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Targeting left-learning corporations/businesses - an initiative


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Hi guys,


I have just started a Twitter channel: @ApricotTheory whose goal is going to be ... well, I'll just copy and paste the description: 


"... The purpose of this channel is to let you know what the political leanings of corporations are so you can make better spending decisions. #GoodFruit #BadFruit ..."


Do you know of others who are doing something similar to what I have in mind here ^ ? 

Please let me know if you do. At any rate, if you think this is a good idea, help out and use those same hashtags whenever something comes to your attention in the news about a corporation. 



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I'd love an app where competitors were ranked for SJW-ness.




NotDarkYet, that was my original thought as well; too bad I lack the know-how to put together a mobile app.

Whoever executes that idea first will get a few million downloads. 

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I want to start up a side-project that will aggregate companies who enact SJW policies, make statements and also highlight other opportunities like when Trump tweeted about various companies and their stocks subsequently went down. The purpose will be for people to short the companies. But I don't know if I will have time to get to do anything on it this year and that has been so many shorting opportunities since 8 Nov.

Holding site:


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