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The difference between right-wing and left-wing lies


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I was recently asked why I am so angry and hostile towards the left.  My initial response was that I used to consider myself a man of the left but I am not any more because I realized that they were lying to me.


To which I was told that I was taking it too personally and that I should keep in mind that right-wingers lie too.  Fair enough, Bush lied and people died, etc..  I was a big anti-Bush guy.  However, I have noticed a difference in the types of BS I get from both.  Suppose you had two acquaintances, Mr Right and Mr Left:


Mr Right insists that someone who seems to dislike you is about to attack you without providing proof and that a single use of recreational drugs, casual sex, or masturbation will ruin your life irreparably forever.


Mr Left assures you that a person who is on the record as wanting to kill you is perfectly harmless and insists that recreational drug use and casual sex is the sure road to a happy, healthy, and productive life.


I wouldn't consider either one to be a paragon of accuracy or truth, but one can't help but have the impression that Mr Right is looking out for your best interests while Mr Left is trying to sabotage your life.  Any thoughts?

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I think it all comes down to the values that the parties on the political spectrum hold. For Left-Wingers, honesty and dignity were never up there. Which is in way understandable once you see their point of view.


I will take the People's Republic of China to make my point. The CCP never shied away from lie and deception, but as a matter of fact, they are proud to be Masters at them. I'm sure you have heard the quote: "Truth is the first casualty of War". Well, the Left are proudly and admittedly waging a war for their Socialist Utopia, and they will sacrifice anything and everything in order to achieve their end. "Anything" includes killing 70 million of your own people, naturally. The CCP is, of course, an extreme example, but the reason why you will not convince 1.4 billión Chinese to overthrow their government by exposing their lies, is because they know very well that they are being lied to, and they accept it as an necessary evil for conserving the social order and the unity of China.


Right-Wingers on the other hand, have truth and honesty very high up in their value-system. They even die for the truth in regular fashion. I recall the most telling facial expression of a very conservative British lady, who was petrified the first time she found out someone had lied to her, uttering: "My goodness... he lied..." It was funny and sad at the same time to see how much Britain has changed. It was the first occasion in the life of this 55 year old English lady that she was lied to.

It used to be different back when the Anglo-Saxon World was still on the right. They even had the so-called "Gentlemen's Agreement". Not many people have heard of it nowadays.

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