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Bill Nye proves he is a SHAME MERCHANT on Climate Change #TuckerPorn


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Has anybody else noticed this pattern?


The more a person overtly worships science...


  For example,  using "science" as a verb:  

  • "I'll science the shit out of that"
  • "Do you even science bro"

...the more statist worshipping they are.


On youtube, when a host goes overboard on proving their science love , it's like a 90% certainty there will be some Trump bashing, or market bashing, or white-guy bashing.

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Has anybody else noticed this pattern?


The more a person overtly worships science...


  For example,  using "science" as a verb:  

  • "I'll science the shit out of that"
  • "Do you even science bro"

...the more statist worshipping they are.


Also the less scientific they are.


Anytime anyone ever says that there is a consensus in science, by default can't be a scientist.



Hundreds of Scientists Urge Trump to Pull Out of A 25-Year-Old UN Environmental Treaty





“While we support effective, affordable, reasonable and direct controls on conventional environmental pollutants, carbon dioxide is not a pollutant,” Lindzen wrote in his letter, supplementing the petition.

“To the contrary, there is clear evidence that increased atmospheric carbon dioxide is environmentally helpful to food crops and other plants that nourish all life. It is plant food, not poison,” Lindzen wrote.

Increasingly, scientists are finding the world has actually greened in the past few decades largely due to increased CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. CO2 fertilization is even greening some of the world’s most arid regions.

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Whoh.   When did Tucker level up?

Tucker ascended to boss-level over the election period. He's been hovering around in the area between FOX News and Infowars for a while. What's happening is that those who were previously constrained by the stangleholds of 'professionalism' and political correctness have had the snow plowed from in front of them by the likes of Stefan, Alex Jones, Watson, McInnes and others. The paradigm has shifted to a considerable extent, but to a greater extent the perceptions of what the paradigm is has normalised more to what people actually think, as opposed to what they were told to think. Tucker has both shifted his range of acceptability to such things as going on Alex Jones, who he previously thought was insane, but has also slipped into the new space of popular political incorrectness that was only created by people with more balls, like Stefan, Jones et. al., who had the courage to go past the peer pressure and go with facts when doing so lead to mass condemnation and villainisation. 


Thus far only two people have ascended to god-tier:




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The point we are at today in terms of technology and societal advancement is due to human industrial activity. If global warming is the result of human industrial activity then we have to accept it, however, spilling oil into the ocean and massive pollution i general in order to maximize profit is a hallmark of capitalism. Not that I advocate a somewhat better type of ideology, but shooting yourself in the foot and then screaming "Aaaaa!" is kind of silly.

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The point we are at today in terms of technology and societal advancement is due to human industrial activity. If global warming is the result of human industrial activity then we have to accept it, however, spilling oil into the ocean and massive pollution i general in order to maximize profit is a hallmark of capitalism. Not that I advocate a somewhat better type of ideology, but shooting yourself in the foot and then screaming "Aaaaa!" is kind of silly.


This is false. In a free market capitalist system someone would own that part of the ocean and could therefore sue any aggressive polluter for damages. The massive pollution we've seen occur through the 20th century and continue on today is solely due to governments "regulating" pollution; in effect, allowing the pollution, making it legal. It's very important that you understand this. There is no greater polluter than governments. 


Please do not put forward that "massive pollution" is a "hallmark of capitalism" again unless you can give specific examples with reason and evidence backing up that statement. To do otherwise is highly disingenuous are likely far more damaging than you realize.

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The point we are at today in terms of technology and societal advancement is due to human industrial activity. If global warming is the result of human industrial activity then we have to accept it, however, spilling oil into the ocean and massive pollution i general in order to maximize profit is a hallmark of capitalism. Not that I advocate a somewhat better type of ideology, but shooting yourself in the foot and then screaming "Aaaaa!" is kind of silly.


I see a bunch of statements... #NotAnArgument

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