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How should I enter the business world?


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Last fall, I invested in a blockchain startup. Now, I have a goal of creating a paid position in the company within a few months. There looks to be some very big investment just around the corner, and they are launching an extremely exciting product within a couple of months.


I do not have any concrete skills that are directly relevant and that can be easily monetized in the company - yet. Therefore, my intention is to learn by showing up. Basically being at the office pretty much every day and absorb. I have money for spending for a few months to come, so I can afford to be there without getting paid for a little while. Plus, of course, my equity may do a job giving me an "income" as well. So, wealth will most likely increase anyway, but I of course need some income to pay bills etc.


While showing up is usually a great way to learn stuff in general (and I have good experience of this), I think I may need a strategy for exactly how I should be showing up in this context. 


Does anybody here have experience immersing yourself in a new business? What is my best strategy here, be as curious as I can? Ask questions as often as possible? Help brew coffee as often as possible? Be as critical (constructively, of course) as possible? Etc etc

Advice would be much appreciated :)


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Well, its hard to say without knowing all the details. However, you mentioned you invested in this blockchain startup. So, You know what it takes to get investors to invest in this startup as you were one of them. That can be valuable depending on the situation. You might be able to start by helping the marketing team attract investors or better yet, reach out to potential investors yourself and try to get them to invest. You have your reasons why you invested, why not share it with other potential investors? If you can bring in investors to the company im sure you will have no problem getting paid for that. One of the biggest reasons I see startups fail is because they ran out of money. Maybe you can do email outreach or my favorite which is cold calling. 

But again, I dont know much details about this startup and you mentioned you didn't have any concrete skills that are directly relevant. So, I dont have much to work with haha. However, I am glad to see you want to enter the business world. I personally love business and have been an entrepreneur all my life. I truly wish you the best and much success! 

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Thanks, guys! My plan now is to show up and learn as much as possible until August. I already have a significant equity, so even without the income, I have money saved. Hopefully, I will be able to be provide true value when I have immersed myself in the company for so long.

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Put together a business plan. Show investors how you would make them money and a lot of it. Furthermore, begin making some noise through social media.


"LIKE THIS POST IF ______________________________________!"


Begin making a buzz.


Put the skills you have to use. Be reading. Be active. Add value. The question is how? What are your strengths? Start here. Sign up for Mastermind group in your city. Get on LinkedIn.

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