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Daniel Wagner

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In a recent google search to figure out how to determine fake news from real news, I noticed something rather... telling. Of the top 10 results, about 8 of them were from notoriously left-leaning liberal news sources. NPR, PBS, Washington Post, etc. 


So, I figured I'd come to a place that might actually be able to provide some insight. 


How do YOU determine fake from real news?

Where do you get your news from?

How do you decide who to trust and who to disregard?

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I have yet to find a news source that is completely ethical, at this point, other than WikiLeaks. WikiLeaks does not deal with unsubstantiated gossip, but this means that the information is not as fast as some others. They also seem to stay within the confines of government and don't deal with information about celebrity or sports.


I would suggest just use this as a search criteria: if funding comes from anything other than random, small, sponsors or viewers then just avoid it. Stay away from anything televised. All of main stream media must be part of conspiracy to misinform. Fact check your sources. It isn't hard, but does require you to do your own research. It is what I do. I also get my information by listening to a plethora of podcasts: Andrew Klavan Show, Ben Shapiro show, Louder with Crowder, Mike Rowe's podcast, Bill Wittle live, ?(another podcast with Bill Wittle and Scott Ott and ?), and Obviously all Stefan Molyneux.

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How do YOU determine fake from real news?

Where do you get your news from?

How do you decide who to trust and who to disregard?


I basically use common sense. It was alternative media that called Brexit and a Trump presidency; sources like Info Wars, Alex Jones, Paul Joseph Watson, Rebel Media, Roger Stone, Stefan Molyneux. Lets go further. It was China media revealing a Trump presidency even before CNN. Read that point one more time.

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It's not really possible to identify fake news in many cases, as so much news is based on word of mouth essentially.

My approach is that I soak up a lot of news and don't put the narrative and facts on a pedestal. Everything is suspect, but in its sum I allow it to form a general picture of the landscape and where we are going. In the current age I don't think its possible to fake trends if you consume a lot of news.

I also like to consume a lot of statistics, from surveys, national statistics institutes, academics and so on.


Most news sources just shitpost. The aim isn't to inform, but rather to push the needle of society into a direction you want it to go.

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I think just 'news' is more dangerous than fake news, in that not all that much of what the MSM emits is neccessarily untrue, rather the stories they choose to push as a narrative, say "the war on women" are very selective to their agenda, and other, far more important issues are ignored. Often one or two sides are covered, other, more pertinent sides are ignored. 


A lot of journalists are lazy too. On any given day I can spot dozens of obvious mistakes in articles. Not necessarily meant to mislead, but the result of sloppy reporting. 


I guess the best way is to just enquire as to the sources the outlet uses, follow it back as far as you can. 

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I think just 'news' is more dangerous than fake news, in that not all that much of what the MSM emits is neccessarily untrue, rather the stories they choose to push as a narrative, say "the war on women" are very selective to their agenda, and other, far more important issues are ignored. Often one or two sides are covered, other, more pertinent sides are ignored. 


A lot of journalists are lazy too. On any given day I can spot dozens of obvious mistakes in articles. Not necessarily meant to mislead, but the result of sloppy reporting. 


I guess the best way is to just enquire as to the sources the outlet uses, follow it back as far as you can. 

Not lazy, vicious. At least the MSM and State ones. I wouldn't say follow the money, follow the currency which is blood.

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Not presenting sources or evidence. And will try to get viewers to join them in looking down on, slandering, and disregarding anyone who do not agree with their unproven 'facts'.


Its just indoctrination. Just like probably all of us here have been at some point. "I have been taught/told -x-, so it is a fact. And so anyone else who oppose facts must be -slander-."


The power of religion does not stop at religions.

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  • 4 weeks later...

There is not completely unbiased/ethical News source. The best you can do is learn languages, so that you can read what everyone says. The truth always lies somewhere in between.


My luck is that I understand Mongolian, Hungarian, English, German, Russian. And I regularly exchange information with my brother, who understands French and Dutch in addition. Also, I often converse with people who speak Japanese, Chinese, Spanish, Danish, Swedish, Romanian, Italian and Arabic.

This is the only way to get the full picture


You would be surprised how much of reality gets lost in translation.

Even well-intentined News outlets get things wrong because of language limitations.



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intimidating subject for me ..people will say we are crazy etc. I never once contemplated the existence of fake news until a few years ago. One morning ...for whatever reason, I cannot recall ...I was watching the news ...probably CNN ...at the time I had the tendency to flip back and forth between CNN and Fox ...I did recognize the slant difference.  But that morning was very unique, because at the same time I also had my laptop on and was on Facebook. I won't mention the exact incident, but it was a "mass shooting." The odd thing was a few minutes before they broke the story there was something running on the ticker ...it reminded me immediately of the game CLUE.  Was it Mrs. Plum, in the kitchen with the knife kind of thing.  It was the same crime if you will, but different setting and different weapon.  When the primary story broke ...the other story disappeared.  I immediately confirmed this  over Facebook with an old friend ...she confirmed seeing the exact same thing and "felt" something was very odd about the primary story.  God forgive me If I am wrong ...but honestly it seemed staged. Till this day ...looking back ...I still question the authenticity of the event. 

You can start to notice themes ...or brands ...scroll thru Linkedin over the past two weeks and it has been trendy to see a post ....help this person ...which looks better type thing ...they all seem to have a similar flavor to layout/message/purpose ...mentally I conclude they are all fake. All coming off the same press, if you will. 

I try to watch foreign and domestic now. Just participating here is rather new for me as I am trying to adopt new methods and habits.

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  • 1 month later...

I really appreciate everyone's feedback and great answers. Since I respect the FDR community over almost any other one, I tried to incorporate as many of the general ideas into this guide as possible. Here's the finished project I've been working on (and the reason I asked the question to begin with). 




It would be greatly appreciated if you would help me spread the word about this guide. Thanks so much! :D

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You need to listen for what they claim are "facts" and then, well, YOU need to do your homework and think...which of course has gone out of fashion.

As others have pointed out, it takes very little time to listen if the news caster is just spewing trigger phases and then you know they are "entertainers" and not journalists.


Actually, I am not sure I have seen a real journalist on prime time news in decades; its all just entertainment now. Somehow, hollywood has taken over the news and, well, it seems most have not noticed. I have elderly relatives that are completely trapped in that belief bubble. In some cases the fake news is soooo easy to point out, and I can show them multiple other sources and well, their response is "all of that I just cannot believe, that <insert favorite news anchor> would never lie".


I am firmly convinced that the end of democracy is all about the fall of journalism because that marks the beginning of the creation of the "sheep" populous.

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