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Arrogance, Pride, Hubris & Humility


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"Only a Sith deals in Absolutes"

(An absolute statement(?))


I remember a while a go Stefan commenting on the Star Wars movie, Revenge of the Sith. I remember a sigh at the statement. "Only a Sith deals in Absolutes." Having watched some of Jordan Peterson's videos, the word Sith, obviously refers to the cult of Set. From watching a few other videos of Mr Peterson's, a particular comment struck me that; totalitarian Ideologues, maybe even philosophers(such as Rand) end up falling in love with their own work and rationality, but neglect the transcendent, an essential element of truth.


Looking at Episode III (Holy Trinity); is it basically a re-hatching of;


Icarus, Daedalus, Helios myth.

God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Ghost.

Gabriel, Micheal, God

Neo, Smith, Oracle.

Anakin, Palapatine, Obiwan,

Horus, Set, Osiris.

Kane, Seth, God.


Aristotle, ?, Alexander.

Pompey, Crassus, Julius(Sun "July") Caesar.

Paul McCartney, George Harrison, John Lennon.


Might be going insane, might be. For those who have played Half Life. "Its probably nothing, probably......"

But has anyone noticed various strange patterns in real life(Half life)?


Trump. (Herald of Information)

Molyneux. (Moulin Rouge, Windmills, Sun)

Micheal. (Right hand of the sun, Archangel......)

Jordan Peterson. (Jordan river, transitory) Anyone listen to his conversation with Sam Harris?


Kane (Right hand of Clinton)

Clinton (Satan)


I could probably think of additional ones, probably, but "Genius/Insanity has limits, where as Stupidity/Sanity does not." A butchered paraphrase of Einstein. 



"Ideas have people." Carl Jung




To kind of avoid having my strings pulled, or not go completely insane. Does anyone have definitions of Pride, Arrogance, Humility and Hubris?


Why is Pride a sin in the Catholic Church? A pride of lions, my pride counter is probably close to zero I don't think its a sin, but a virtue. I think Arrogance could be a sin or Hubris. 




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Originally a slave religion so... PRIDE would be something slave couldnt have and would look unkindly for king to posses in excess.


Usually with dire consequeces, also the pope and clergy were considered humble and could "judge" kings whom were "too arrogant and proud to stand over god himself"

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Originally a slave religion so... PRIDE would be something slave couldnt have and would look unkindly for king to posses in excess.


Usually with dire consequeces, also the pope and clergy were considered humble and could "judge" kings whom were "too arrogant and proud to stand over god himself"

Thinking of Nietzsche? What exactly would the slave be prevented from obtaining or experiencing so that they wouldn't have Pride? What exactly does the King have that gives him Pride, what make one king more proud than another?


I think God is an indirect way of saying truth. How a persons relationship should be with the truth, I wonder. Can a person never have too much pride? The opposite of pride I guess is shame. I wonder what the best way of measuring and attaining pride is.

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