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The Trump Value Effect

Dylan Lawrence Moore

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Since Milo got banned from Twitter, I've been noticing a clear relationship between the political stances of businesses and their success. I'm calling it the Trump Value Effect.


Twitter experienced an immediate stock price drop after banning Milo, who was still able to drive himself to Top Trend status with his book release. In fact, the argument can probably be made that his being banned from Twitter partially caused the popularity of his book.


Companies that are taking the side of social justice publicly are feeling immediate repercussions for it, and no matter how much the media, popular culture, and business attacks things which are "Pro-Trump", their business explodes. 


Joy Villa jumps from rank #543 to rank #1 in music practically overnight for wearing a MAGA dress to the Grammy's. Milo's book Dangerous top trends, despite being denied typical outlets to advertise it. Ivanka Trump's fashion line tops charts even though Nordstrom and other fashion outlets have dropped it.


GrubHub CEO suggests employees who approve of Trump resign from the company, PacketSled CEO tweets assassination threats to Trump and resigns, Netflix releases Dear White People trailer and receives an onslaught of canceled accounts, Starbucks offers to hire 10,000 refugees in response to Trump's "Muslim ban" and gets a boycott. The hell is going on here?


Trump has symbolized an arrival of an era where political correctness doesn't pay anymore. The shrieking, hysterical left are the parasites of society by doctrine, not the producers. When companies appeal to them, they're appealing to the populace that doesn't produce anything to pay them with. Appealing to the other side is to appeal to people who work and actually have the money to spend to support something.


Furthermore, the banshee world of the left has become so associated with destruction and vileness, whatever sets them off, people are assuming must be good.


It's going to be fun to see which side of the political line businesses are going to fall on from here.

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