (Vatican II) is admitting their own fallacy. (Leon de Poncin about Jules or Julius Isaac)

For some reason, in history, there have always been an alliance between Protestants and Jews (2 rabbies promoting protestants) : Judeo-Protestant (Freemasons, Neo-con). (Tragedy & Hopes by Carroll Quigley)


In France, Freemasons (Jews) have been trying to remove the Church from power and succeeded in 1905 with secularism (Laïcité). Laicite instead of Atheism!!  They removed the Church and now have the Freemasons in power, another religion.  Since then, Freemasons(Grand Orient de France) & Zionists(CRIF) are controlling France. (youtube : hollande franc macon) Today, French claim they are Culturally Christians, not Christians.  Christianity without God.


Same with USA, but it is not as bad since there are much more religious people than France.  Most powerful lobby is AIPAC.  Not many people are Christians because Christians are admitting they are Goyim.  A good consumer has the same set of values as a Goy.  



It's not very clear but I hope you get the general idea.

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