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Women's March


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Looks like the Women's March turnout is huge!!   10's of thousands per city.  Actually seems pretty well organized with a consistent and united message.  Just reminds us how many of leftists/statists are out there.


Last night, I debated with several friends who said they were attending today.   It's seriously like talking to a brick fucking wall.   They cannot even connect two bits of logic together coming in at softball underhand pitch speed.   I am highly concerned that we will have a hard, long fight battle that will go through and beyond a Trump presidency.


I put in so much effort educating myself and presenting a solid argument(and damn good at it too)!   It's just not working.


This is getting sooo old now.   Why are they so fucking dumb?!!!!! 

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Haha of course, their point of view is all around us and been hearing it my entire life.   I take their points one at a time and discuss the logical fallacy within.   I also explain to them that I think its amazing to have passion about something and I kind of admire them for this and so forth.

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Just ask them why they won´t organize a march for the victims of the terror, e.g. in Europe.

Lefts always demonstrate against virtual dangers. Its more safe and replaces brain with wellness feelings.

I have never seen any of this cowards demonstrate against real dangers.




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A fundamental flaw is the belief that you can change a person's mind--especially when they come from an irrational, emotional view of a belief. Rational people respond to logic; irrational people cannot.


Four areas of human needs that when threatened, whether real or perceived, will cause an emotional reaction:

  • Hierarchy: First access to food, shelter, comfort, sex 
  • Territoriality: Can't know who are without knowing your place--physically
  • Identity: Acceptance/rejection of who we are as an individual to placement within the group
  • Temporality: Perceptions on life and death; how one processes loss of ones around them

The four areas listed are what you are trying to argue with to a person that is having an emotional reaction to a perceived threat. And the people protesting are delusional in all four of those areas. So, until the foundation of a delusional belief in those four areas collapses you cannot change their mind.


Also consider how those four areas are manipulated by media?

How much brainwashing are you trying to overcome?


Now picture Sisyphus...

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A fundamental flaw is the belief that you can change a person's mind--especially when they come from an irrational, emotional view of a belief. Rational people respond to logic; irrational people cannot.


Four areas of human needs that when threatened, whether real or perceived, will cause an emotional reaction:

  • Hierarchy: First access to food, shelter, comfort, sex 
  • Territoriality: Can't know who are without knowing your place--physically
  • Identity: Acceptance/rejection of who we are as an individual to placement within the group
  • Temporality: Perceptions on life and death; how one processes loss of ones around them

The four areas listed are what you are trying to argue with to a person that is having an emotional reaction to a perceived threat. And the people protesting are delusional in all four of those areas. So, until the foundation of a delusional belief in those four areas collapses you cannot change their mind.


Also consider how those four areas are manipulated by media?

How much brainwashing are you trying to overcome?


Now picture Sisyphus...


Maybe a tangent, but isn't Identity the primary need?  If one acts to satisfy physical hunger, then one is doing so because one has an identity of doesn't-deserve-to-be-hungry.  So with drink, sex, land-occupation, and nature of death.  It all revolves around identity.

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Maybe a tangent, but isn't Identity the primary need?  If one acts to satisfy physical hunger, then one is doing so because one has an identity of doesn't-deserve-to-be-hungry.  So with drink, sex, land-occupation, and nature of death.  It all revolves around identity.

Think about Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs where if you are not satiated in basic biological needs first? 


But this is just a list of what can cause emotional reactions within the individual when those areas are threatened. They are not in a specified order.

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Looks like the Women's March turnout is huge!!   10's of thousands per city.  Actually seems pretty well organized with a consistent and united message.  Just reminds us how many of leftists/statists are out there.


Last night, I debated with several friends who said they were attending today.   It's seriously like talking to a brick fucking wall.   They cannot even connect two bits of logic together coming in at softball underhand pitch speed.   I am highly concerned that we will have a hard, long fight battle that will go through and beyond a Trump presidency.


I put in so much effort educating myself and presenting a solid argument(and damn good at it too)!   It's just not working.


This is getting sooo old now.   Why are they so fucking dumb?!!!!! 


Try approaching a lot of women on a college campus. How many do you think are about self knowledge? Self awareness? Liberty? Reason? Evidence?


I watched Lauren Southern through Rebel media on campuses up north seeking one Trump supporter. It was ridiculous how many hundreds of students maybe even thousands before finding one. A pace of ideas, education, reason, science, evidence, and a lack of freedom of mindfulness. It is scary.


How many are already single mothers? Feminists? Adverse to competition?


My eyes are opened. It is scary. I know good still exists but, it is very alienating at times to see the disconnect, the Matrix, and those who will fight to the death to protect a system that enslaves their being. I hear the same victimness in the workplace. There is no polarizing ideas. It just reeks of victim mentality and where the youth is headed. I am feeling more and more separated from people because it is not something I can relate with.

The turnout is HUGE. Literally HUGE !!




Imagine if the same group spent this energy on something productive like lets say starting up crossfit, yoga, maybe a mobility coach something like Ido Portal, something healthy both for the mind, body, and soul? I am not shocked. It starts on the inside and then materializes outwardly.

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Isn't the whole feminism some kind of substitute for something else or maybe some kind of defense mechanism? Personally I don't know any feminists. Sometimes I think that only normal women can defeat feminism or some military conflict which will straighten up things between our genders.

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Maybe a tangent, but isn't Identity the primary need?  If one acts to satisfy physical hunger, then one is doing so because one has an identity of doesn't-deserve-to-be-hungry.  So with drink, sex, land-occupation, and nature of death.  It all revolves around identity.


Isn't all that one identifies with equates to ego? I agree. Then again, I know a lot of what we identify with, associate a sense of self, and are clinging to is ego. Without some X factor, status, look, job, assets, etc. who am I anymore? We have basic needs and desires but, how much of what 'we' desire is truly what we want and not social engineering? There is so much click bait, offended, safe spaces, and someone victimizing oneself or collectively in group now a days without fail.

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Isn't all that one identifies with equates to ego? I agree. Then again, I know a lot of what we identify with, associate a sense of self, and are clinging to is ego. Without some X factor, status, look, job, assets, etc. who am I anymore? We have basic needs and desires but, how much of what 'we' desire is truly what we want and not social engineering? There is so much click bait, offended, safe spaces, and someone victimizing oneself or collectively in group now a days without fail.


Yes, identity or ego if you prefer.  "What I am" is the fundamental personal question and rule.  There is no getting away from identity.


So, if we want a society to commit suicide, we convince it that its own identity is bad, and so its members look elsewhere for identity.


For heterosexuals heterosexuality in the big sense of there being distinct sexes who have distinct employment and pastime preferences, who mate with their counterpart and raise families, is bad, so we have been shifting towards government-supported single motherhood, legal abortion, and rainbowism.  Men, masculinity, heterosexuality, etc., are all suspect, bastards, rapists in waiting, to be rejected until they pay obeisance to the new order.  If you don't pay for a woman's abortion with a glad heart, you're a SEXIST.

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