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Significance of Dreams


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Just finished listening to the podcast in its entirety. It is interesting and I would suggest to try to remain more focused in the next one so you spend your time more wisely.

One thing that I could not help but to notice, is that much of the symbolism that you talked about can be seen in Tarot. Like death being the end of a cycle, the beginning of a new chapter in life and so on and so forth.

Making clear that there is no evidence for, nor do I believe that Tarot has any magical/mystical power per se, still, like keeping a journal, it can aid in the journey of self-knowledge in my humble opinion, and I do have a rational explanation of how and why if anyone is interested.

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Just finished listening to the podcast in its entirety. It is interesting and I would suggest to try to remain more focused in the next one so you spend your time more wisely.


One thing that I could not help but to notice, is that much of the symbolism that you talked about can be seen in Tarot. Like death being the end of a cycle, the beginning of a new chapter in life and so on and so forth.


Making clear that there is no evidence for, nor do I believe that Tarot has any magical/mystical power per se, still, like keeping a journal, it can aid in the journey of self-knowledge in my humble opinion, and I do have a rational explanation of how and why if anyone is interested.

why don't you write about it yourself?

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why don't you write about it yourself?

Because if there is no one interested I will not waste my time.


Since you asked, tarot itself contain many symbols that appeal to our subconscious and help us remember about situations in our past or that are happening to us right now. The cards have been used for hundreds of years, so the art in it and the use of symbolism have been improved. No, I do not believe it has any mystical power. What I do believe is that our unconscious mind can be incredibly powerful when you think about how much more things our mind does without us thinking about it, like breathing, circulating blood, constantly renewing our cells and so on and so forth.


As far as seeing the future or things like that, what I believe happens is that if you see the cards before you shuffle, you know the meaning of the cards and you pay enough attention to what you are doing, your mind and not spirits or anything else, arrange the cards in a way that is useful to you. No, I do not think they predict the future, my belief is that your unconscious mind is trying to point you directions of what it believes it might happen and warn you of potential dangers due to what it perceives and we might not consciously know or remember.


In a sense, I believe it is very similar to dreaming -- those images that go through your head must have a meaning, otherwise evolution would have probably got rid of it.

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For the most part we spend a good portion of our days judging and interpreting the information that we receive through our senses. We judge whether it is "good" and will provide pleasure or "evil" and therefore painful and to be avoided. But there is indeed so much more information available to us if we could but see all of that stuff that is received unconsciously every single day. 


While studying metaphysics, I was assigned an exercise that I practiced daily that was really awesome. It was designed to train the mind to notice more. I was amazed at what I could "see" with just a little practice. 


I learned some pretty amazing things by training my mind. I learned a whole lot about myself and about the limitations we impose on ourselves simply because we were never taught to exercise the mind in the same way that we exercise the body. 

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Because if there is no one interested I will not waste my time.



  well you don't know until you write it, that's the point.


  I just thought it was strange, villagewisdom wrote an interesting article, then your "criticism" is about what she should have written about.


  I also would be interested to see what you come up with, as I am into the topic myself.

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  well you don't know until you write it, that's the point.


  I just thought it was strange, villagewisdom wrote an interesting article, then your "criticism" is about what she should have written about.


  I also would be interested to see what you come up with, as I am into the topic myself.

It was not about what she wrote. It was about the podcast. The audio part. I would guesstimate that around 30 percent of the audio she was going off on big tangents. Have you heard it?


The written part did not have this issue.

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