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So, as it turns out... I'm a racist


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Earlier today I saw a re-tweet by Mike Cernovich for a poll posted by @freeyourmindkid asking if a person was a racist if they voted for Trump for any reason. At the time I saw the poll it was 75% racist yes, and 25% racist no.  I voted no ofc and posted a picture of me and my wife,  PldUgIx.jpg



and then I stated I was Trump supporter and asked if I was a racist and if my wife was one too.  Unanimously the tweets came back stating that I was indeed a racist, and a fascist. That I was like Jefferson and Strom Thurman. I was respectful to them and said how I loved my wife and their logic was flawed because how could I love somebody as my wife and racist to her and our children. Again, I was told I was racist, and indeed the worst kind of insidious racist. Later checking back on the thread I saw that the no vote was quickly gaining on the yes votes and was near parity. I suspect that Mike Cernovich's attention brought unwanted attention to the post by reasonable people who began to swing the vote. 


Not one single person on the tread told me I was not a racist. NOT ONE. This is where the left has taken many people in the black community and guilt ridden progressives. I thought maybe a couple of people may have had some reason in their heads, but they not only thought I was racist, but most seemed to hate me, and hate me even more for marrying a black woman. This massive and collective disconnect with reason and understanding is symptomatic of the utter brain-washing the left has induced into the progressive/democrat side. I have no idea how we are ever going to correct this insane ideology. I suppose all I can do is live my life and teach my children not to fall into the trap these poor people have. I was shocked and surprised by the crazy racism that was confronting me. They were collectively propelling this madness forward. inevitably it will come to a terrible end somehow or just fade away as this ideology is proven false over time.


Later checking back I was blocked by @freeyourmindkid I suspect the poll he posted did not go the way he wanted and he deleted it. 


Anyway, i thought I'd share this crazy experience with everyone. 

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Truth isn't by consensus. Polls don't decide if you're racist. A lot of people went extra insane with the election of Trump. Leftist manipulators clearly tapped into a growing uneasiness within leftists and in making Trump out to be worse than the devil they freaked everyone out when he actually became President. As Ben Shapiro says of leftists, they don't think you're racist and evil, they "know" you're racist and evil, and anything you say to the contrary will just piss them off because they feel like you are shameless about your evilness too to not accept and acknowledge it and repent for your "sins".

I am curious as to why you are a Trump "supporter" though and classify it that way. Why is your position not "anti-Clinton" and making the best with the alternative, who is also bad, but has some potential upsides and benefits over the alternative? Not that I expect them to hold the same positions on everything, but if you classify a "lesser-evil" as a positive, that can be a bit confusing and misleading as to your actual positions.


Clinton also called herself a racist. Perhaps they just want everyone classifying themselves in self-deprecating ways as to victimize the whole world and to do whatever they want as everyone is a "sinner" in need of an overlord to tame them, giving power to those they want in power, to rule over everyone.

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Jordan Peterson explained that whenever you meet someone that's part of a cult you'll always be able to predict word for word what they're gonna say next. The people who are calling you racist are not people. They have forgone their own mind and personal responsibility to the group. They chose this way of living so in my mind I owe it to actual people to not to treat the sjw's as full persons.

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What was amazing to me was that they had ALL bought into this ridiculous lie. This collective cult of the sjw is amazing in its reach and ability to induce otherwise normal people into its fold. Even more amazing was that not one reasonable person thought I was NOT a racist. But rather than believe in direct evidence and my own statements, they rushed to judgement based on an extremely narrow point... Trump. I agree... we must start treating these people like they are in cult.

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Wow. I don't see you as racist, having a black wife.  Wouldn't that be opposite of racist, more like, open-minded?  You got off to a great start, understanding to .... "treat a cult like what it is (a cult)" ----ull find ALOT of people "don't want to call their grass green"

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Wow. I don't see you as racist, having a black wife.  Wouldn't that be opposite of racist, more like, open-minded? 


I was thinking the same thing. I wonder if she was attacked for not doing what she's "supposed" to do as a member of her minority group. I know how that feels because I was raised to be on the lookout for bigots, but I've gotten more flak from fellow members of my race and SJWs than I have from the bigots I was warned about. I was mocked for "acting white" and was scolded for not acknowledging my "victim-hood" status. This is a situation when "allies" are worse than the enemies.

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I was thinking the same thing. I wonder if she was attacked for not doing what she's "supposed" to do as a member of her minority group. I know how that feels because I was raised to be on the lookout for bigots, but I've gotten more flak from fellow members of my race and SJWs than I have from the bigots I was warned about. I was mocked for "acting white" and was scolded for not acknowledging my "victim-hood" status. This is a situation when "allies" are worse than the enemies.


You might find this article interesting.


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You might find this article interesting.





Thanks for sharing the article. I find this kind of realization quite compelling. I think my wife has realized this already, but she lives in a country where whites are an extreme minority and hasn't has the exposure to the US racial experience as African-Americans have. 

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Earlier today I saw a re-tweet by Mike Cernovich for a poll posted by @freeyourmindkid asking if a person was a racist if they voted for Trump for any reason. At the time I saw the poll it was 75% racist yes, and 25% racist no.  I voted no ofc and posted a picture of me and my wife,  PldUgIx.jpg



and then I stated I was Trump supporter and asked if I was a racist and if my wife was one too.  Unanimously the tweets came back stating that I was indeed a racist, and a fascist. That I was like Jefferson and Strom Thurman. I was respectful to them and said how I loved my wife and their logic was flawed because how could I love somebody as my wife and racist to her and our children. Again, I was told I was racist, and indeed the worst kind of insidious racist. Later checking back on the thread I saw that the no vote was quickly gaining on the yes votes and was near parity. I suspect that Mike Cernovich's attention brought unwanted attention to the post by reasonable people who began to swing the vote. 


Not one single person on the tread told me I was not a racist. NOT ONE. This is where the left has taken many people in the black community and guilt ridden progressives. I thought maybe a couple of people may have had some reason in their heads, but they not only thought I was racist, but most seemed to hate me, and hate me even more for marrying a black woman. This massive and collective disconnect with reason and understanding is symptomatic of the utter brain-washing the left has induced into the progressive/democrat side. I have no idea how we are ever going to correct this insane ideology. I suppose all I can do is live my life and teach my children not to fall into the trap these poor people have. I was shocked and surprised by the crazy racism that was confronting me. They were collectively propelling this madness forward. inevitably it will come to a terrible end somehow or just fade away as this ideology is proven false over time.


Later checking back I was blocked by @freeyourmindkid I suspect the poll he posted did not go the way he wanted and he deleted it. 


Anyway, i thought I'd share this crazy experience with everyone. 

This is their trap to paralyze you.  you see,it's not about protecting the world from bigotry. They have bigotry for others but they find their bigotry virtuous.  It's about being on the left and everyone else.  They use racism and all the -isms as a front to paralyze you into their control over your life and thought.  it makes good people who actually have a conscious and concern constantly look over their shoulder and self censor, etc.  


So you have a non white wife thinking they will see that and say... oh...clearly he's not a racist.  no... to them, you already admitted your bigotry by voting anyone other than their hive-minded candidate.  


They will call your wife horrible racial names like Uncle Tom, etc and call you a rapist or an oppressor since you are trying to breed out her blackness or whatever  new BS non argument they come up with. BUT... if you don't know a black person let alone don't marry one...you are a horrible xenophobe who supports segregation and bla bla bla bla



Try not to fall into their honey trap when it's based on the crunchy outershell or the 'bait' of race.  I often keep my Trump support hidden at the beginning and simply engage with people on policies and principles... they often assume I am on the left because my approach to social organization is fair and reasonable.  Then, I may let out my little secret and watch their heads explode if I'm desperate for drama and entertainment. lol  But this is how they lure ppl into their clamy dungeons...don't fall for it.  Or start engaging in actual issues first.  They are looking to lable you so therefore anything you say after they don't have to absorb.  Talk first then if you feel like it reveal your support or party affiliation so that way they have already absorbed your viewpoints and THEN are conscious of them agreeinging with you but dumping them because of their own bigotry.  lol  It's delicous.

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