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University of Washington - Milo Event

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I was in the midst of the protests at UW on inauguration day. I made the dumb mistake of getting too close to the rioters, and was rewarded with a ball of paint for it. I made a YT video on my reflections.



Even a half hour's drive away youths were egging houses and cars in my suburb. The local nosy ladies Facebook group (every neighborhood has one) was quite annoyed.

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I made a YT video on my reflections.



Keep 'em coming suspected anarcho-fascist.


Even a half hour's drive away youths were egging houses and cars in my suburb. The local nosy ladies Facebook group (every neighborhood has one) was quite annoyed.


Hopefully these eggs and paint are not gateway projectiles, before they get on to the harder stuff.

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I was there as well, I saw you come out after your wife got hit with the paint ball, glad you guys were alright. Great analysis and good advice you are giving. 

After most of the pro-Trump people had left the commotion died down a bit and we were actually able to have some decent conversations with some of the protesters. Most of the black-clad people were not interested in hearing any sort of opposing ideas, they came there specifically to shut down the event, silence the Milo fans, and start a riot. 

I think they were trying to provoke an escalation too. After the event they were posting on facebook how one of their own got shot and this shows how violent the "fascists" were, even though it was pretty clear to anyone who was there who the aggressors were. Seattle times is even making the claim that Milo fans yelled "White Power" to further the narrative.

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Keep 'em coming suspected anarcho-fascist.

The face gives it away, doesn't it?


Hopefully these eggs and paint are not gateway projectiles, before they get on to the harder stuff.

Bricks were thrown as well.

Someone just linked to this footage of the protests. I get interviewed near the end, wide-eyed and dripping blue.


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I was there as well, I saw you come out after your wife got hit with the paint ball, glad you guys were alright. Great analysis and good advice you are giving. 


Thanks. I figured that we're far enough into this game that us on "Trump team" need to stop being so naive about the intentions of these people showing up. If they're coming specifically to not talk, disrupt an event, and cause aggression, then they need to be considered an invading army.


I spoke to a friend I grew up with yesterday about this. I called him to help out cleaning up a property I had purchased, and he had spent to morning watching my video, so we had all day to talk about it. He did what the rest of us keep trying to do--trying to figure out the reason why what these black bloc guys are doing what they're doing. It was pretty funny to listen to him hit the nail on the head over and over.


"So these guys won't talk and they just came to shut down the event?"




"And they called you and everyone else fascist?"




"So what's their point? What do they want?"


"To shut down the event."


"No, that doesn't make any sense. WHY do they want to shut down the event? If they don't have a reason, then they're just fucking stupid!"




"What? I don't get it! That makes them the fascists."




"Why don't the police just bust all their masked faces in and round them up?"


"Because the media is on the side of the protesters. The whole country will be screaming 'police brutality' if they even fart the wrong way."


"That's fucking stupid. So what do you about these guys?"


"I don't know. How do you stop an invading army?"


"...huh? What do you mean?"


"By a defending army."


Seattle times is even making the claim that Milo fans yelled "White Power" to further the narrative.


This is actually the crux of the issue. If the Trump supporters really WERE fascists, these dweebs would be annihilated in an afternoon. If you want to prove the cool-headedness of a group of people, I don't think you need much more proof than a bunch of anti-gun hoodlums banging up against a bunch of pro-gun conservatives, and having the pro-gun conservatives just take it over and over and over.


Had this happened in any other part of history in almost any other area of the globe, these whiny bitches would simply get run over. The media is what is giving them the high road and demonizing anyone that goes after them.

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My wife wrote something up about her experience at the event. I figured you guys would appreciate it. She is a Japanese immigrant, so she found it absolutely perplexing to have people scream RACIST!!! at me.

Original Article on FB: https://www.facebook.com/notes/rie-hasuda-moore/milo-yiannopoulos-at-uw/10154559422583884?pnref=story




Milo Yiannopoulos at UW
On January 20th, 2017, I went to University of Washington to attend the Milo Yiannopoulos’ presentation.
An Article from Milo about the UW Event: http://www.breitbart.com/milo/2017/...
On January 20th, 2017, I went to University of Washington to attend the Milo Yiannopoulos’ presentation. I was there around 4:30pm to make sure I could get into the building. My husband and I were lining up with everyone else outside waiting to get in.
I heard from the staff working there that we could get in around 6pm. It became 6:30pm and only about 20 students and 10 non-student people got into the building. About that time, there were many protesters blocking us from getting in.
What I expected from this event was simple. I wanted to hear the point of view from Milo. I’m originally from Japan and I traveled around the world. I lived in Zambia for 6 months. I stayed in Brazil for 3 weeks. I lived in Canada for 5 years and in Seattle for more than 8 years now. I always try to be open-minded and try to listen to other people, even if I don’t agree with them. I might have another way to think, but I try to listen and decide if I like the idea or not. Milo is a gay man who is Jewish and from England. And seems like he has a good point of view about people or how he sees the world. I simply wanted to hear what he thinks.
But on that day, I couldn’t get into the building. Protesters and people who called themselves, “Right people” were shouting to each other. And when my husband went to talk to one of the protesters, he was hit in the head with a paint ball.
(By the way, I saw everything and was taking a picture, so I have a picture of the protester who threw the paint ball at my husband.)
This picture was taken after he came back and some kind people gave him their handkerchiefs and one of them helped him to wipe off the paint.
He came back and told me that someone said to him that, “We don’t talk to FASCISTS.”
I didn’t know the meaning of Fascist, so I looked it up.
Fascist:a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.
Wait...what? He got married with a Japanese wife. I have known him for more than 10 years. I think I know he is not a fascist for sure. So why the protester said he is a fascist? How did the protester know he is a fascist? Did they talk? NO.
Anyway, when we got close to the entrance, I wanted to ask someone if we can still get into the building or not because it was around 7:30pm already. That’s when the protesters started throwing their paint balls and throwing rocks randomly. One of the paint balls hit my head and my hair and coat were covered by blue paint. Someone from the line sprayed the protesters with pepper spray, and some got my face, so my whole face started burning. The paint balls were made by a gold plastic container and when it hit my head, it exploded and covered my hair. A piece of the ball stabbed my skin.
I should have taken a picture of me to show you, but I was so scared that I froze.
After that, people became really aggressive. I saw more and more police coming. People around me asked me, “Are you ok?” I wanted to say, “Yes.” But I couldn’t, because I wasn’t really okay. I kept thinking, “WHY are people doing that??”
Obviously, someone came up with the idea to make paint balls, prepared all ingredients, and brought them to the event. People also brought rocks to throw at us. What were they thinking??
I understand that people have DIFFERENT thinking. Different cultures. Different personalities. Different environments to live. Violence won’t change any situation. Maybe it will make the situation worse. I don’t think violence will help anything to solve any problems.
SO WHY DID THOSE PROTESTERS PREPARE paint balls and rocks???
Is there any meaning for throwing stuff at someone? Throughout your life, have you just thrown something at someone every time you have different opinions? If you disagree about something, people usually talk and decide how to solve the problem to make everyone happy. If you disagree with your professor in a classroom, do you just throw rocks and balls of paint at him? I don’t think so.
Like I said, I originally came from Japan. Japan is the country where it’s so hard to express yourself in the society. I would say (but it’s just my opinion) that people there don’t have a right to say anything. If everyone says “Yes”, then you can’t say “No”. When I came to the US, the American people I met were so proud to be American, and told me that, “The US is a free country. You have a right to say anything.” That is why I decided to live here. Because I thought that I can express myself to people.
So why can Milo NOT say anything he wants? Why do people try to stop him from saying his opinion?
Why did those protesters need to throw things at people who want to listen to Milo?
If you have something you want to say, please express yourself and talk to me—not throw things at me. WHY? Because what I want to do is TALK and LISTEN.
If you disagree with Milo, say so. Create events like him and talk to people. I will attend to the event if you do so. Because, like I said, I want to know how different people think. If you want to talk or express yourself, use your mouth. Not violence. I never get what you want to tell me with violence.
I didn’t expect this at all, and I was planning on just listening to Milo and his discussion with the people in the building. It was really scary experience, and I think I was traumatized seeing everything there—all the protesters and police. But I learned so much from this experience.
Here is the Youtube video which my husband made about his experience there:


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I was in the midst of the protests at UW on inauguration day. I made the dumb mistake of getting too close to the rioters, and was rewarded with a ball of paint for it. I made a YT video on my reflections.



Sorry to hear about the ball of paint. How was the event? I love Milo. I feel like he is a troll in winding people up but, I like how factual he is, how intelligent, and brilliant he is in handling flame wars.

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Sorry to hear about the ball of paint. How was the event? I love Milo. I feel like he is a troll in winding people up but, I like how factual he is, how intelligent, and brilliant he is in handling flame wars.

We didn't get in, the police were afraid to let people in and to use force to prevent communists thugs from barricading the entrance.

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