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Dream of Living in a White Ethno-State? Why Wait? Utah Beacons.


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At the risk of sounding like a white supremacists, I wanted to let people know that the dream of white ethno-state already exists, and it is thriving in the state of Utah.  Now I have nothing against other races - usually judge people as individuals, and by their actions.  However, I do know that in this day and age, I feel safe living in the state of Utah - I trust the peoples values and know they will in general protect western values.


When I see general social decay across the US, I know, that is not happening in Utah. When I see employee unions destroying the rights of workers across the US, I thank my atheist god I live in a right-to-work state like Utah.  When I see Black Lives Matter protests in Ferguson, I know, that won't happen in Utah. When I see leftists rioting conservative speakers, I know, that won't happen in Utah. When I see Democrat state governments ever increasing the taxing and regulating of their citizens - I thank Cthulu I am in Utah.  Etc. Etc.


We are also replacing ourselves.  Utah has the highest total fertility rate in the United States at 2.29 per women.


....and the Economy is great:

For a cherry on top, if you like the great outdoors Utah offers 1.2 million acres of wilderness. From great mountains to endless deserts, Utah has it all.  I have spent my life here, been to most of it, but there is still a lifetime of places to explore.


Soooo.... If you are a US citizen and want to live by your work, want to live up and be JUDGED to western values, need not apply, you are WELCOME TO COME.



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At the risk of sounding like a white supremacists, I wanted to let people know that the dream of white ethno-state already exists, and it is thriving in the state of Utah.  Now I have nothing against other races - usually judge people as individuals, and by their actions.  However, I do know that in this day and age, I feel safe living in the state of Utah - I trust the peoples values and know they will in general protect western values.


When I see general social decay across the US, I know, that is not happening in Utah. When I see employee unions destroying the rights of workers across the US, I thank my atheist god I live in a right-to-work state like Utah.  When I see Black Lives Matter protests in Ferguson, I know, that won't happen in Utah. When I see leftists rioting conservative speakers, I know, that won't happen in Utah. When I see Democrat state governments ever increasing the taxing and regulating of their citizens - I thank Cthulu I am in Utah.  Etc. Etc.


We are also replacing ourselves.  Utah has the highest total fertility rate in the United States at 2.29 per women.


....and the Economy is great:

For a cherry on top, if you like the great outdoors Utah offers 1.2 million acres of wilderness. From great mountains to endless deserts, Utah has it all.  I have spent my life here, been to most of it, but there is still a lifetime of places to explore.


Soooo.... If you are a US citizen and want to live by your work, want to live up and be JUDGED to western values, need not apply, you are WELCOME TO COME.

I've been looking to move recently. Are there any places you would recommend that are not just miles of farm land? Not cities per se but I'm living in suburban hell in NJ. Literally nothing to do besides bars and diners. What might attract a 20-something to Utah?

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So, basically Utah is the Poland of America.


Q: Why did the Polish couple decide to have only 4 children?
A: They'd read in the newspaper that one out of every five babies born in the world today is Hindu.

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I wish this wasn't true, but I'm speaking from experience:


My neighborhood used to be a peaceful place.


Things changed due to a sudden abundance of cheap housing.


Now, car burglaries are reported weekly, and kids (15, 16 year olds) are walking around rapping songs to themselves, looking crazy and aggressive.  

It's like I've been transported to a different place.


The mood of the legacy residents is, "Get a gun, or move asap"


Utah is looking pretty nice right now.

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Utah: the cult of mormonism, mormonism and the CIA, human trafficking and prostitution.  Why not just join freemasonry instead of bothering to move from wherever you are?

There was an implemented idea of having freedom minded individuals all move to one state.  It was called the "free state" project, and was located in New Hampshire.  It seems to have failed.

Would I rather live in the good parts of a city that has high crime, or the bad parts of a city that has low crime?  I'd tend to want to live in the good parts of a city with high crime.  The poor victimize themselves. In the matter of selecting a state based on some demographics, the question should be, there are localized demographics in each town, why not just move to the area of town that matches what I want of demographics?

Find me a state that requires > 120 IQ to vote, then I'll consider moving.

Separately, **beckons

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Mormons may be crazy, but them muthafuckas can make some money.

Can't speak to all of them but that Warren Jeffs crowd basically treated their "wives"(rape victims) like slaves and baby machines so they could claim food stamps and welfare from the government.
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Don't they also own Coca-Cola while simultaneously condemning Mormons from drinking it because of the caffeine?


Hey! They aren't that hypocritical, once they decided to invest in Coca-Cola, god came down to them (they still believe in their leaders receiving revelations from god, btw) and let them know that it actually was never a bad thing to drink Coca-Cola. ;)


Still good people though.  They are not liberal, anti-welfare state, anti-federal government, and a huge private charity.  They even know how to do charity right and tie it to people bettering themselves and not just a hand-out.

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Utah: the cult of mormonism, mormonism and the CIA, human trafficking and prostitution.  Why not just join freemasonry instead of bothering to move from wherever you are?


There was an implemented idea of having freedom minded individuals all move to one state.  It was called the "free state" project, and was located in New Hampshire.  It seems to have failed.


Would I rather live in the good parts of a city that has high crime, or the bad parts of a city that has low crime?  I'd tend to want to live in the good parts of a city with high crime.  The poor victimize themselves. In the matter of selecting a state based on some demographics, the question should be, there are localized demographics in each town, why not just move to the area of town that matches what I want of demographics?


Find me a state that requires > 120 IQ to vote, then I'll consider moving.


Separately, **beckons


From what I understand, in New Hampshire there are a lot of Libertarians.

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From what I understand, in New Hampshire there are a lot of Libertarians.

I used to watch their activities since they had a presence on youtube, from about 2007, and it was pretty much a repetition of marches, news shows, and failures in court to change anything.  Since then, I've only seen them become more obscure, rather than a beacon to follow.   Further, http://www.nytimes.com/elections/results/new-hampshire .

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Because Warren Jeffs does not hail from main line Mormonism. FLDS folk are to Mormons what Westboro Baptsists are to mainstream Baptists.

And he wouldn't be, because Warren Jeffs isn't a Mormon, despite being equivocated to them in his example. It's like saying, "I can't say about all the apples, but this orange is gross."

Why are the members who actually adhere to the doctrine they follow always relegated to the category of "not a real x"? I thought it was because they expose to the world the insanity of their religion that the moderate members wish to suppress, but perhaps there is another reason.


Fundamentally (no pun intended) I don't care what anyone believes, but if they sell people lies and break the minds of children to perpetuate their toxic ideology then I refuse to call them good people. What a defamatory claim against those who actually do earn the title.

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Why are the members who actually adhere to the doctrine they follow always relegated to the category of "not a real x"? I thought it was because they expose to the world the insanity of their religion that the moderate members wish to suppress, but perhaps there is another reason.


Fundamentally (no pun intended) I don't care what anyone believes, but if they sell people lies and break the minds of children to perpetuate their toxic ideology then I refuse to call them good people. What a defamatory claim against those who actually do earn the title.


I said he is not main stream, as in not representative of the vast majority of what are considered to be Mormons. As far as I know, even they (FLDS followers) don't call themselves Mormons. While the distinction may not be huge, it is significant enough to draw attention to and it is important to note that main stream Mormons neither follow nor condone the activities of FLDS followers.


I also didn't call Warren Jeffs a good person, nor would I ever consider doing so. Using a small offshoot that has not evolved beyond the original doctrines of the religion and has no influence over the much larger religion as your example is probably not the best one to use when there are plenty of kooky things that modern, main stream Mormons believe and do.

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I said he is not main stream, as in not representative of the vast majority of what are considered to be Mormons. As far as I know, even they (FLDS followers) don't call themselves Mormons. While the distinction may not be huge, it is significant enough to draw attention to and it is important to note that main stream Mormons neither follow nor condone the activities of FLDS followers.


To be fair you did say he "isn't a Mormon", but I see your point. My point was to highlight the dangers of false methodologies and how they can be manipulated to serve evil and are often created for that very purpose.


I also didn't call Warren Jeffs a good person, nor would I ever consider doing so. Using a small offshoot that has not evolved beyond the original doctrines of the religion and has no influence over the much larger religion as your example is probably not the best one to use when there are plenty of kooky things that modern, main stream Mormons believe and do.

Sorry, that comment of mine was meant to be separated from my response to you and in fact was more of a response to WasatchMan. I was referring to every religion (including statism) not just mormons and FLDS.

Hey! They aren't that hypocritical, once they decided to invest in Coca-Cola, god came down to them (they still believe in their leaders receiving revelations from god, btw) and let them know that it actually was never a bad thing to drink Coca-Cola. ;)


Still good people though.  They are not liberal, anti-welfare state, anti-federal government, and a huge private charity.  They even know how to do charity right and tie it to people bettering themselves and not just a hand-out.

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