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If people lose respect for the law, do they stop marginally supporting the state?

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If people lose respect for the law, do they stop marginally supporting the state?


Wouldn't we have market law rein supreme?


I think about this and I remember the many times I've made proposals in the interest of people, trades, and where these people rejected it.


I suspect, people are too stupid to have anything other than slavery. Too stupid to generate the contracts and market for law. They'd readily bow to opportunist politicians, en mass, and overpower the rest, not because they are biologically superior, but because they are retarded.


I hope a group will come along, a group that will see better and outcompete everyone else.


I don't care if the lesser die in the process. They are no moral allies to me.


''why hasn't anarcho-capitalism be tried'', ''because it's inferior and failed where it was tried'' some say.


Or maybe, just maybe. It is as all the ground breaking improvements and iterations, they were scorned by the retards of the time. Science wasn't tried, not because it was inferior, but because it wasn't tried.



Wouldn't you think.

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My friend... I am an ethnic European of Western soul that was by accident born and raised in Latin America.

You see governments failing almost everywhere in Latin America (with the possible exception of Chile). Do people lose faith in the State? No. Only in the current government or in democracy itself. They have a messianic vision that some politician will become a dictator and fix things or that a military coup will happen again and save them from leftism.

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 Chile). Do people lose faith in the State? No. Only in the current government or in democracy itself. They have a messianic vision that some politician will become a dictator and fix things or that a military coup will happen again and save them from leftism.


Pinochet comes to mind.


  save them from leftism.


Really? is that everyone's boogyman? last time I checked it was the absence of state intervention.



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Pinochet comes to mind.



Really? is that everyone's boogyman? last time I checked it was the absence of state intervention.



There is not only right and left. There is also Nationalism/Fascism/reactionarism/traditionalism (those are not exactly the same thing) which is called Third position. What people there see as leftism is the new left mostly, so for example, homosexual marriage. It is not that uncommon for someone to break a lamp in the face of a man who is acting in a very effeminate way there. The image of friendliness and "everything is allowed" in Latin America is a media creation.


The idea is that they believe a military coup or a Third Position one will come again. Getúlio Vargas, a fascist dictator is well loved in Brazil. He happens to be an ancestor of mine. When I still lived there, every time someone heard about it they would start saying "wow, what is someone important as you doing here?" or "Too bad we don't have Vargas anymore". 

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There is not only right and left. There is also Nationalism/Fascism/reactionarism/traditionalism (those are not exactly the same thing) which is called Third position. What people there see as leftism is the new left mostly, so for example, homosexual marriage. It is not that uncommon for someone to break a lamp in the face of a man who is acting in a very effeminate way there. The image of friendliness and "everything is allowed" in Latin America is a media creation.


The idea is that they believe a military coup or a Third Position one will come again. Getúlio Vargas, a fascist dictator is well loved in Brazil. He happens to be an ancestor of mine. When I still lived there, every time someone heard about it they would start saying "wow, what is someone important as you doing here?" or "Too bad we don't have Vargas anymore". 

haha, it's invitation.

I'm conflicted as to what to do with it :P

My friend... I am an ethnic European of Western soul that was by accident born and raised in Latin America.


You see governments failing almost everywhere in Latin America (with the possible exception of Chile). Do people lose faith in the State? No. Only in the current government or in democracy itself. They have a messianic vision that some politician will become a dictator and fix things or that a military coup will happen again and save them from X.

It's almost like 10000 years ago in a small group of humans, where a new leader would finally fix the lacking hunting tactics or agricultural plans.

( almost = sarcastic)

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