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Milo - Book Cancelled - Resigns from Breitbart

Matty Rose

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Been all over my feed the last few days.


He just made this statement at a press conference he held:

"I am a gay man, and a child abuse victim.


Between the ages of 13 and 16, two men touched me in ways they should not have. One of those men was a priest. My relationship with my abusers is complicated by the fact that, at the time, I did not perceive what was happening to me as abusive. I can look back now and see that it was. I still don’t view myself as a victim. But I am one. Looking back, I can see the effects it had on me. In the years after what happened, I fell into alcohol and nihilistic partying that lasted well into my late 20s."


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If you watch the full unedited video of what he's saying it's pretty clear that he doesn't support pedophilia in any way. Yeah, his views are out there, but not anywhere near worthy of the witch hunt that has followed. Especially given the evidence of actual child abuse from people like Podesta and Lena Dunham.


I'm sure he will bounce back.

Edit - detailed analysis of his comments here.

Edit - His press conference here.



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The war just got hot.  This was a blatant establishment hit job on an opposition voice. The ripples from this event will either chill or inflame - the choice is ours, are we cucks or are we men?d


Dylan - the full remarks are from Milo's latest appearances on the Joe Rogan Experience and the Drunken Peasants podcasts.  One thing that should be illuminating is looking through the comment sections on those videos - no outrage or claims of Milo being a supporter of pedophilia. The sheep had to be told to be enraged in order to get there.

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I hope Stefan's hatred of the media won't cloud his judgement into defending Milo, since it was indefensible by itself. He apologized for once in his life because he knew he had no way of redeeming them. Yeah, it was a coordinated effort to damage him. Yet many people knew about it since it had been public for a year. I stopped supporting Milo a long time ago after I realized he was nothing else but an attention seeker masquerading as a free speech advocate. He really doesn't care, and I know you think he does, but I can't believe he does after everything I've seen him do ever since GamerGate and during it.

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I hope Stefan's hatred of the media won't cloud his judgement into defending Milo, since it was indefensible by itself. He apologized for once in his life because he knew he had no way of redeeming them. Yeah, it was a coordinated effort to damage him. Yet many people knew about it since it had been public for a year. I stopped supporting Milo a long time ago after I realized he was nothing else but an attention seeker masquerading as a free speech advocate. He really doesn't care, and I know you think he does, but I can't believe he does after everything I've seen him do ever since GamerGate and during it.


The guy that puts his career, livelihood, and life on the line does not care about free speech?

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This is the interview where he made the comments in question



This is the article I read which referenced it and dealt with his facebook response.


I was pretty out of the loop on the whole issue and didn't read much about it, and have little interest in listening to the full interview or searching for the segment to hear his comments in full context.



Do you have the link to the actual remarks he made that started the controversy off?

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Maybe it is indefensible? Maybe he's completely wrong? So what. I find myself giving very few fucks about what he did/said. I guess I'm a little blinded by admiration. This type shit is what you'll get from a radical free speecher. Do you think he's in support of child molesting? Do you think thats the haters real issue with him? Thanks to the cucks the left is now relieved and excited. Makes me want to vomit. War Milo!. Love him and will be fun to see him come back from this one.

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The guy that puts his career, livelihood, and life on the line does not care about free speech?


Only to the extent it benefits his career, his wallet, and his brand. Martyrizing him keeps playing to that strategy, yes. No one is a kamikaze without the promise of heaven, and his seemingly brave shtick is purely for personal gain.

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purely for personal gain.


Factually false. We ALL gained from Milo's work. Furthermore you seem to conflate "personal gain" to "bad". Don't be absurd.


If there is one good thing that I can take away from all of this it's that there are rats hiding within every movement. It's only a matter of time till the vermin start pushing forth socialism/communism and the "useful idiots" are, and have always been, the first to go. You have been put on notice.

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Factually false. We ALL gained from Milo's work. Furthermore you seem to conflate "personal gain" to "bad". Don't be absurd.


If there is one good thing that I can take away from all of this it's that there are rats hiding within every movement. It's only a matter of time till the vermin start pushing forth socialism/communism and the "useful idiots" are, and have always been, the first to go. You have been put on notice.


Hahaha, if you don't like Milo you're a communist! Good one, Wuzz. I will repost something I wrote elsewhere about why I don't defend Milo so that you may better understand where I'm coming from:



What inspired me to post there was seeing other internet personalities close to Milo defending him saying that he was only joking, and that the media is after him. I don't think he was joking, he said he wasn't joking, and in his press conference he didn't defend himself saying he was joking. I saw other people doing that instead, in the "alternative media" sphere and people who are friends with Stefan. My hope was that he wouldn't go down that path, and in his latest video about it he actually didn't! I was vindicated in my statements that Milo had crossed lines, and had to be called out. I don't think he's a pedophile, but he certainly enabled it to some non trivial degree in his behavior. Stefan said it better in his video, to which I agree mostly in all.


The other part was that I had already abandoned the Milo bandwagon a long time ago, so I wasn't surprised. I had seen those videos and I knew about it. I wasn't outraged then, other than disgusted. It is his other behaviors that did it for me back then, and I stand by my criticism that he is a performance actor and that he is a self serving attention seeker that fills his own pockets with money and has been bleeding friendships for years. People who stood by him are constantly turning his back on him from before this scandal, always with similar stories of how awful he is personally. That is what I see in him now, and I understand that you guys are new to him since his Trump supporting stunts, but I've seen him since Gamergate, and looking back on it, he is truly a massive prick.




So I just think that you are riding the surface level positivity of "he triggers liberals lol" without realizing that being outrageous is all he does, but has nothing new to say. He is always only looking for the next group of people to hurt, as he did with gamers, then feminists, and now anti trump people. He is not on your side, only his side, and only for long as he gets enough pleasure till he gets bored and moves on to the next thing.

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1.  I guess I'm a little blinded by admiration....


2.  This type shit is what you'll get from a radical free speecher.


3.  Do you think he's in support of child molesting?


4.  Love him and will be fun to see him come back from this one.


1 & 4.  I know very little about Milo and have only heard him on FDR a couple times and I think Tom Woods SHow once.  He never said anything in those few shows that made me really perk up and care. Also, I'm not a gamer and don't give a shit about gamergate, and barely have any recollection of what it was about.  I'm curious, what am I missing?  Why do you love and admire him?


2.  Dude, what?  Anyone who is radically for free speech will inherently reveal themselves to endorse pederasty or other such vises?  What the literal fuck are you talking about?


3.  He literally said that older men being sexually involved with teenage boys is quite a valuable bond for the young boys to usher them into manhood.  Do I think he's in support of child molesting?  No, in the sense that I think he is emotionally damaged from his own history and fails to define these behaviours as child molestation.  Yes, in the sense that I disagree with his definition of child molestation and he is in fact suggesting it is beneficial, particularly for gay males.

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1 & 4.  I know very little about Milo and have only heard him on FDR a couple times and I think Tom Woods SHow once.  He never said anything in those few shows that made me really perk up and care. Also, I'm not a gamer and don't give a shit about gamergate, and barely have any recollection of what it was about.  I'm curious, what am I missing?  Why do you love and admire him?


2.  Dude, what?  Anyone who is radically for free speech will inherently reveal themselves to endorse pederasty or other such vises?  What the literal fuck are you talking about?


Lots to admire---Speaking out against the lefts conspiracy theories(gender wage gap, cultural oppression, feminism, BLM, Islam, etc). Takes a lot of courage to do this publicly. It takes a lot of skill and passion to do it well and gain the kind of publicity he has. He's been an enormously effective figure in the culture wars. 


Radical free speecherscomedians/etc say what's on their mind and that gets them into trouble. I'm more worried about action. The fact that he's fought put pervs behind bars in his career makes me think he's not a fan of it. But yes he has a blind spot personally and he's speaking about it publicly which isn't a good move. The only part I had seen was him talking to Joe about it being possible to think a developed 15 year old could be hot and Joe pretending to think that was gross which of course it isn't. Acting on it of course would be. So I cut it of there and entered my bubble and didn't watch or listen to anything else. Character assasination is so common with these guys I figured the claims were baseless. I was wrong. 

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1 & 4.  I know very little about Milo and have only heard him on FDR a couple times and I think Tom Woods SHow once.  He never said anything in those few shows that made me really perk up and care. Also, I'm not a gamer and don't give a shit about gamergate, and barely have any recollection of what it was about.  I'm curious, what am I missing?  Why do you love and admire him?


2.  Dude, what?  Anyone who is radically for free speech will inherently reveal themselves to endorse pederasty or other such vises?  What the literal fuck are you talking about?


Lots to admire---Speaking out against the lefts conspiracy theories(gender wage gap, cultural oppression, feminism, BLM, Islam, etc). Takes a lot of courage to do this publicly. It takes a lot of skill and passion to do it well and gain the kind of publicity he has. He's been an enormously effective figure in the culture wars. 


Radical free speecherscomedians/etc say what's on their mind and that gets them into trouble. I'm more worried about action. The fact that he's fought put pervs behind bars in his career makes me think he's not a fan of it. But yes he has a blind spot personally and he's speaking about it publicly which isn't a good move. The only part I had seen was him talking to Joe about it being possible to think a developed 15 year old could be hot and Joe pretending to think that was gross which of course it isn't. Acting on it of course would be. So I cut it of there and entered my bubble and didn't watch or listen to anything else. Character assasination is so common with these guys I figured the claims were baseless. I was wrong. 

As I said, I'm not that familiar with him.  So I'm not aware of anything he's really contributed to building arguments against the left's myths that you mentioned.  Has he contributed ideas that have advanced the movement against the left?  Or is his contribution that he is a good speaker or good at getting positive coverage?  What is it that he does that actually has an impact? 


My problem specifically int his case with Milo is that I believe young gay teens are very vulnerable.  A lot of them don't know who they can trust or turn to for support and guidance.  Then there's this charismatic gay public figure like Milo openly saying that relationships with older men are beneficial for people in their circumstance. It's disgusting and because of Milo's charisma they may look up to him and trust his judgment as an experienced homosexual who faced their situations in his own past.  ANd because of the vulnerability and secrecy of the young people facing these situations, they may unable or unwilling to participate in the free market of ideas and get better guidance.


So I don't think this makes Milo a bad guy.  I don't want to see him raked over the coals for having emotional scars resulting from his abuses in his childhood.  (First, the molestation by a trusted guardian-in-kind.  Second, the evident issues with his relationship with his parents that a trusted community member could just swoop in and recognize Milo as prey)  But more importantly, he is now an adult and is subject to the respect of being responsible for his own self-knowledge and mental health, and for having his statements tested by the free market of ideas.  And he needs to be exposed and rebutted because I care 1000000000000% more about the young vulnerable teenagers than I do about Milo.

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