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Response to UW Milo Event

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(Text from my post on Facebook)


I had a massive response to the video I made last week about my experience during the "protests" at the UW Milo Yiannopoulos event. Much of the response I received advocated reciprocating violence towards the violent protesters at the event.

A line is being divided across the country (honestly, across the whole Western world). It has been generalized as Pro-Trump Camp vs. Anti-Trump Camp, but this broad stroke is largely inaccurate.

Much of the feedback I received from my family and friends, who are NOT pro-Trump, was that even if they didn't like Trump, they were utterly against the barbaric, caveman idiocy calling itself "protest" that is ravaging through the country right now. These people are literally howling through the streets smashing things with rocks.

This isn't Pro-Trump vs. Anti-Trump. This is Reason vs. Anti-Reason. The reason Trump got elected and why he has so much support isn't because his solutions are the best, but he was the only candidate who provided solutions that weren't SPECIFICALLY anti-reason.

The Mainstream Media, who is all-in on the side of Anti-Reason, in the past has viciously attacked anyone who has so much as *meeped* in the vague direction of Reason. Traditionally, this would destroy anyone. It was impossible to recover from the mainstream narrative.

With the rise of the internet, we have been able to communicate directly with each other, which is exactly what Trump was able to do via Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube.

The election of Donald Trump has smashed the Anti-Reason Camp in the face with reality--there are enough reasonable people left to push back. Because their narrative isn't working anymore (they can't just shout "RACIST!!" and shut someone up), they are resorting to violence.

Thus the discussion needs to start: how do the most sophisticated and civilized members of society (Reason Camp) deal with the violent idiocy of the drooling barbaric strains that drape themselves in a chameleon cloak of tolerance (Anti-Reason Camp)?


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There have been a lot of names suggested to describe the types of groups you cover here:

The regressive left
The control left
The radical left
The left
Liberals / libtards
Social justice warriors

But I think you've come up with a more encompassing title here, "These Fuckers".

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There have been a lot of names suggested to describe the types of groups you cover here:


The regressive left

The control left

The radical left

The left


Liberals / libtards




Social justice warriors



But I think you've come up with a more encompassing title here, "These Fuckers".


As I read that last sentence and noticed the quotation marks, but before I read what you actual wrote within them, I thought I was going to see "Anti-Reason". But yes, I think "These Fuckers" is just as accurate. :D

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