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radical leftism fueled by the drug war??


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I'm just spit ballin so bear with me. The type of people who go to UC Berkeley to violently riot over a Milo speaking event seem to all have a deep seeded disrespect for rule of law in common (among other things). I think the drug war might have the single biggest negative impact on respect for rule of law. 


There are a lot of things the government does that are very hard to rationalize if you really think about them. I think the drug war may be the most obvious irrationality because the logic is basically 'you are paying us to protect you from yourself'. It's very insulting at its core to say the least. 


I look at all the people protesting Milo and I find it hard to believe they are all really protesting Milo. Instead I think Milo is just a scapegoat for them to behave unruly. What incentive do all those people have to be doing what they are doing? Something just isn't adding up. They are too brazen. The individuals attacking people and destroying property know the crowd isn't going to turn on them. 


Was the intolerant left even a thing in America before the drug war? 


Thoughts? Am I over valuing the effects of the drug war? 


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Well communists and the book "rules for radicals" came out before the drug war.


I think these people have been giving excuses to harm someone by labellign them nazi ect. Dehumanizing them so they can attack them with ease.




Because if you got an enemy... evil that you can see your lifes problem can be dissassociated away msot easily. Now BIG part of those problems are choices but also the drug war fueling community breakdowns. Add in this affirmitive action and well... you get the palces these people grew up in atleast the blacks.

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Am I over valuing the effects of the drug war? 


Like Anoujat said, communism existed long before the drug issue. In fact the drug war is just another commie program because there's not a single communist on Earth that can sleep at night knowing there's someone somewhere actively making personal choices without their input.

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There are a lot of things the government does that are very hard to rationalize if you really think about them. I think the drug war may be the most obvious irrationality because the logic is basically 'you are paying us to protect you from yourself'. It's very insulting at its core to say the least. 


This isn't the perception of the left though.  Because a lot of them are doing drugs openly.


They will rationalize that the government is there to protect other people from themselves, but not me because I'm smarter than those other people and I can handle drugs and use them properly.  So it's definitely insulting, but not insulting to themselves, insulting and condescending towards everyone else who isn't like them.


I also find this really interesting that this is now the second time you've framed a topic of current events around the drug war without much reason to do so......

I look at all the people protesting Milo and I find it hard to believe they are all really protesting Milo. Instead I think Milo is just a scapegoat for them to behave unruly. What incentive do all those people have to be doing what they are doing? Something just isn't adding up. They are too brazen. The individuals attacking people and destroying property know the crowd isn't going to turn on them. 


Of course they aren't acting this way because of Milo or the alt-right or Trump or whatever else.  You could put me in a room of nazis and I would be repulsed by them but I would not be violent.  You could put me on the street during a riot and I would not get swept up in the mayhem and start rioting or becoming violent and destructive.  I have no respect for "the rule of law" but I don't go out breaking laws, even unjust ones.  You have to be primed toward destructive actions before you can find a rationalization for it. 


You could put 1000 rationalizations in front of me and I would not turn violent or destructive, but you could fashion the flimsiest, most contrived absurd rationalization to put in front of some of these people and they go batshit crazy without a second thought.  It's not a drug war or a rule of law issue, it's the war at home that conditions them to believe they can find solutions or relief or whatever in these crazy actions

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I also find this really interesting that this is now the second time you've framed a topic of current events around the drug war without much reason to do so......


How much reason do you think I need? I think intolerant leftism and the drug war are both tearing society apart. I still don't think its huge a stretch to postulate that one may be feeding off the other. 


The radical Left is in general, in my opinion, fueled by a combination of neglect/daycare in childhood, and incessant cultural Marxist indoctrination for two decades.


Two decades because thats about the average age of the radical left? Why two decades?




Like Anoujat said, communism existed long before the drug issue. In fact the drug war is just another commie program because there's not a single communist on Earth that can sleep at night knowing there's someone somewhere actively making personal choices without their input.


If everyone is saying communism is the cause and you are saying drug war is a form of communism isn't that helping my case? 


Would you say the specific type of angry intolerant leftism going around in America has also existed long before the drug issue? 

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How much reason do you think I need? I think intolerant leftism and the drug war are both tearing society apart. I still don't think its huge a stretch to postulate that one may be feeding off the other. 


For one, you're again thinking about the drug war after you confessed in another thread persistent drug use.  So a drug user who points to the drug war as the root of all of society's ills?


Second, postulating things means more than just pointing things out that may very well be correlated.  It means having evidence to support the theory before postulating it, not the other way around.


Thirdly, Correlation does not equal causation.


Fourthly, I personally think that the drug war and the irrational violent left are both symptoms of a larger problem, not that one or the other is at the root.  Again, I will repeat that silly laws or 'lack of respect for law' do not produce violence in people.  Otherwise we would be concerned with the radical violent libertarians who have the most reason to disrespect the law, instead of the state-worshipping left.


I'm not trying to be confrontational toward you, I just think you presented a thought with little to no evidence to support even correlation, let alone causation.  You then asked for everyone else to provide input to hopefully verify your thought for you.  And what stands out to me is that this is two posts in a row you've made where you framed the discussion against the drug war, even when it wasn't really relevant to the primary issue you're talking about. 


Finally, you specifically mentioned not wanting to call in to the show and speak to Stef because you are anxious about Stef delving deep into your personal life and that you would lose control and become too emotional.  UI also asked you what type of content most brings you to the FDR community to which you responded self-knowledge above all else.  And yet, your concerns on the board, as demonstrated by your posts, seem to be about drug policy. 


So I'm sensing that your lack of effort to make a valid hypothesis with actual evidence to support it is a red flag and that you're sending out signals to the FDR community to point out your emphasis on the drug war and start the process of digging into your actions and history.


How much time do you spend in your life thinking about the drug war, police, potential consequences of your drug use?  What benefits does drug use provide you?  How could you achieve these same benefits by other means that would be legal or safer for you?

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For one, you're again thinking about the drug war after you confessed in another thread persistent drug use.  So a drug user who points to the drug war as the root of all of society's ills?


 I don't mind admitting that I may be biased or just care more about this stuff because it's part of my life. I'm not pointing to the drug war as the root of all of society's ills. Even if there were no drug war there will always be murder, theft, rape, etc. I think the drug war might enhance specific ills.


Second, postulating things means more than just pointing things out that may very well be correlated.  It means having evidence to support the theory before postulating it, not the other way around.


I think you may be confusing the words postulate and prove...


Postulate - suggest or assume the existence, fact, or truth of (something) as a basis for reasoning, discussion, or belief.


Provedemonstrate the truth or existence of (something) by evidence or argument.


Again, I will repeat that silly laws or 'lack of respect for law' do not produce violence in people. 


Portugal and Netherlands have deescalated the drug war in recent years. I'm looking at crime stats comparing USA to Netherlands right now at




Why does Netherlands have less crime and less drug users? The drug war is a genuinely harmful policy that is putting average people at odds with the police. It causes people to be paranoid, fearful, and resentful of law enforcement. I think its hard to say for sure how much impact drug war has on violent tendencies but you probably shouldn't assert that it has no effect at all.


I'm not trying to be confrontational toward you, I just think you presented a thought with little to no evidence to support even correlation, let alone causation.  You then asked for everyone else to provide input to hopefully verify your thought for you.  And what stands out to me is that this is two posts in a row you've made where you framed the discussion against the drug war, even when it wasn't really relevant to the primary issue you're talking about. 


I want you to participate if you have an opinion on what I'm saying even if you disagree. But I don't need you to verify my thoughts for me lol. If I even understand what that means. 


I am honestly not trying to induce an intervention here. I just like to be upfront that I am biased about the drug war. Thank you though... I think your intentions are in the right place and I understand why you think that's what I'm doing.

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You take a postulate and move forward with the assumption it is true.  Like in the scientific method, you hypothesize an outcome and then you model your experiment around the assumed validity of the hypothesis.  People don't just pull the hypothesis out of thin air though, they have significant evidence in advance of reaching that stage.  This isn't really relevant though because I don't want to nitpick on a word you used which was overall a reasonable synonym.


I am not suggesting that crime isn't correlated to drug war policies.  But there is a massive difference between the violent left and the general crime, violent or non-violent, that happens in a society with a drug war. You brought the topic up as a link between specifically the violent left, not general violence or crime.

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