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Cutting the racial Gordian knot


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Millions of coloured people continue to pour into the West, whether as refugees or as economic migrants. These people don't just look different from white Westerners, they act different as well. Why is this?


Obviously, it's because they have different brains, which guide how they act. But, what makes their brains different?


Some would say it is because of nature, that the coloured people's genetic differences give rise to different brains which in turn give rise to different types of societies and different actions.


Others would say it is because of nurture, that the coloured people's cultural differences give rise to different brains which in turn give rise to different types of societies and different actions.


Still others would say it is a bit of both.


So, which is it?


It doesn't matter. If genes are the controlling factor, then that's that. If culture is, then that's that. Either way, we have a person who is wired differently than we are.


Some will object, “But, they can assimilate into our culture,” and that's true—for a tiny amount of them. A single coloured in white society--healthy, functioning, self-asserting white society--is going to be the nicest, most genteel, most circumspect coloured you ever saw. Any differences in his mind are going to be lying fallow within him.


A million coloureds, however, will begin tilling the soil, to so speak. They will not be the nicest and most genteel. They will not be the best and the brightest. They will imitate the ways of their fellows from coloured countries, and where they live will end up, shortly, to be a colony of where they came from.


A Pakistani immigrant was overheard in England recently saying “This is not England, this is Pakistan!” and why shouldn't we believe him?  Are we that stupid?


The individual coloured is not the problem as such, but he is a beachhead for colonialist coloureds who want to, and will, given the chance, turn their host Western country into their own country.


It doesn't matter where their actions are coming from, whether culture or blood. Either way or a mixture of both generates a mighty avalanche of neurological programming--whereby, the more of them there are, the more they will resist assimilating into Western culture, and will instead displace it and replace it with their own culture.

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The individual coloured is not the problem as such, but he is a beachhead for colonialist coloureds who want to, and will, given the chance, turn their host Western country into their own country.



The problem, IMO, is democracy is not about individuals. Its about groups. Politicians appeal to identity to form voter blocks. Individuals dont matter in democracies. That never goes away. Given women are afforded privileges by the state far more than men, and yet feminists/misandrists are more vocal than ever, why anyone would believe non-white lobbies will suddenly stop demanding when they are better off than whites is beyond me. Once they have a momentum, the bureaucracy becomes self perpetuating. 



Having various tribes in a democracy is a dangerous thing IMO. Then again, authoritarian dictatorships (genghis khan, USSR,) might minimize tribal issues, but replace them with other ones.

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The problem, IMO, is democracy is not about individuals. Its about groups. Politicians appeal to identity to form voter blocks. Individuals dont matter in democracies. That never goes away. Given women are afforded privileges by the state far more than men, and yet feminists/misandrists are more vocal than ever, why anyone would believe non-white lobbies will suddenly stop demanding when they are better off than whites is beyond me. Once they have a momentum, the bureaucracy becomes self perpetuating. 



Having various tribes in a democracy is a dangerous thing IMO. Then again, authoritarian dictatorships (genghis khan, USSR,) might minimize tribal issues, but replace them with other ones.


The African democratic experience in a nutshell.

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I agree with his thesis quite heartily. I don't think I should expand on that too much. While I understand the need to preserve western civilization I fear that the same thing that is hurting it is an exploitation of a weakness hardwired into the system. West Civ will inevitably snowball into a liberal-progressive Juju that seeks to be more prog than thou by being ever more tolerant. Liberty requires tolerance, and more differences require more tolerance to preserve liberty. Sooner or later you get the lunacy of Sweden and pals.

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