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Anti-Western immigration comes down to votes and debt...?


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I wish things were so simple. I used to think they were, but after working with the Jesuit Refugee Service for a year, I am not so sure.


Here is why it is not so simple.

1. Left and Right in Europe are not the same as in the Anglo-Saxon World. For instance, the leading party in Germany is the Christian Democrat Center Right Party, same with France, as they are also led by the nominal Right. As for Belgium, thy don't even have a single Government.

2. Please stop saying "Europe" whenever you are thinking about the decadent West. Even in the video, he mentions Portugal, which is plainly uninformed, because the Migrant Crisis does not affect Portugal.

3. It is quite clear, after having spoken to many Germans, and having listened to German media, that nobody knows WHY exactly they are letting in so many people. Anyone claiming to know the reason is intellectually dishonest or has not done enough research. Of course, there are agruments floating around in the air, but there is no unified position at all.

4. In order to asess the situation, first we have to take every state individually. Germany, France, Belgium, UK and Sweden all have different Governments. Germany is a Confederation, France is the dictatorship of Paris, Belgium isnt even a real country, UK is... a mess, Sweden is a Constitutional Monarchy. Also, we have to compare them to neighbouring countries that do not have the Migrant Problem, such as Norway, Spain, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Ireland, Finland, Czechia, Italy...

5. My diagnosis: BAD INFORMATION. Hardly anyone is willing to get down into the mud like I did. Everyone has their big, well-put opinions, they visit a camp in Serbia, snap a few photos, talk to two or three Algerians, then claim they have the full picture. Hence, everybody is very uninformed. Some, like Poland, think that every Migrant is basically a soldier of Suleiman the Great, while Belgians are told that every one of these cute brown people is a Syrian Refugee. Again: Bad Information.

6. Even the Governments can't get quality information. There is no communication between European intelligence agencies, refugee camps, nor people. I myself can only get real information by piecing together intel gathered from here and there. My luck is that the Jesuit Order is quite simply the most sophisticated spy Network ever developed. They are in every country, every community, they speak multiple languages, and they are unbiased in their Research. The only problem is that the Order is not allowed to leak any information. Even I had to sign a non-disclosure agreement.


This is basically why I joined FDR, as at least some of us are being intellectually honest.

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I agree with the debt explanation.

Either they let a bunch of people in and they assimilate and relieve the debt.

Or they let a bunch of people in and they don't assimilate which will lead to conflict, then war, which in turn will relieve the debt.


The leaders are collectivists mostly and like the scum they are their end goal is communism.

Individuality, culture, religion, the family, commerce, education, these are all bulwarks against the cancer. They need to be destroyed in order to enforce communism successfully. It's always the people/communities/countries that hold those values sacred that are attacked and blamed for everything that goes wrong. The US media started blaming Russia (ex-communist country) for seemingly everything and now the EU started doing the same. Hollywood is slowly turning itself over to the communist chinese and not a peep from anyone. Remember when North Korea was at the forefront of the media sold as some massive threat that will inevitable lead to a major war? What happened there is what I wanna know.


What happened with Greece was a major wake-up call for the europeans that maybe the EU is not such a great idea. So this whole migrant crisis might just be a slight of hand, pay attention to this bit and ignore us leaders in Brussels while we take away your sovereignty and make you wholly dependent to the state.

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Addiction to Perceived Psychological Power over others.

Christians have an Ace Card "The Lord is my Shepherd......" God really is immaterial.


"Germany is a Confederation"; suppression of free speech, code of laws and perhaps political power in Berlin nullifies that.


"UK is a mess" I agree.


"Belgium isn't a real country" which is good, because at least the people know their enslaved by that particular hierarchy and maybe something could be done to improve the situation and other nationalities/peoples learn from a fresh example.


"Norway" Has migrants North of the Arctic circle and has housing being built and converted for them. Thought it would be too cold that far north. Oslo which parasites of the rest of the nation, also has a lot of migrants some working in the postal service getting subsidised housing under the table.


"Finland" I think might have a migrant problem in Helsinki, large physically indefensible open border. Plus "use the force defence video"


"Ireland" Don't know much about Ireland, I think it has one of the better economies in Europe, doesn't have same insane expenditures of UK. I know that people/Boys from Brazil try and obtain citizenship in Portugal then can work in Ireland. Not sure how strong religion is followed in Ireland, intuitively I think much less so. Big corruption story on MSM recently about renewable energy scheme, state/thugs beginning to drain off some of that wealth. 


"Luxembourg" Not in my backyard.


"Italy" Had pictures of some guy getting thrown out of his Hotel in Northern Italy to make room for migrants.


"France is the Dictatorship of Paris" Hey maybe, I've heard and seen that a lot of the local mayories are corrupt take bribes, build useless crap, extort money for having HEP in the Pyrenees. 


 My luck is that the Jesuit Order is quite simply the most sophisticated spy Network ever developed. They are in every country, every community, they speak multiple languages, and they are unbiased in their Research. The only problem is that the Order is not allowed to leak any information. Even I had to sign a non-disclosure agreement.


This is basically why I joined FDR, as at least some of us are being intellectually honest.

Maybe that's why the Japanese Shogun had the order executed in Japan in the past. Loads of non-disclosure agreements in the NHS was on TV a while a go, driving test examiners go one-step higher, go figure.


I know Stefan talks a lots about being and cooperating in the free market, but I also remember him saying if you don't have a free market in money, you don't have a free market.

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I would not say that I know whats the cause or causes, however I would like to add some thoughts:


- While the party of Merkel is called christian, democratic, and right, its neither of them. Yes some or many politicians are, but they keep their mouths shut, nobody wants to be called a right extremist.


- Merkel was born and raised in the DDR, eastern germany.  She was active member in the communistic party there. Together with the fact that she never really was abroad,  never collected valid real data outside of her world, her attitude to migrants could only be communistic - all people are the same, we just tell them what to do and they will make formidable citizens.


-Germany has by far the strongest economics in Europe. In the strange socialistic logic of the EU Germany is accused of endangering  EU economics because they have too many exports, causing an imbalance to other countrys. So the migrants costs could be a means to weaken economics, causing more equity. While its true that it was claimed that the migrants will add very soon cause they will work hard and pay taxes, I guess - except for a few nobrainers - everybody knew that this was propaganda.


- Yes the two mentioned causes, votes and debt, are very reasonable.





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those issues are just proxy for something else.


White people, and non-whites who value western culture and like living in western countries, see their gene-pool and way of life eroding to 3rd worlders, by the machinations of political and financial elites.  And when they push back against this they are .


  When you strip all the unreal abstractions away: countries, false moral signalling, states, law, constitutions, etc., it just comes down to gene wars: different gene-pools with conflicting evolutionary strategies competing over resources and ultimately, survival.

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Found this clip that does seem to be compelling to me:

Yeah, Nick Griffin and his team also worked on the exposing the Rochdale grooming cases in the UK was put on trial for Hate Speech. Also worked to expose the MP's expenses scandal, had something similar in Canada with their Senate. Basically crucified him on BBC "Question Time".




The whole biodiversity thing is pretty interesting to me, kind of seemed obvious to me since I was 5. Though an agnostic view of God kind of brought in the question of people going beyond their limits. I wonder if natural redheads/gingers are a later genetic development so likely to be more intelligent and have no souls. (Ramseses The Great, Barbarossa, Genghis Khan, Queen Elizabeth, Boadicea, Erik the Red). 


Regression to the mean,Granny Smith Apple going back to a crab-apple from seed.  "how do you like them apples?"

Even within countries you can see a lot of biodiversity. Rhinelanders, Dutch and Amish being taller than most. Cleave people in half with their Zweihänders in the past. The UK is kind of a large mix of biodiversity with all the immigration over the decades, industrial revolution,invasions. Kind of look like a Norwegian myself.


Makes me think of the book Gulliver's Travels.

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