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Vogue magazine in hot Water over Diversity themed issue


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“These images appropriate a culture that is not my own and I am truly sorry for participating in a shoot that was not culturally sensitive,” she wrote in a post shared on Twitter. “My goal is, and always will be, to empower and inspire women. I will ensure my future shoots and projects reflect that mission.”

She'll be completely paralyzed from ever participating in any shoot ever again. Her career is over.

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Western culture includes exploring, investigating, playing with, and even satirising other cultures, akin to children dressing up in their parents' clothes, or marveling and laughing at the funny animals at the zoo.  That's part of what makes us who we are.  People who disparage this while condemning and attempting to shame innocent Westerners for doing this are themselves anti-Western and are using their privilege as putative popular moralists to damage and destroy the very West that put them in their places of pop-cultural authority to begin with.


"Cultural sensitivity" is another way of saying the West is "too Western" and needs to be stripped of its essence in order to fulfill the ideological whimsy of the international socialist vanguard, which deploys itself in the form of the "social justice warriors" and their well-meaning dupes.


It is the uniquely Western paradox that it seeks to become itself by destroying itself.  It has been programmed for equality of all, without a balancing program to stop "of all" coming to mean the entire population of Terra, and this equalisation has manifested in animal rights, ecology, feminism, rainbowism, "diversity quotas", welfare, lack of school choice, and the push to drop all borders to immigration and admit the world.  The West has not yet successfully  established a principle of cultural survival that would temper the excesses of the egalitarianists.


If only there were a way to support and de-shame the celebrities and others who are giving into the shamers.

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