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#PizzaGate Video of John Podesta torturing child at Comet Ping Pong (WARNING!)


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If you just want to watch the audio comparison without the terrible screams, please skip to the 1 minute 5 second mark in the video. I'm so not joking, it's that bad. 


Tweet w/video:  https://twitter.com/suziedaud/status/831898824763379716



The child in the video calls the assailant "John" and then "Skippy" (..after which the assailant says "You will call me father!"). Skippy is Podesta's so called "alter-ego". 



Also, the background is very similar to that of Comet Ping Pong. You can look through Suziedaud's twitter posts to see photos. 


There is a lot of information out there as of today. We need a "Truth About.." video on this very soon. Please.

Lots of info on #PizzaGate:   https://twitter.com/Notmanipulated7




List of Sex Trafficing busts since Trump took office...





A Primer on #PizzaGate

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He says his own name at the 37 second mark in the video.


"I'm just a kid who's four. Each day I grow some more. I'm John Podesta..."



He's singing the theme to Caillou. Which goes..


"I'm just a kid who's four. Each day I grow some more. I go exploring, ..."


"John Podesta" doesn't sound like "exploring" to me.




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Man that video was absolutely sickening
I haven't done a lot of research about Pizzagate, but the videos you linked to are awfully convincing to me that it is John Podesta abusing that child.  That doesn't mean it is necessarily true obviously, but it is convincing - higher pitched New York/Italian voice and the circumstantial evidence is interesting to say the least.
The voice belonging to the person torturing that child is emotionally charged and rising in tonality.  The clip of John Podesta taken by James O-Keefe captures John not emotionally charged and is in a falling tonality.  In other words, it's not the best comparison.



<object width="425" height="344" data="<object width="425" height="344" data="https://youtu.be/0Vt6yyFujWg?t=4m31s"></object>"></object>

This is a situation where he IS emotionally charged and his tonality is rising and at the high end of his vocal range.

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The most relevant question to me, is where was the video sourced from? Why does a random twitter account have podestas secret recordings? If it is real it would indicate to me that there are many more videos like this and if some random twitter account has them then they must be passed around a lot between these sick fucks. Who is the person recording? John himself or someone else? If someone else why did they not intervene? If john himself why does it appear the people are on the other side of the glass and why don't we see them? Or maybe i am missing something in the video. It's hard to watch without muting.

Despite being disgusting and enraging people to do more research, I think this only serves to confuse people more. Maybe it's only me. 

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The most relevant question to me, is where was the video sourced from? Why does a random twitter account have podestas secret recordings? If it is real it would indicate to me that there are many more videos like this and if some random twitter account has them then they must be passed around a lot between these sick fucks. Who is the person recording? John himself or someone else? If someone else why did they not intervene? If john himself why does it appear the people are on the other side of the glass and why don't we see them? Or maybe i am missing something in the video. It's hard to watch without muting.


Despite being disgusting and enraging people to do more research, I think this only serves to confuse people more. Maybe it's only me. 



it's you. The video has been rallying people like crazy on Twitter. Even James Woods tweeted about it.

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The Gov under Obama, Deep State, Globalists, etc. have tied the hands the FBI and others who have a tremendous amount of incriminating information. Let's not focus on the "How" but the "Who, Why, Where". There will be a lot more coming out and we all need to understand that the sources are probably going to be anonymous.

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