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How Much Self Knowledge Is Too Much?


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I think that the value of self knowledge is pretty well established at this point but I have been thinking a lot lately about how much self introspection is too much? Like anything there is always point where too much of a good thing becomes a bad one. Once could invest so much in SK that it becomes an obsession. I'm wondering what everyone thinks about this and how we could go about defining what a healthy level of SK is and how to avoid over investing? 

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I think self knowledge is a life long odyssey the best way in my view is to integrate the new knowledge before jumping ahead to know more, meaning accepting it and taking it seriously. Also the present is the best way to know the past (your biography) present triggers and especially when confronted with intense emotions these are signs that an old repressed emotion/childhood memory wants to come up to the surface after the emotion is experienced the memory itself surfaces then you work to integrate this new knowledge this new reality you did not know before with compassion and self love. Doing this with a  compassionate therapist can speed up the process and make you feel safe and understood because self knowledge can be sometimes confusing.

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I think if you're spending so much time in self-knowledge that it leaves no time to actually apply it, that can be an issue.



And if you're spending so much time in self-knowledge work that you are neglecting other things, then clearly there is some self-knowledge to gain about why you might be doing that.

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What is the goal of self-knowledge?


To become more of who were were born to be, as opposed to who trauma shaped us to be. To become more in tune with our nature (both our human nature and our individual natures), and therefore happier. To break free from trauma and restrictions to truly live a free life. To meet one's psychological needs for oneself.


Lol so the solution to too much self knowledge is more self knowledge? hahah :D


Self-knowledge is like bacon, it goes well with everything. If a person is investig so much time in the self-exploration process that they are not really living their lives... well maybe that is where they need to be. Maybe there is so much work for them to do in order to feel free to live their lives. If journaling is an act of avoidance of the real world, then it is no different than video games, drugs, alcohol, masturbation, endless work, over-exercising, and other addictions, and sorting that out appropriate requires more self-work.

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