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If the left says it's OK to punch Nazis, I say it's OK to punch pedophiles.


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If there's one group that's more universally hated than Nazis, it's pedophiles.

Playing fair is not working out. We need to fight fire with fire.

I do not advocate violence, mostly just out of integrity because I personally would not put my body and life on the line to fight the communism, violence and profound insanity of the left. 


The entrenched leftist establishment is not going to be defeated by valiant intellectual struggle...

Arguments are not working.

Philosophy is not working.

Humor and satire is not working.

Public shaming is not working.

Winning elections is not working.

Everyday I get more and more convinced that more visceral tactics are needed. The best way I can think of to do this is to start smearing conspicuous leftists as pedophiles.


With many thousands of very committed and creative cyber-sleuths on The Donald sub-reddit, 4chan, Twitter, etc and the amazing things you can do with Photoshop and audio/video editing software quiet damning digital evidence could be created easily. It would spread so fast and far. 


The left has been calling Trump Hitler and his supporters Nazis for almost two years, the majority of the country and world doesn't believe them but a fringe of idiots really do and are willing to commit violence. Which is deleterious to free speech and is enough to silence a lot of Trump supporters.


There's grotesque logic to it...

If, by some time warp, you met a genuinely murderous Nazi it would be as appropriate to punch them as it would be a to bunch a real pedophile that abused children.


Look at this guy the Mayor of Berkeley, complicit in the violence and strangling of the free speech at UC Berkeley

His fat face just screams I'm a pedophile!


The left is profoundly cowardly, if a few highly vocal public leftists suffered real consequences for the evil ideology they push, the hysterically vocal tone of the leftists will change rapidly.

The reason the leftist thugs wear face masks is because they really do fear social ostracization, they don't want to be caught on a viral Youtube video attacking a defenseless woman that their friends, family and future potential employers will see.

Public leftists will face the same social ostracization if they are exposed as pedophiles.


Just writing this makes me uncomfortable because it's not in my character to lie about about people and slander.

But the left is so determined to drag western society into a genocidal apocalypse the only other alternative I see is countering their nasty bloody violence with more violence.

As you read this totally callous leftists are conspiring to take down Trump, to beat Nationalism, to kill free speech and they have no scruples whatsoever. Who was it that said...

If the left could put us in camps. They would.

Stefan himself said in his recent video that perhaps the time for arguments is over. Perhaps it's time for action.


This would require organization, fund raising, thorough vetting, media manipulation, covert communication, counter intelligence and real skills with photoshop and AV software.

I'm not going to do it, but somebody should. I would give you money to do it, and so would a lot of people. Just let me know your Bitcoin address!

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OK do you have a better idea to reason with the millionaire celebrities, lefty politicians and mainstream media approving and encouraging the violence? 

I comprehend your emotion, but it's not OK to punch anybody just for their preferences. When we come down to that, all ground for debate goes missing :/

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OK do you have a better idea to reason with the millionaire celebrities, lefty politicians and mainstream media approving and encouraging the violence? 


Don't try to convince irrational people. Instead recruit more and more of the peaceful, watchful, and silent middle.

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If the left says it's OK to punch Nazis, I say it's OK to punch pedophiles.


Sounds reasonable. Not very practical though. I mean you'd probably have to punch 25% of Mexico. Large swathes of the 3rd World; inc parts of France, Sweden and the UK etc. Plus the fact the Nazi regime failed it's own test of perverted Darwinian selection, so not possible to be a Nazi. The same way it is impossible to be a Spartan or Roman Legionnaire.


I don't think you'll out smear the left, since they're better at it, lack of a soul or at least some conscious realisation of ethics in many cases.


What might be better is to try and position various K-selected groups in strategic positions. I mean left wing people tend to congregate in cities, so look for ways to entomb them in the future, Spanish Civil War style perhaps or like the sentry guns off the Movie Aliens.


Filming "protests", ghettos violence, undercover investigations. Doesn't seem to be effective as I believe it should be. I mean they had Hillary on Tape laughing about defending child rape, which makes it worse imo if she "won the popular vote". Having said that I think anyone willing to go into those areas of reporting is awesome in my opinion, not so much if they get mobbed. Though they have certain level of charisma many people perhaps don't have in abundance. I wouldn't mind doing something like that, but similar to the Jehovah witnesses. The Key being as you said being "organisation" as well as established pioneers. 

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 it would be as appropriate to punch them as it would be a to bunch a real pedophile that abused children.




You dont get to punch someone for having committed a crime. No matter how disgusting the crime. You get to defend your property, to defend your person, and any persons that depend on you. 

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I'm not sure whether you dismiss advocating violence sincerely or out of fear of it being taken as a crime of inciting riot.  But the sentiment is understandable.  A crocodile doesn't care about arguments.  It only cares about chomping.  Law in the U.S. is tricky.  In Canada anyone can perform an arrest with the same force as police.  Anyone that prevents the arrest, including police, is guilty of a crime.  So it's easier to deal with these situations.  It seems that in other places dependence on the police to carry out procedures allows the police to systematically shirk duty to let specific groups that they secretly support get away with crime.

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Don't try to convince irrational people. Instead recruit more and more of the peaceful, watchful, and silent middle.


But don't you think that (most) of the reasonable people have probably all been convinced already?


As Stefan suggested in his video, we reaching the point of diminishing returns from using arguments and rhetoric.


The leftist establishment figureheads and regressive intellectuals, the Jesse Arreguins and Nicholas B. Dirks (UC Berkeley chancellor) of the world SHOULD BE convinced by arguments and reason. Yet they are utterly committed to the most demonic leftist dogma.


I think it's time that our side start using fear as a tactic. 


What I propose above is the most effective way I can imagine doing this.

You dont get to punch someone for having committed a crime. No matter how disgusting the crime. You get to defend your property, to defend your person, and any persons that depend on you. 

I wouldn't punch... Anyone. 


But A LOT of people would punch a pedophile.

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I'm not sure whether you dismiss advocating violence sincerely or out of fear of it being taken as a crime of inciting riot.  But the sentiment is understandable.  A crocodile doesn't care about arguments.  It only cares about chomping.  Law in the U.S. is tricky.  In Canada anyone can perform an arrest with the same force as police.  Anyone that prevents the arrest, including police, is guilty of a crime.  So it's easier to deal with these situations.  It seems that in other places dependence on the police to carry out procedures allows the police to systematically shirk duty to let specific groups that they secretly support get away with crime.


The situation for felonies, especially violent ones, is similar under most places that draw from English common law (and Louisiana, the one state that doesn't, also has it). "Citizen's Arrest" in the states is still done from time to time.

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I wouldn't say it's reasonable to go punch socialists, as it's unreasonable to go punch children. All be it often very large hurling abuse armed with baseball bats and mace children.


It's not just the fact if someone is a Rapist or Paedophile, it's the possibility that they may murder to cover-up their crimes. I think the use of fear tactics such as punching someone is questionable, a well placed bomb may put a fire out, an ill placed one may make it worse. Education and raising self-awareness may be the better way to go. 


I remember a story about a young girl, possibly about  6-years old, crushed to death by a drunk bin lorry driver. I don't know the specifics, any way the driver got off with a minimal sentence and had been drunk before. So the father killed the bin lorry driver, a jury found the father not guilty of murder.

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I wouldn't say it's reasonable to go punch socialists, as it's unreasonable to go punch children. All be it often very large hurling abuse armed with baseball bats and mace children.




I disagree. 


Lefties have made a rule about political violence.


That rule applies to everybody equally.


Therefore it is now OK for me to not just punch but kill lefties because they are happy to do the same to me.


Children, OTOH don't make rules about violence.


So the NAP still applies.


There are no flaws in the logic above.



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Entry to Megan's Law Pa website requires the user to agree you will bring the people listed there no harm. They make life most unpleasant. They know their rights and they "tease" or "taunt" it. Perhaps not, but I think they also network. PA has a huge problem and I don't know a solution other than to be very vigilant. Punching them will not change them.  Nothing will change them. I think it is best not to agitate them.  It does seem to be a slight improvement over when I was a child.  As a child, I was flashed by perverts at least twice.  Today, my children know who they are in the neighborhood, have a greater awareness to stay away from them. although the "worry" is more of a constant threat, but we have had No actual "incident."  I do get very concerned however, when traffic picks up at their residence and one may suspect wrongdoing, but there is really nothing you can do about it.  My greatest other concern , is systemic organizational abuse (Catholic Church, etc.) and situations like Penn State which has been devastating to the entire state financially even if the liberal college administrators won't admit it.  Millions in legal fees causing the closure of some of the lessor known campuses reduces access to education, etc. The denial is very bad.  Victims already tend to keep it inside, and this example makes the hush an actual gag. There has been an uptick in arrests since Trump came into office...hopefully not fake news ...hard to tell anymore.

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Guys! Let's get back on topic!


I'm not advocating violence so we don't need to debate none aggression principal or punching children.


I guess I'm trying to get some more pragmatic feedback on my proposed propaganda strategy...

Do you agree with the lefts strategy to call their enemies racist nazis, which legitimises violence against them? Because that is what your strategy is akin to. I suppose you can argue that you are only using their tactics back to them but I am not sure thats how it works

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