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Mexican political rhetoric can be hilarious, particularly when our southern neighbor attempts to hold the United States responsible for human rights issues or allegations. Mexico is obviously in a serious state of denial on this - but perhaps what Mexico really needs is their own version of a Donald Trump to drain their own swamp!


Presidente Peña Nieto says that every Mexican Consul shall have a responsibility to defend the rights of their illegal migrants already in our country. The rights of these illegal migrants in our country? Why did they even come here in the first place, and who has enabled them to claim these rights in the US? And what about the rights of these Mexican migrants IN THEIR OWN COUNTRY?


The obvious question here is why doesn't Mexico take care of its own people before they come up here? Que Barbaridád, as the Mexicans themselves might put it. It's pretty darned clear to the rest of the world that if Mr. Peña Nieto and his self-interested congress would simply do a much better job taking care of their own people, a lot of this problem would disappear. It’s difficult to even discuss because the Mexican government is arrogant and proud, and it doesn’t take any form of constructive criticism lightly.



And unfortunately, Mexico is so dreadfully corrupt - it always has been. The Mexicans know it, their mothers and grandmothers know it - it was even corrupt when the Spaniards were there. When the leadership of Mexico has the strength to face their own corruption, then we might see some genuine progress for the Mexican people - which doesn't require the US to pick up the entire tab.

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