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Milo Yiannopoulos And The UC Berkeley Riots.


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People of the Conservative or Libertarian persuasion are being persecuted for tweeting and updating our Facebook statues from our bedrooms and other areas of our homes. Helloooooo! Leftists! Marginalized African American over here. Don't make me use the race card.


I swear it's like you try to debate with Leftists and the SJW trifecta talking points come out immediately: Racist, Misogynist/Sexist, Homophobic. Or some other variant of that. RMH. From now on the moment I see the RMH I'm done. Nothing of value can be had by trying to engage with these people. At one time these terms may have held some weight but now they are as empty and meaningless as the KKK or Nazi's whom are also not prevalent whatsoever in modern society. 


Ironically by forcing Milo to cancel his event, the Leftists are giving him the platform and press they so badly want to deny him. If people's lives weren't in jeopardy this would be comical. Do these people even have brains to think? Trying to reveal hypocrisy to an SJW is like trying to push two magnets together. You think you've got it and then they deflect and bounce off of your points.


So I have to wonder, are all of these students going to be held liable for the damage they caused to a university campus? After all they did voluntarily agree to thousands of dollars of debt to receive their "education." Or are mommy and daddy going to be picking up the tab in this instance? 


Is anyone really shocked at this point though? I mean honestly let's be real here, they're a whole bunch of Regressives. Why this is continuing to be tolerated on the campuses of reputable and elite schools I have no idea but I would hope that it comes to a decisive end post haste. I should not be in fear for my life simply because I am a Conservative or Libertarian. Personally I am a Libertarian and currently a college student in Alaska so it is nowhere near this level of insanity and hysteria on my campus. However, the rest of my peers in my generation and for generations to come who happen to find themselves not agreeing with the Left on some or everything they stand for should not fear for their lives every time they step foot on campus. There is only so much time before there is a major backlash that could potentially be violent. Please, Leftists let's keep it civil. 


So in conclusion, Progressives are continuing to show their unwavering dedication to diversity and inclusion by setting fires at a Milo Yiannopoulos talk. I wonder if the Left is even redeemable at this point. It's going to take a hell of a lot more Dave Rubin's in this world before I begin taking the Left seriously again. #UCBerkeleyRiots 

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My 2 cents on the current developments.


I have been observing the trends developing in the U.S. for a long time. To me it seems inevitable that there will be partial civil and/or racial war in the U.S. . On the one side, there is millions upon millions of people who literally believe that Trump is the new Hitler. Brainwashed masses, infused by irrational boundless fear. Mainstream media hell-bent on kindling violence and stopping any meaningful discussion. Buzzwords like racist, homophobe, misogynist, islamophobe etc so overused that they have no meaning. Hardening battle fronts everywhere. Pay attention to the narrative of "them" and "us". The rhetoric the MSM are using is a dead on give-away for preparing the population for war. Classical ingroup/outgroup polarization. It's "okay to punch a 'Nazi'" now. With 'Nazi' meaning anyone of different views. The american Left has devolved into a hardcore socialist/communist cesspool. Social media play a vital role in the MSM's ability to kindle uprisings and domestic terrorism (which using violence to promote a political agenda is) as fear-forwarding and multiplying apparatus.


If nothing is done about this trend, my predictions are:


- Increasing radicalization of the Left by self-isolation and echo-chambering (as e.g. isolated muslim ghettos do)

- Social media increasingly used to form domestic leftist terror groups with no banning from the platforms

- More support from celebrities and Hollywood to 'resist' anyone associated with Trump or republicans

- At some point, Trump's hand will be forced and possibly martial law will have to be called out in parts of the U.S.

- This will 'confirm' the rioters' darkest MSM-implanted hitlerian fears and real civil war breaks out, because the new 'Hitler' must be killed at all costs

- Armed troups need to suppress and kill rioters if necessary

- Meanwhile, islamic domestic and imported terrorist cells activate and use the chaos to perform numerous acts of violence

- U.S. is on the edge of becoming a failed state


At some point, the only way to stop spreading of the insanity is physically switching off the MSM and social media companies, because they are the platforms intentionally spreading cancerous memes, programming parts of the population for low violence inhibition and 'revolution'.


There is always so much talk about 'integration' of immigrants .. but just going by the number of those born as Americans demonstrating zero understanding of and respect for the state of law, the constitution and how god damn good their lives are  only allows one conclusion. A large percentage of those born as Americans is not even integrated in their own country! It's so sad.. . It seems that the last couple generations of parents and of course the educational system have largely failed an appallingly large fraction of the current population.


Make America Great Again. The president has an awful lot to do for this to happen, it seems.

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And you know the company you keep if they excuse this violance in any way.


Calling its "ok" because hate speech and nazism. I can see few already doing it revealing themselves for the TRUE fascists they are.

Daily reminder that the "leftists are the REAL racists/fascists/nazis" approach is a bad one. They're communists, and should be branded as such.

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Daily reminder that the "leftists are the REAL racists/fascists/nazis" approach is a bad one. They're communists, and should be branded as such.


My approach has been "collectivism is an inherently violent ideology" but "communism" is a good trigger word.


Another tactic is labeling when you encounter someone for whom labels and symbolism are important. Prior restraint restrictions and violence applied to speech is a form of eleutherophobia (disabling fear of freedom). Prior restraint restrictions on the means to self defense are a form of hoplophobia (disabling fear of weapons).

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- At some point, Trump's hand will be forced and possibly martial law will have to be called out in parts of the U.S.


I was at the UW Milo riots, which appear to have been low-key compared to what happened last night.


Honestly, I don't think martial law will be required for what's going on here. If the Muslim hordes were attacking--yes, because they are committed and a real threat. I have this strange feeling that the instant these rioters feel a little push back, regardless of its source, 50-80% of them are going to realize that punch-a-nazi isn't just an arcade game. There are real consequences.


From what I saw at UW, I think the core issue here, in terms of defense against rioters, is the police. I'm sure they're barred from doing this, but I am dying the hear the opinions of the police who are at these events, who are only able to stand in line and watch a bunch of people simply trying to get into an event get smashed and screamed at by a masked group wearing all black and setting things on fire.


I think they can see what is going on, but they are hamstrung by the media. The instant a policeman farts the wrong way at one of these events, we all know the media is going to try and pull a Ferguson-effect.


I can't believe I'm finding myself saying this, but I think what needs to happen for events like this, is simply a public announcement that if you show up covering your face, your intent to do harm will be assumed and you will be arrested.


Further, let's fantasize about the police actually doing their job. Why aren't they investigating these groups and arresting their leaders before the events? They have facebook groups, websites, plans, post where they meet up, and anything else you could ever want to know about them before the event. I mentioned this in the video I did on the UW riots: I met a girl there in line who had been reached out to on Facebook to participate in the riots. She was given instructions on where to meet, what to wear, what to bring, and a phone number to write on her arm in case she was arrested--that was the one phone call you were supposed to make for legal help.


I think, particularly for people like us, the core issue here is the grab reins of the media interpretation. We can do it through FB, YT, Twitter, and other social media. The more we're able to smash the mainstream narrative, the easier these fuckers will be to snuff out like a candle.


Trump will be dealing with it at a different level:



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I was at the UW Milo riots, which appear to have been low-key compared to what happened last night.


Honestly, I don't think martial law will be required for what's going on here. If the Muslim hordes were attacking--yes, because they are committed and a real threat. I have this strange feeling that the instant these rioters feel a little push back, regardless of its source, 50-80% of them are going to realize that punch-a-nazi isn't just an arcade game. There are real consequences.


From what I saw at UW, I think the core issue here, in terms of defense against rioters, is the police. I'm sure they're barred from doing this, but I am dying the hear the opinions of the police who are at these events, who are only able to stand in line and watch a bunch of people simply trying to get into an event get smashed and screamed at by a masked group wearing all black and setting things on fire.


I think they can see what is going on, but they are hamstrung by the media. The instant a policeman farts the wrong way at one of these events, we all know the media is going to try and pull a Ferguson-effect.


I can't believe I'm finding myself saying this, but I think what needs to happen for events like this, is simply a public announcement that if you show up covering your face, your intent to do harm will be assumed and you will be arrested.


Further, let's fantasize about the police actually doing their job. Why aren't they investigating these groups and arresting their leaders before the events? They have facebook groups, websites, plans, post where they meet up, and anything else you could ever want to know about them before the event. I mentioned this in the video I did on the UW riots: I met a girl there in line who had been reached out to on Facebook to participate in the riots. She was given instructions on where to meet, what to wear, what to bring, and a phone number to write on her arm in case she was arrested--that was the one phone call you were supposed to make for legal help.


I think, particularly for people like us, the core issue here is the grab reins of the media interpretation. We can do it through FB, YT, Twitter, and other social media. The more we're able to smash the mainstream narrative, the easier these fuckers will be to snuff out like a candle.


Trump will be dealing with it at a different level:




Sure, cutting these funds is an option to punish the institution. This doesn't undo the brain washing of the students though.. . Since you mentioned it, what is the difference between islamic fanatics and these people here? Both will kick your face in if you have a different view than them. What a non-muslim is to the islamic fanatics, is a non-leftist to these rioters and their likes: infidels. If you don't believe in their religion of leftism, you are an infidel and can be punched, knifed, shot and run over. There is a reason why leftists and islamic extremists like each other, they have a lot in common. It is beyond bizarre IMO, because leftists and their associates will be next in line for literal execution if the West falls and Islam prevails. There is no time left for dicking around. Stefan hinted towards it in his recent video, too. The cancer has awoken and will quickly eat civilisation if no chemo and radiotherapy is applied.


BTW, what is up with police being ordered to stand down on such occasions. How does this work? Why can a university order police to stand down in the U.S.?

Also, here in Germany we do have a full ban on wearing face coverings (Vermummungsverbot) because evil intent is assumed in case.

I see a huge problem with current social media. They are evidently used as hotbeds of criminal organisations, but the groups are tolerated and not removed. It doesn't need a rocket scientist to infer that the owners of these platforms are actively promoting this violent and possibly civilisation ending behavior. The problem with these leftist people is that they are ghost drivers who are 100% conviced they are the just, the anti, the people who will create a better world and that everybody else is a 'Nazi'. Because what can be more wrong than a Nazi.. ?


It is fascinating and incredibly disturbing at the same time for me to actually understand now what happens when masses of people are brainwashed like this and behave identically like the brownshirts of Nazi Germany in the 1930's. The difference to the past is, though, that there were no social media that allowed instantaneous communication and organisation of these domestic terrorists.


I predict public book burnings of authors like Milo Yiannopoulos and many others by the insane Left. Dear american friends, please do not fall into a cognitive dissonance of "this will never happen" or "if there is an uprising, it will be over in the blink of an eye". In pre-Nazi Germany, most people thought exactly like that, until the national socialist death troopers pulled people out of their homes at night and shot them in front of their houses. Too many german Jews (who were simply german citizens) just couldn't break through their cognitive dissonance ("But we are Germans, why would anything happen to us?") and were murdered in the millions, because it was too late for them to counteract or flee then.


I'm happy to know that you guys have many many weapons to defend youself. At least that right wasn't taken from you. Use it wisely and decidedly.


Over and out.

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Since you mentioned it, what is the difference between islamic fanatics and these people here? 


Power. Islamic fanatics conquered an area 3 times the size of the Roman Empire in roughly 100 years. They are bound together by a religious belief in God and a righteous Jihad to make the entire world ruled under Islam. They've got the balls and the drive to do it.


It can be argued that leftists are the same, as the communist revolutions would prove. However, what I'm saying, after seeing these people on an individual level, that 50-80% of them would simply melt away once they realized that they personally are at risk for participating in this crap. They're pussies. They are literally a anti-gun group going up against a pro-gun group, and the only reason they haven't been mowed down is because of the patience and level-headedness of the pro-gun group.


As you mentioned, the media is one of the key differences between now and Nazi Germany. There is also another key difference: most of the brown shirts of 1930s Nazi Germany were WWI vets. A.k.a. NOT pussies. Same with the communist uprisings: WWI or WWII vets.


I think this rioting would be over fast if our public "authorities" simply turned their resources onto them. Arresting anyone gemäß des Vermummungsverbotssimply reading the damn social media to figure out what these people are doing and arresting their leaders, and authentically pushing back when things turn violent.


I know people are talking about forming militia and anti-leftist groups to handle these guys. I'm not going to tell them not to do this, but I think the real victory is going to be seen through us destroying the mainstream narrative and allowing the police to take these guys down. I know Germany is falling down a blackhole of hell; everyone thinks their so progressive and tolerant, but in the US the majority has shown that they're ready for some common sense and reality. We just need to keep pumping out the media and keeping each other's backs.

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They probably want to shut down social media, who cares if the Left uses it, let them rave, they'll be quite in the grave.

Censorship is not the answer, "Every lash inflicted is a tongue of fame; every prison, a more illustrious abode; every burned book or house enlightens the world; every suppressed or expunged word reverberates through the earth from side to side."

That said I believe the US and Germany may be headed to "internal" conflicts or war against deranged corrupt power hungry globalist and their pawns.

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Censorship is not the answer, "Every lash inflicted is a tongue of fame; every prison, a more illustrious abode; every burned book or house enlightens the world; every suppressed or expunged word reverberates through the earth from side to side."

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My approach has been "collectivism is an inherently violent ideology" but "communism" is a good trigger word.

Communism is a good trigger word precisely because humans are naturally prone to forming certain collectives (such as the family) and vilifying these terms wouldn't turn the public sentiment any further rightwards.

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Communism is a good trigger word precisely because humans are naturally prone to forming certain collectives (such as the family) and vilifying these terms wouldn't turn the public sentiment any further rightwards.


The point is that collectivism always leads to someone not consenting to something that happens, and if it's formalize they'll even claim to push that crap in your name.



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Sure, cutting these funds is an option to punish the institution. This doesn't undo the brain washing of the students though.. . Since you mentioned it, what is the difference between islamic fanatics and these people here? Both will kick your face in if you have a different view than them. What a non-muslim is to the islamic fanatics, is a non-leftist to these rioters and their likes: infidels. If you don't believe in their religion of leftism, you are an infidel and can be punched, knifed, shot and run over. There is a reason why leftists and islamic extremists like each other, they have a lot in common. It is beyond bizarre IMO, because leftists and their associates will be next in line for literal execution if the West falls and Islam prevails. There is no time left for dicking around. Stefan hinted towards it in his recent video, too. The cancer has awoken and will quickly eat civilisation if no chemo and radiotherapy is applied.


BTW, what is up with police being ordered to stand down on such occasions. How does this work? Why can a university order police to stand down in the U.S.?

Also, here in Germany we do have a full ban on wearing face coverings (Vermummungsverbot) because evil intent is assumed in case.

I see a huge problem with current social media. They are evidently used as hotbeds of criminal organisations, but the groups are tolerated and not removed. It doesn't need a rocket scientist to infer that the owners of these platforms are actively promoting this violent and possibly civilisation ending behavior. The problem with these leftist people is that they are ghost drivers who are 100% conviced they are the just, the anti, the people who will create a better world and that everybody else is a 'Nazi'. Because what can be more wrong than a Nazi.. ?


It is fascinating and incredibly disturbing at the same time for me to actually understand now what happens when masses of people are brainwashed like this and behave identically like the brownshirts of Nazi Germany in the 1930's. The difference to the past is, though, that there were no social media that allowed instantaneous communication and organisation of these domestic terrorists.


I predict public book burnings of authors like Milo Yiannopoulos and many others by the insane Left. Dear american friends, please do not fall into a cognitive dissonance of "this will never happen" or "if there is an uprising, it will be over in the blink of an eye". In pre-Nazi Germany, most people thought exactly like that, until the national socialist death troopers pulled people out of their homes at night and shot them in front of their houses. Too many german Jews (who were simply german citizens) just couldn't break through their cognitive dissonance ("But we are Germans, why would anything happen to us?") and were murdered in the millions, because it was too late for them to counteract or flee then.


I'm happy to know that you guys have many many weapons to defend youself. At least that right wasn't taken from you. Use it wisely and decidedly.


Over and out.

Oh trust me the moment somebody threatens my life or the life of anybody I love the gloves are off. I am in Alaska which is a part of America that is reliably Conservative/Libertarian but definitely more Conservative Minarchist. My heart does go out to my fellow peers in my generation who have to suffer this level of insanity and abuse. I can sense the patience and incredible levels of tolerance of Conservatives wearing very, very thin. It is only a matter of time before the shit hits the fan in some of these cities. This situation sort of reminds me of a heavily watered down modern day Crusades. The Regressives are trying to burn down and pillage Constantinople and destroy the Hagia Sophia. The Conservatives and anyone else who has more than one synapse firing in their brain are the ones attempting to pushback and diffuse this unjustified and unprovoked attack on their values. So far its remained relatively calm on the Conservative side but we have seen what happens when Europeans people get pissed off. Exhibit A: Winston Churchill. I hope to find myself on the non dead side of this looming war.       

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