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"Viktor Schauberger" the scientist everyone should know!

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I have a recommendation for one of the shows that Stefan should do. I recommend that he looks into Viktor Schauberger. His life is a testament for how people should act, view life, and research. He is not well known and in fact I have never met a person that knew of him before I talked about him. I believe that Stefan's ability to research and distill that knowledge in a succinct way combined with his reach would help enlighten many people on his life. I most often compare him to Nicola Tesla, both were very under appreciated and both accomplished astounding feats. Here are some points of interest about Viktor Schauberger. 


1. He declined to go to a collage and instead opted to become a forester in his families foot steps (no formal education). 

2. All of what he learned, he learned by first hand study of nature while in the forest. 

3. His study of water enable him to accomplish feats that defied hydro-engineers predictions and expectations. 

4. He was forced to work for Hitler on secret projects. 

5. He managed to save tons of Jews from Nazi persecution by demanding from Hitler, to get to pick his own staff and then picking only Jews. 

6. Worked on implosive drives, may have been used in Flying Saucer Experiments or Foo Fighters. 

7. Was obtained and detained for over 2 years by the U.S. Government and forced to come to the U.S. under operation PaperClip. 

8. When he came to the U.S. the investors that brought him over impeded his research much like Westinghouse did to Tesla at Warding Cliff. 

9. He has several U.S. Patents in Agriculture. 

10. He died days after finally being allowed to return to his home of Austria from the U.S. 


His work on water is amazing and if people would follow just a portion of what he states we would be so much healthier and so would the world. I don't know where I read it but I remember reading that he stated something to the following about global warming...


"If we do not learn to respect and properly treat our water (Hydrological Cycle) the world will heat up but then plummet in temperature."


Not uncontrollable global warming but an ice age, I would encourage you to look at his work and decide if you would trust his opinion or that of our current global climate change zealots (I must admit my bias, I do not believe in global warming) 


A video of Viktor Schauberger's life would at the least make a interesting story and at best an eye-opening glimpse into a great mind of a great man. Viktor would be the type of person that I think Stefan longs to see, a critical thinker that through reason and observation of facts alone was able to best the renowned scientist of his time. 

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4. He was forced to work for Hitler on secret projects. 

5. He managed to save tons of Jews from Nazi persecution by demanding from Hitler, to get to pick his own staff and then picking only Jews. 

6. Worked on implosive drives, may have been used in Flying Saucer Experiments or Foo Fighters. 


So he is Tony Stark, Oskar Schindler, and Nikola Tesla rolled into one?

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Maybe an Inspiration behind those comic stories. 


I have red and watched some stuff about how these things could be related. There was an idea that the science behind Super Conductivity (I think Bohr's law) states that if super conductivity exists so would super fluidity. This would be a fluid that has no viscosity, therefore no resistance and could obtain limitless angular velocity, forming a vortex. Vortex's being one of Viktor's primary fields of study. Now if this Super-Fluid was to be magnetic then it could produce a magnetic vortex which was theorized to have gravitational effects. These gravitational effects could be used to create faster then light travel, in a space that would have no inertial effects. 


This above is all heresy. Most would consider it conspiracy theory or fringe science. However, the new science that says warp drives are possible are explained in much the same way Viktor explains Vortex or implosive movement, so who knows. The only thing I can say that is for certain is that Viktor had some amazing ideas on how nature really works and he proved it with his engineering while having amazing moral standards. 

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