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This is War - Berkeley Riot vs Free Speech


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The left is telling the world that they are no longer willing to use words and arguments to win political debates, and will attempt to achieve victory using "any means necessary". When someone tells you THEY are at war with you does that mean you are at war with them? You tell me - what is the rational response? Please Share.


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I certainly agree with Goldenages, the rational response is to either fortify your sanctuary where you are or if you are single and haven't put down many roots get as far away from these cesspools as possible. There is a wide open America out there with plenty of communities of people who do not tolerate any of this nonsense. If you can handle the winters, I would suggest coming to Alaska. You don't even have to live in Fairbanks because the State is so huge. You could live in Valdez, or Homer, or Seward, or even Anchorage. Not to mention all of the other smaller towns peppered all across the State, so many that I couldn't name them all here. The point is, people have options available to them. Vote with your wallet and feet.  

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Half the population which is against gun ownership are picking a fight with the other half which is strongly for gun ownership.

There's this thing with professional fighters that they almost always try to deescalate a confrontation first because it's far easier for them to kill someone than to stand there and take it.


Leftists are moronic children having a tantrum and when a child has a tantrum they either learn how to control it themselves or someone else will do it for them. Violence can control almost everything in the short run but in the long run leftists will won't learn a thing and this will play out again over and over.

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I certainly agree with Goldenages, the rational response is to either fortify your sanctuary where you are or if you are single and haven't put down many roots get as far away from these cesspools as possible. There is a wide open America out there with plenty of communities of people who do not tolerate any of this nonsense. If you can handle the winters, I would suggest coming to Alaska. You don't even have to live in Fairbanks because the State is so huge. You could live in Valdez, or Homer, or Seward, or even Anchorage. Not to mention all of the other smaller towns peppered all across the State, so many that I couldn't name them all here. The point is, people have options available to them. Vote with your wallet and feet.  


I couldn't disagree more with this sentiment.  This is what people have been doing for the last century as tyranny has crept in and taken your freedom.  I thought the rise and success of Trump would have killed this mentality of hiding in your bunker and waiting for Armageddon to come where you will then come out and fight over scraps of meat. As has been explained thoroughly, the purpose of the left's violence is to make people scared of coming out in the future to discuss ideas they don't like - because then those ideas die.  They win by silencing us through fear of violence and social ostracization - by making us barricade ourselves from society.  Waiting for them to bring the fight to your bunker will just mean they win because they don't want your bunker, they want complete control of the zeitgeist and philosophy.  Now I am not saying we should abandon the NAP, however we may need to put ourselves in positions where the left forces us to defend ourselves. We may also have to realize someone has declared war on us which means we don't have to wait for them to surround us before we move on them. If we just let this play out on their terms we lose and freedom loses.

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The rational response is to signal to the authorities (Trump) that antifa must be declared a terrorist organization, that the UC at Berkeley was directly involved in the riots with staff guiding it from within, and that they have to be defunded from federal sources. That Free Speech must be protected by the law.


When all that fails, that's when you fight.

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They have to believe that a violent reaction will change sentiment so much they'll win the next election.


Who needs to win elections when you can cuck your opposition?  Then you can always hold the position of the rebel while all of society is carrying out your wishes because if they don't you will throw a temper tantrum and make them look like immoral.

The rational response is to signal to the authorities (Trump) that antifa must be declared a terrorist organization, that the UC at Berkeley was directly involved in the riots with staff guiding it from within, and that they have to be defunded from federal sources. That Free Speech must be protected by the law.


When all that fails, that's when you fight.


I agree with this, because we do have Trump.

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Life is not a commodity to true Americans, freedom is.  And if these fascists are going as far as starting a war with the bill of rights then they're going to lose.  We'd gladly die in the name of freedom.  This is a fight they can not win.

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There is no need to die for anybody because of turmoil during a lecture or demonstration.

The goal of the lefties is to discourage the average citizen to attend. Over here those so called antifa- groups are very well organized, to certain events they come with busses from abroad.

So to hinder or even destroy the lefties goal, the more civilized people show up the better.


But: Do not go alone. Organize in groups with friends, the more and the larger the better, and make a briefing:  Be alert, in most cases trouble can be anticipated and avoided. Inform police whenever possible. If one of you gets attacked, your buddies must be ready to take appropriate action - the coward spraying the girl into her face should be attacked from both sides, one kicks off the spray can, an other drags down his mask. The chances that the attacker will flee instantly are very good as soon as he realizes that he is outnumbered and not anonymous any more.


Take appropriate action.Your self esteem is not dependent on knocking down or injuring somebody without cause. Your opponent`s is. There are data that most antifa-warriors still live at home clinging to mom.

Our self esteem is based on convictions, funded on the knowledge of facts.


And finally: If paving stones are flying low, run. (Happend over here). Thats not craven, thats wise. Stay together and direct police.




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The expendables are sent to the front lines. If you get violent with the rioters, you are doing exactly what is desired - sacrificing a high value unit (yourself) for a low value unit (rioter).  This includes the situation wherein you and your attacker are both incriminated for fighting (regardless of it being self defence).  The notion "this is war" as a reaction to this rioting is misguided.  It encapsulates both the false notion that the war just started, and, perhaps, the poor idea that one should get violent in reaction to this particular event.


If you must provide a target by going to an event such as this at a college - especially in california -  hire bouncers with criminal or violent histories.  (There are better ways to antagonize leftists and spread ideas (like stickers))


The concept "The goal of the lefties is to discourage the average citizen to attend" is a false one.  The average citizen doesn't care and doesn't even know about the event.  Closest, you get people who are intrigued, and they would just be radicalised by the riots - so, if anything, the riots and the publicity generated are beneficial towards the ideas being spread. 


There is another false idea that the left is just waiting for material to prove Trumpists are nazis - but, this is also false. They have and will continue to say Trumpists are nazis, regardless of having anything to back the claim up.


It may, indeed, be an effort to scare Trumpists and diminish the fervour of their activities.  It could also be psychological conditioning of the zombies:

- that there are riots indicates that there must be something terrible about Trumpists

- that people are rioting indicates you should also be upset

- that the rioters are getting away with it indicates that they are justified

- that the rioters are getting away with it indicates that you would also get away with it

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