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Race A Societal Construct? or Society a Racial Construct?

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It was proposed to me through literature that society is a racial construct rather than race being a societal construct.


  • When I have listened to Stefan on the podcast there have been many guests who point at data that shows very compelling evidence at the very least for for bio-diversity among the races.
  • If there is significant Bio-Diversity would that not imply the State to be a Racial Construct even if only to varying degrees?

I am in great desire to see what others think.

Thank you Stefan for this platform and if you write anything then Thank You In Advance.

To all else who post responses thank you in advance as well.


Thank all who help me shed some light on these thoughts.


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Yes I think you are on to something.  When people say "society", or "the country", or even "we" in the collective sense, they are trying to apply instincts which have evolved for the family, the tribe, the race, to millions of people who happen to fall in the political lines of national borders.  Altruism evolved, as Richard Dawkins and others have pointed out, because it increases the chances of survival of an extended family or tribe, sharing similar genes, by helping each other out.  Taking care of the sick or old or needy makes sense when it is voluntary, and within one's tribe or family, but becomes much more complicated when it is run by the government who rules over millions of strangers.  Good post.

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Not race makes society, but mating strategies, the enviroment, and agricultural production. 

The Western society with the notions of individualism arose under very specific conditions. The Catholic Church prohibited cousins from marrying and there was manorialism. This lead to the formation of nuclear families that inherited within the family. That and the outgroup orientation and growing wheat which can be done by a nuclear family essentially led to a specific individualistic outlook. 

Though genetically similar, Eastern Europe took a different route because they were more clannish oriented and the Orthodox Church allowed for marrying cousins. In short this is why Eastern Europe was culturally and technologically behind the West for some time, though the IQ levels are similar.

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I guess the problem I have with the statement "races make societies" is that it isnt historically true. The EU is about the closest thing to that claim. In general languages make societies.

And geographical separation makes languages. Spain France and Italy have their own unique bastardizations of Latin due to the barriers that prevented easy transit between there localities.
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