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What evidence is there that Trump has any intention or capability of reeling back the types of programs that single mothers are on?


A lot of the programs are state sponsored to begin with.  Which ones are federally funded?  I'm not going to include the Dept. of Education stuff like Head Start and NCLB because these are supplementary--maybe they provide a bit of additional babysitting but not much.


It seems like this is just a case of a woman who has been swept up in the fear-mongering of the media that wants to promulgate a War On Women

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Did Trump just fix gender relations? What's going on? I can't even keep up with all this winning.


And this is why men are going their own way.


I made the comment about the takeaway from Jurassic World. Girl running around in heels, "dont need a man" until she does. Until the dinosaurs go nuts and start killing everyone.


Some wont change until shit goes tits up. State goes bust, resources no longer exist, war, zombie apocalypse, terrorism, and suddenly the damsel in distress card gets played.



We see female nature for what it is, not how we wish it were to be. There is no going back at this point.

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Some wont change until shit goes tits up. State goes bust, resources no longer exist, war, zombie apocalypse, terrorism, and suddenly the damsel in distress card gets played.

The upside to that is that women who do value a stable, reciprocal etc. relationship in the current climate are the best of the crop, while those that will only change their mind due to circumstances are likely reactionary chancers.

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Wow. I'd say that's progress, if it's real and widespread. Would be very cool.


No. Its not cool. Its out of failed government and the parade of free money. Nature vs nurture. Nature always wins. Her nature is to be a selfish piece of shit, to go heels over head, children out of wedlock, and its all okay because some cuck will save the day or daddy government. If that fails, she can be nice to men again or children starve? Or how about, she can pick better men? How about resources are not allocated only when convenient for the women.


Traditionalism will only matter and be accountable when all else has failed. There are the Lauren Southerns, Cristina Hoff Sommers, Helen Smith NAWALTs or as close to one as a man will come by. I question their motive. Is it that they truly see the injustice or they want to go back to staying at home, having babies, and being homemakers cause the career world is not the fun place they thought it would be? The same trend is seen with single mother women or others after squandered youth. It is not because she has truly changed. It because the system that they endorsed failed and they want a contingency plan.


This makes it hard to vet a good woman.

The upside to that is that women who do value a stable, reciprocal etc. relationship in the current climate are the best of the crop, while those that will only change their mind due to circumstances are likely reactionary chancers.


I know. a step towards traditionalism is ideally in the right direction but, there is no going back after the red pill. My eyes are open. Its not what most women want. They want their cake and want to eat it too. Youth and sexual market value dedicated towards the bad boys. After children out of wedlock or hitting the wall, it is then what, time to resort to beta male because serious or better options are long gone?


I hope Stefan returns back to this topic. I feel like Trump and the election has been beat to death. Sure, a man could red pill the hell out of a feminist or a someone of victim mentality but, again, what is in her heart and her nature? I cringe at what the future holds.

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We see female nature for what it is, not how we wish it were to be. There is no going back at this point.

Blame Hollywood and video games for tricking you on what the female nature is. MGTOW's fell for the same sort of propaganda that feminists did and do.


You might not "go back" at this point but men have been accepting this reality and willingly choosing it for literally hundreds of thousands of years. I was expecting a market crash or something far into the near future for this sort of thinking to take hold but apparently fear is quite the powerful incentive.

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Blame Hollywood and video games for tricking you on what the female nature is. MGTOW's fell for the same sort of propaganda that feminists did and do.


You might not "go back" at this point but men have been accepting this reality and willingly choosing it for literally hundreds of thousands of years. I was expecting a market crash or something far into the near future for this sort of thinking to take hold but apparently fear is quite the powerful incentive.


It seems to be the solution Stefan provides; wait for the state and free money barrage to fail. This is not a solution. You see female nature and what is the alternative but to take your ball and go home like MGTOW or to continue to approach and swipe right at girls online or to online date. Still, it is a pool of serial monogamy, of booty call, sluts, whoring around for free resources or jewels, chasing bad boys or social status, men of money, and when it fails, there is the crutch of the state or betas and cucks to fix the issue.


I am reading Stefan's book which is shedding the light on things to watchout for such as manipulation and it sheds the light on some of my own contradictions and behavior that can be deemed as unfair. For instance, introducing to friends and family i rarely due until it has proven she is genuine, loyal, honest, ahd on a quest for self awareness/self knowledge.

@meetjoeblack--I predict you will never be happy.


Not an argument. This shows your inability to debate or discuss, even disagree respectfully. You've offered neither a point here or in other discussions. What you did show is that in your opinion, man should jump for joy when women practice traditionalism when the state/daddy government has failed?


What difference between that or girl after having children out of wedlock now wants the little beta? Do you advocate single moms and marrying the girl after sexual market value has plummeted? Sir, this is not a victory for men or women. Far from it. I cringe at your thought of victory in the free market if this is what you believe is a win win for men in dating.


I gave the Jurassic World example: Don't need a man. Running around in heels and she is the real bad ass. Dinosaurs go fucking nuts and start killing everyone, she then is the damsel in distress, nurturing the children, and making sandwiches. This is not what I am about. It is seriously like trying to find a needle in a haystack. I am not sure your age or your relationship/marital status. It is absolutely a nightmare for young men seeking to settle down.


I am grateful for the book Stefan wrote on relationships. He spoke about researching, looking for a car, and buying a car only to want a boat. If you want a gem, a NAWALT, a unicorn, settling for someone outside that value system, virtues, belief system, you and I are doomed to the nightmare of family court/divorce court, and the dogs of the state unleashing on what resources we do have.


I am angry at times when I see it. When I see say, you a man, have your life just destroyed, ruined, altered forever, and all in the name of victimhood. I never liked Jion Ghemshi but he got screwed, name ruined, trashed forever, and he will likely never be the same again. I have had women proposition me, stalk me, even threaten me. It can be scary but, there is no room for male victims because nobody gives a damn. I cringe at the thought of any man in the position he was in. What came out was that, women long past sexual market value failed to secure the ring with male pushing fifty, and they raged at him acquiring much younger, better looking women. They wanted revenge, they lied, they colluded, and they got their little victim tangent and pity party through mainstream media. Meanwhile, women do not call them out, ostracize, or even make it a point of how evil this was.

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It seems to be the solution Stefan provides; wait for the state and free money barrage to fail. This is not a solution. You see female nature and what is the alternative but to take your ball and go home like MGTOW or to continue to approach and swipe right at girls online or to online date. Still, it is a pool of serial monogamy, of booty call, sluts, whoring around for free resources or jewels, chasing bad boys or social status, men of money, and when it fails, there is the crutch of the state or betas and cucks to fix the issue.


I am reading Stefan's book which is shedding the light on things to watchout for such as manipulation and it sheds the light on some of my own contradictions and behavior that can be deemed as unfair. For instance, introducing to friends and family i rarely due until it has proven she is genuine, loyal, honest, ahd on a quest for self awareness/self knowledge.



So what's female nature to you?

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You don't wanna talk. You just want to vent out your sexual frustration. Fine.


That is not an argument. Either you disliked that or you wished for something else.

Agreed. Men considering whether to "go their own way" may want to take note of the level of unhappiness of people who subscribe to that perspective. It was nice of meetjoeblack to illustrate that point here.


I really loved your celebration of single moms falling back in line for traditionalism once daddy government fails. #DeadManWalking

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It seems to be the solution Stefan provides; wait for the state and free money barrage to fail...


The solution is akin to "a rising tide lifts all boats." Address directly issues that lead to lowering IQ of a population like beating children, lowest common denominator daycare, unfettered immigration from low-IQ or violent cultures, and backwards education. Encourage directly issues that appeal to the skepticism of the high IQ population. This is a long-term play. There is no guarantee of success. There is apparently an emergent property of collectivism in cultures with IQs in a certain range, and it loots the culture to the point of tribalism. We have to bridge that gap to the level beyond it and somehow sustain that level. We look to the cultures that survived the transition to learn from.


The state and free money idea is so attractive it may need a catastrophic collapse to be shaken off.

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Can somebody re-post the link? I'm getting "URL Address Expired."




That is not an argument. Either you disliked that or you wished for something else.

A person interested in a conversation would actively engage in the topic and not be dismissive about questions on clarification of their point.

I asked a simple question, you gave a dismissive answer.

Therefore you're venting.




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A person interested in a conversation would actively engage in the topic and not be dismissive about questions on clarification of their point.

I asked a simple question, you gave a dismissive answer.

Therefore you're venting.





Maybe it is reading comprehension. The response was the counter balance to male nature. What part of that don't you understand? How else would you like to encapsulate? How about you respond to the question or you can be passive aggressive like a woman.

The solution is akin to "a rising tide lifts all boats." Address directly issues that lead to lowering IQ of a population like beating children, lowest common denominator daycare, unfettered immigration from low-IQ or violent cultures, and backwards education. Encourage directly issues that appeal to the skepticism of the high IQ population. This is a long-term play. There is no guarantee of success. There is apparently an emergent property of collectivism in cultures with IQs in a certain range, and it loots the culture to the point of tribalism. We have to bridge that gap to the level beyond it and somehow sustain that level. We look to the cultures that survived the transition to learn from.


The state and free money idea is so attractive it may need a catastrophic collapse to be shaken off.


Thank you sir on your well thought out and constructive response. I really appreciate it. I am dedicated to self awareness, self knowledge, and I am working on a solution myself. I admit, despite a lot of approaching, adding value, and seeking out like minded individuals, it is very difficult since most people are plugged into the matrix. As of now, someone suggested reading Stefan's book on relationships. I am nearly 100pages deep. It will be book number two by Stefan that I have read.


I use to think that, by associating or meeting women who are "educated," I would increase my chances of finding a good woman to date. Far from the truth or so has been my experience. Instead, it is a one way flow of leftist jargon, liberal arts majors or women studies followed by tangents on women underpaid. It has been show time and time again, women enter careers of lower pay, work not nearly as hard or in as dangerous high paying jobs. There is child bearing not to mention, the fact men will work longer hours, and climb that ladder.


If a man knocks on more doors, more doors will open. I can verify that as a fact. The problem of course is, knocking on a lot of doors is very time consuming, not the most practical nor efficient, and most importantly, you don't know what to expect what is behind that door. Again, what is the alternative solution? MGTOW? Take my ball and go home? Or date? Approach a lot. Talk to more people. See who I have chemistry with. One of my critics here is very swift to attack or keyboard warrior it up though, he wanted to celebrate a single mom promoting traditionalism once the free money train comes to a halt. I am not so swift to jump for joy. It is not in her nature specifically nor is it for a lot of women. The parade of free resources and unleashing the dogs of the state is to easy a get out of jail free card in marriage. Practically, guaranteed child custody especially if she makes false abuse claims as women have in the past. Pretty much a case close automatic access to his resources and a free ride before hoping back on carousel 2.0.


A lot of young men are scared of this fate. I know I am. What I am coming to as a conclusion is that, a market for success would be a loyal woman dedicating her youth to a man. Dating younger is likely a good start. A woman who is not a product of a broken family is another great marker. In finding someone about self knowledge, self awareness, and that does not base her sense of self on simply how she looks is another marker. Reads something other then Cosmo or teen magazine would be another.

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Maybe it is reading comprehension. The response was the counter balance to male nature. What part of that don't you understand? How else would you like to encapsulate? How about you respond to the question or you can be passive aggressive like a woman.


You want me to respond and not be passive aggressive (like a woman) while not responding to my question by being passive aggressive (like a woman).

Have you met my friend irony? You should.


"Counter balance to male nature" is a non-answer because you neither defined male nature nor explained what a counter balance to male nature would be. 

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You want me to respond and not be passive aggressive (like a woman) while not responding to my question by being passive aggressive (like a woman).

Have you met my friend irony? You should.


"Counter balance to male nature" is a non-answer because you neither defined male nature nor explained what a counter balance to male nature would be. 


You simply could have asked for more not passive aggressive banter and attacks. With that said, the conversation is over.

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One of the most obvious indicators of male and female nature is in homosexual relationships; gay or lesbian. Someone embodies more masculine or feminine characteristics as well as behavior. Its not until recently that there is a push back against the delusions of the left, "gender as a construct." The actual more obvious biological difference not to mention brains and behaviors are apparent. The efficacy of a woman's fallback on traditionalism when daddy government fails is absurd at best. Any man willing to be plan B is just waiting to get cucked. Light that fuse.  

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One of the most obvious indicators of male and female nature is in homosexual relationships; gay or lesbian. Someone embodies more masculine or feminine characteristics as well as behavior. Its not until recently that there is a push back against the delusions of the left, "gender as a construct." The actual more obvious biological difference not to mention brains and behaviors are apparent. The efficacy of a woman's fallback on traditionalism when daddy government fails is absurd at best. Any man willing to be plan B is just waiting to get cucked. Light that fuse.  


To paraphrase: Obvious assertion is obvious. No argument needed.

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