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Why College Sucks - Start a Business or Get a Job

Dylan Lawrence Moore

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Much to my chagrin, as I was working on this video, Stef went and published a call-in show AND a video on this topic. Balls.


I am one of the "rare" success stories of the modern college era. I graduated in 2009 with a BS in Chemistry and I already had a job lined up at an oil refinery where I had been interning as a lab tech for a year and a half. I had gone to school, gotten good grades, went to university, and got the coveted job that correlated to my degree. Congratulations! I was mediocre.


But I fucking hated it.


I ran away screaming from the academic and corporate world to spend four years between living a monastic lifestyle in a Shinto shrine, moving across the country and become a teacher at a private high school, and finally buying a one-way plane ticket to Europe where I would spend two and a half years being more or less a vagabond. I wanted to reject utterly the life that had been promoted to me by society.


I came back to the US, my clothes in shreds and not much more than $5 in my pocket. I had tasted the modern middle class dream and I had lived a life as close as I could to a monk with a vow of poverty, and then and there I decided I was going to be a business owner and a real estate investor. Being broke sucked, but I preferred it over not being able to decide my schedule and decide what I was going to do throughout the day. The key was business and passive income, and I felt the best way to achieve that was real estate.


Since then, through much trial and tribulation, real estate guru bootcamps, and entrepreneurship programs, I've been able to raise a quarter million dollars of private investor capital and as of last December I've started my first real estate project with a business partner.


Fuck school. Fuck university. And fuck everything that they taught me. I'll write my own script here, thanks.


Hope I'm able to add something that Stef may have missed!




P.S. Is anyone here adept or at least decent editing video with Kdenlive? I sure as hell could use a resource to ask questions to. I've had a hell of a time properly editing and getting these things up to Youtube.

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Spot fucking on. And timely too since now is the time for me enter University for Architecture (evidently no toher choice to be building desinger) Or Higher Vocational training... or just fuck it, work something/somewhere else until EU collpases and laws change.


I know we have talked about this before Dylan, and i am... wawering over it. Gonna die one day so should i use up 5-7 years on this thing that i Like very much? (though admittedly edited this post to say i dont LOVE it since id probobly already be doing it.) Ya think "already doing it" is a good sigh of if somethign useful? Find it personally useful motto?


Only i can figure that out i know, just saying this very timely video for me.


PS. Incidentally this comments was posted BEFORE skype but shown only AFTER... :S

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I'm sure I've told you this before.


Choose to do uncomfortable things because they make you uncomfortable. This trains your pain tolerance, which will allow you to do the things you need to do, even when you don't want to.


I trained myself by random commitments. Flying to Europe on a one-way plane ticket, for example, was a commitment to throw myself into a fire and see if I could survive, knowing I would learn a massive amount in the process. I took on a foreign culture I knew nothing about (Austrian) just to see if I could do it.


Now I'm figuring out how to make money. It's hard after living as a monk/vagabond, but the previous training to be determined to do the uncomfortable helps keep me committed. :D

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  • 2 months later...
On ‎3‎/‎15‎/‎2017 at 0:01 AM, Dylan Lawrence Moore said:



Much to my chagrin, as I was working on this video, Stef went and published a call-in show AND a video on this topic. Balls.


I am one of the "rare" success stories of the modern college era. I graduated in 2009 with a BS in Chemistry and I already had a job lined up at an oil refinery where I had been interning as a lab tech for a year and a half. I had gone to school, gotten good grades, went to university, and got the coveted job that correlated to my degree. Congratulations! I was mediocre.


But I fucking hated it.


I ran away screaming from the academic and corporate world to spend four years between living a monastic lifestyle in a Shinto shrine, moving across the country and become a teacher at a private high school, and finally buying a one-way plane ticket to Europe where I would spend two and a half years being more or less a vagabond. I wanted to reject utterly the life that had been promoted to me by society.


I came back to the US, my clothes in shreds and not much more than $5 in my pocket. I had tasted the modern middle class dream and I had lived a life as close as I could to a monk with a vow of poverty, and then and there I decided I was going to be a business owner and a real estate investor. Being broke sucked, but I preferred it over not being able to decide my schedule and decide what I was going to do throughout the day. The key was business and passive income, and I felt the best way to achieve that was real estate.


Since then, through much trial and tribulation, real estate guru bootcamps, and entrepreneurship programs, I've been able to raise a quarter million dollars of private investor capital and as of last December I've started my first real estate project with a business partner.


Fuck school. Fuck university. And fuck everything that they taught me. I'll write my own script here, thanks.


Hope I'm able to add something that Stef may have missed!




P.S. Is anyone here adept or at least decent editing video with Kdenlive? I sure as hell could use a resource to ask questions to. I've had a hell of a time properly editing and getting these things up to YouTube.

Thanks so much Dylan. I was about to post a topic and I still will pertaining to the education system disaster.


Like you, I am learning real estate, marketing programs, entrepreneurship, and a variety of others. I am still struggling to put a business plan in motion but, I know being an employee is not the end game for me. I got fucked around in the education system. It pedals and it supplicate to the girls. The majority of the admission offers are women paper pushers. Many failed to process my application that I spent hundreds of dollars on. They took my money and failed to process my stuff placing me on a waitlist.

I had to fight with them and get the run around before going over their head to the Dean of the Uni to get my place. These sloths should be fired for incompetency.

In the programs, the opportunities were always provided to women with better practicums, and job opportunities. At first, I thought I was being judgmental, and paranoid but, I watched it time and time again. I even had issues with profs messing with my marks and assignments. It was pretty fucked up stuff and even as a grown adult, they treat you like a kid, and take no responsibilities for their mistakes. If a student is late, he fails but, if a prof fails to mark something on time, its always an excuse. If the internship officer went on a bender and did not process applications for students days before they are to start, she needs a pity party. Despite finishing with honors, I was by passed by better internship opportunities, despite the grading system that was a prerequisite. It was sexist to the max. I've never seen anything like it. It was wrong.

So, I finish with fucking HONORs with a full time job, and I matched with very few to no job prospects. The option is more education or to start a business which, the latter sounds like a great option. Its just not something I am aware of or something my mind has focused on in this shitty education system I came through. I have few prospective options atm. Again, I got a lot of problems at the school and many have connections in the field. I feel like this has definitely hurt me and I even tried to play nice until the fuckery reached a whole other level.


Dylan, I am beyond frustrated with the education system the job market, and the lack of opportunity available especially to young men in this stupid system. Aspiring entrepreneur. Any motivation/inspiration/advice is welcome. Your post comes at a good time before I do something foolish like go back to school for post grade or a masters.

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8 hours ago, meetjoeblack said:

In the programs, the opportunities were always provided to women with better practicums, and job opportunities. At first, I thought I was being judgmental, and paranoid but, I watched it time and time again. I even had issues with profs messing with my marks and assignments.

I was a chem major, and I remember my junior year it was announced that the chem scholarships were available in the office in the chem building. I went to go check them out (working 40 hours a week all summer at the refinery was enough to pay for 1 quarter of college at the time). I took the sheet that had the list of scholarships. There were 11 of them: 1 general chem scholarship available to anyone, 1 scholarship for students planning on pursuing pharmaceuticals, and 9 scholarships for women only.


8 hours ago, meetjoeblack said:

Dylan, I am beyond frustrated with the education system the job market, and the lack of opportunity available especially to young men in this stupid system. Aspiring entrepreneur. Any motivation/inspiration/advice is welcome. Your post comes at a good time before I do something foolish like go back to school for post grade or a masters.


Send me a PM and we can talk more about this.

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3 hours ago, Dylan Lawrence Moore said:

I was a chem major, and I remember my junior year it was announced that the chem scholarships were available in the office in the chem building. I went to go check them out (working 40 hours a week all summer at the refinery was enough to pay for 1 quarter of college at the time). I took the sheet that had the list of scholarships. There were 11 of them: 1 general chem scholarship available to anyone, 1 scholarship for students planning on pursuing pharmaceuticals, and 9 scholarships for women only.



Send me a PM and we can talk more about this.

The women only point stands out. I watched as multiple internships were passed me by to women with not even a fraction of my GPA. Multiple internships were gifted and when questioned, I was matched with female logic. I found the administration abysmal. Failure to process paperwork. No recourse. The week before internships were started, someone had not sent out emails, confirmation, and did their job. It was so amateur hour.

Still, the job market requests such and such designation/degree/diploma/other. Of course, if you have political ties or family name that means a damn, you leap frog the pecking order. I am beyond frustrated and the favoritism towards the girls is beyond ridiculous at this point. The ratio is 4:1 women to men in school. Men have been falling behind in the school system for over 50yrs. The data is showing this as in the book "Men on Strike." If this was women, there would be course correction but, of course, its men and fuck is not given. I am also curious as to how accurate the data is on male gpa. IMHO I watched as marks were taken off me and full marks given to women for the same thing. Of course, it was called a "error" yet, it was a common theme. I lose a full mark. A girl is graded partial marks at the very least.

Trump puts it best in saying, "they can't compete."

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  • 1 month later...

I am glad to have seen this thread. I think it is what I needed and a lot of other young people. I feel for those coming up out of high school and having been indoctrinated into this web of student loan college push. As stated before, you cannot declare bankruptcy on a student loan the way you can on just about everything else. A buddy of mine is a business guy and has not had a day job in almost twenty years. He is someone I learn from and he has stated many times that the info is all out there. Unfortunately, many professions require a piece of paper and you are paying to go to work. They tax this and then you got to work where you are taxed again. I really liked the most recent youtube podcasts that Stefan put out about being shut out from the arts and business so, he went into the free market and created those opportunities. Its a great reminder for myself and others.

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  • 1 month later...

Wow. Thank God, Stefpai, and the other great YouTubers and activists of this age that I dodged the magnum bullet of college! Also thank God my particular genetic lottery winning is in something that doesn't need to pass the gatekeepers of success thanks to the internet. 

As someone who is probably the most junior here (and ironically shares the same of the OP spelled differently), PLEASE spread this word and post as FAR out as possible! I can only speak for my neck of the woods, but as a rule, if the internet or free-ish market can side-step the traditional route in any way, DO IT!

No need to take forty lashes for nothing.  

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13 hours ago, Dylan Lawrence Moore said:

The goal of many who start businesses is to design the business so it still makes money, even if you're not working.

Further, is to learn to invest the money you've earned to work for you, so that you get paid even if you're not working.

These are my goals.

I've read a few good books on this topic -- most recently by Robert Kiyosaki -- do you have any recommendations of your own? :turned:

(Maybe in a new thread?)

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14 hours ago, luxfelix said:

I've read a few good books on this topic -- most recently by Robert Kiyosaki -- do you have any recommendations of your own? :turned:

(Maybe in a new thread?)

Think and Grow Rich is one that my network is constantly talking about. I haven't read it myself, yet. I focus more on the educational resources I have available, getting advice from my network, and developing my own businesses. If you're interested in that, PM me and we can talk more about it.


5 hours ago, Jos van Weesel said:

Jezus christ.

Yuuuuuup. And that was in 2007 or 2008. I have no idea what it's like now.

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I wanted to take some time to give an idea of how I'm learning to think. I believe I mentioned real estate in my video. I'm currently working on a real estate project that I acquired at tax foreclosure, and I'm researching a few leads for future projects. One of them has been interesting enough so far to write about.


Changing Mindset:

From Wages -----> Power


A friend of mine in eastern Washington has been looking out for properties to flip. The Washington RE market is INSANE right now (fastest growth in the country), and finding inventory for projects is tough. You can't just go to a real estate agent and say, "Find me a flip." The foreclosure auctions aren't even a good place to go now; there is so much competition that the bidders are counting on the market rising to make their profit. That's speculating as far as I'm concerned and I stay away from it. He told me he had been watching this place and it looked pretty abandoned, even though the house looked in good condition. It's on 40 acres.

I know how to look up registered owners of properties in the public records, so I found the owner of this property friend found, sloppily scrawled "Hi, my wife and I want to buy your house at <location>. Contact me at <number>." on it and sent it in the mail. I had a call within a couple days. It was the daughter of the deceased owner.

She explained to me that her father had passed away 5 years before, and the property was in foreclosure and behind on its taxes. She was frustrated because she knew that, had she planned differently, she could have saved it (maybe by selling off part of the acreage). There was still over $300,000 owed on the bank note, and it was 5 years in arrears. She told me she would do whatever she could to help me purchase it, because she didn't want to see it go to foreclosure. The house was valued under that and needed some work, so there wasn't an option to take it to a real estate agent and sell it on the market.

It's important to be personable in these situations. People don't like it when you start drooling over dollar signs when hearing their misfortune. "Assuming I'm able to purchase this property, is there anything you would like to be seen done with it, if it's possible for me to do?"

She began to cry. She told me that she just wanted to see it used. Her grandfather had owned the place, which probably means it was his homestead, and she had grown up there with her father. Her grandfather had an orchard on the 4 acres that was irrigated, and her father grew alfalfa there. I realized she was living in the middle of a 1930's Steinbeck novel: the bank was taking the family farm.

I told her I had a lot of research to do and I would get back to her.

Now this is my job: get creative. On face value, this place is a flop. It's in an extremely depressed area of the state. People can rarely afford houses past the $150k range, property sales move very slowly, and owning acreage often means you just own a bunch of sagebrush. After buying off the note, fixing it up, paying taxes, holding costs, and closing costs, I could be $400k into it, and because the market is so slow, I wouldn't have much of a chance to take advantage of the extra acreage, and would just have to value it for the house. A quick market analysis tells me that the house would be worth $280k finished if I'm lucky.

Further, I would need to come up with at least $300k just to pay off the note, let alone other expenses. Even if that's a cheap house by Seattle standards (We've got like a $750k median right now. It's retarded), that's still a chunk of change. It isn't impossible--finding money is easy if you have the right investment--but people want to know their return on investment. How much do I earn based on what I had to invest?

So what to do with the place? Let the bank have it? Or the county because of the back taxes?

During the phone call I got permission from the owner to check out the property. I sent my friend out there and he said that the house is in pretty good condition. Needs some work, but nothing serious. It's 2400 sq. ft. and split into two levels, both levels having a bathroom and a kitchen. If one were thinking rentals, it could be split into two 3 bed 1 bath 1200 sq. ft. rentals. In this depressed area, 2/1 800 sq ft houses are normal.

Additionally, he checked out the 1200 sq. ft. mobile home that's on the property. The owner mentioned this one, too. It needs even more work than the house, but it's still in recoverable condition. Okay, so now I'm thinking 3 rentals. Additionally, my friend pointed out that it's fairly common to lease farm land. It's possible that those 4 acres of irrigated land could be leased out as well.

Alright, so instead of thinking of this property as a flip, what about something for an investor to buy and hold? Depressed areas are depressed for home sales, but they're BOOMING for renting. It makes sense--if no one can afford to buy their own house, that means everyone is renting. I called a local RE agent to chat with her about it and she confirmed my suspicion: renting is BIG there right now. She told me a 1200 sq. ft. 3 bedroom rental can go from anywhere to $1000 to $1200 a month.

Okay, let's be conservative and take that $1000/mo number. Three of those would put us at $3000/mo. I don't know yet what the market rate for a lease on those acres would be (got my friend over there working on it), but for the sake of argument let's say it's another $1000. That puts us at $4000/mo cashflow.

So what would the rate of return on this be? Again, let's say it costs $400k to acquire, repair, pay for taxes, pay for holding, and pay for closing costs to an end buyer. The return on investment for a cash buyer would be ($4000 x 12 / $400,000) = 12%. That's actually pretty damn good. Better than the stock market can provide. But can I do better?

Let's see if we can get even more creative.

The owner filled out a Authorization to Release Information form to the mortgage company so I could get information on the mortgage. It's a whopping $128,000 in arrears, and the full amount is $313k, with about a $1600/mo payment. Turns out it's 80 months behind, not just five years. Whatever the case, $128k is less than $313k. I could use some OPM. Other People's Money.

If that $128k were paid up, the mortgage could continue as usual and the foreclosure would be canceled. There is a thing in the real estate investing world called a "subject to purchase". A buyer purchases a home subject to the existing financing. To put it in layman's terms: the seller would keep the mortgage in her name, but deed me the property on the agreement that I would continue to pay her mortgage*. What this means is if I were to come up with $128k instead of $313k, I could get the mortgage up to date to stop the foreclosure, and get the property in my name without qualifying for financing. BOOM. Round that up to $200k for repairs, and how do the numbers come out? We have a $1600/mo payment to make now, with probably another $200 from taxes and insurance, so $4000 - $1800 = $2200/mo cashflow. ($2200 x 12 / $200,000) = 13.2% return on investment. Getting better.

*Yes, if I quit paying the mortgage, her credit would get trashed. Why should she trust me? Well, what else is she going to do? She's losing it, anyway.

But wait. Where do I make money out of this? I don't have $400k or $200k to invest. I'm still a young kid that needs to earn the money in order to do that.

Normally this would fall under the category of a wholesale deal, but I'm thinking more of an option. An Option to Purchase Real Estate Agreement is a weird animal. Essentially, with that agreement, the owner would sell me the exclusive right to purchase the property within a certain amount of time, such that I could cloud the title of the property and no one could buy it out from under me. This can be for any price we agree to, even if it's $1. I could include in this option any other rights I want--including the right to fix the property. What this means is I could fix the property without having to spend the money to acquire it first (assuming it could be fixed before it's foreclosed on). Acquisition is generally the biggest cost to a project, and doing this would DRASTICALLY change costs for me. It's no joke that it costs money to use money. Interest payments are huge.

If I set up the numbers properly and do my research and agreements right to make it look good for an investor who wants to buy it, I can purchase an option from this owner for a negligible amount of money ($100 or less), and instead of exercising the option and purchasing the property myself, I can sell the option to the property and let someone else deal with exercising it. Depending on how much room is in the deal, I could sell the option for $5k, $10k, even $25k. This is from only having time and the small amount of money I paid for the option in the first place. The end investor gets maybe a 12% return on his investment, I get almost an infinite return on mine. My buddy will be even happier--he'll get 50% just for finding the lead.

But the REAL question is: how many deals like this would I have to do before I can use my saved money to purchase my own rentals and get 12% returns? Heck, I could buy them from some new kid learning the ropes like me now.


I wanted to post that to give everyone an idea here of how there are different ways to think about earning money. From my family and my public education, I learned that I earn a certain amount of money for a certain amount of time worked. I always had two problems with this. One, the instant I stopped working, I stopped earning money. Second, the progression is linear. When I started learning about how I could make deals to run my own business, I realized that my creativity could help define my income potential. Find a problem, and solve it in a way that provides value to people, and make sure that you get paid for it. I don't know if this deal is going to work out (I still have some research to do and numbers to run), but the learning experience is invaluable. The more I learn, and the more comfortable I get doing it, the more my income potential grows. I wanted to post this here to give FDR members an idea of the freedom of earning money, because I see many people focused on employment and wages. There's nothing wrong with employment and wages, but real freedom, independence, and power in your life comes when you control your own time, and you can only control your own time if you control your own income. Hope the story was enjoyable!

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Good stuff Dylan. Loved the idea of splitting the house up into a duplex/triplex situation. Ive done this with multiple homes. There's not a market for it where you're talking about but if you could enter the vacation rental(airbnb or vrbo) world you can really maximize your rents. Because Im in it for the long haul every time i see a property I think how can i get more doors/units on it. Garage apartment, splitting the top and bottom(close inside stairs make deck/stairs outiside entering the top unit. As we know the youngsters are having fewer kids, making less, saving less, and wanting to live near the action and willing to spend 35% of what they make in order to do so. 

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6 minutes ago, Marshall B said:

Good stuff Dylan. Loved the idea of splitting the house up into a duplex/triplex situation. Ive done this with multiple homes. There's not a market for it where you're talking about but if you could enter the vacation rental(airbnb or vrbo) world you can really maximize your rents. Because Im in it for the long haul every time i see a property I think how can i get more doors/units on it. Garage apartment, splitting the top and bottom(close inside stairs make deck/stairs outiside entering the top unit. As we know the youngsters are having fewer kids, making less, saving less, and wanting to live near the action and willing to spend 35% of what they make in order to do so. 

BOOM. Looks like you know the big secret to passive income. I'm not in the market for getting my own rentals yet (especially here with the housing prices so insane). I got to generate the money to invest first, which is what I'm doing with wholesales and flips. Cool to see someone else on the board doing similar stuff.

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23 hours ago, Jos van Weesel said:

There were 11 of them: 1 general chem scholarship available to anyone, 1 scholarship for students planning on pursuing pharmaceuticals, and 9 scholarships for women only.

Seriously? So they've sacrificed equality of opportunity in favour of equality of outcome in order to get as many women in science as men? Or more women than men? This is pure communism. Wasn't the West supposed to be about excellence and rewarding the best rather than of equality for equality's sake and pandering to women? The West really is digging its own grave. Fuck this shit.

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5 hours ago, Crusader1986 said:

Seriously? So they've sacrificed equality of opportunity in favour of equality of outcome in order to get as many women in science as men? Or more women than men? This is pure communism. Wasn't the West supposed to be about excellence and rewarding the best rather than of equality for equality's sake and pandering to women? The West really is digging its own grave. Fuck this shit.

I think it's more of a blessing in disguise; a warning that the university isn't worth one's time.

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 I really do think this is terrible advice.

 Like it or not a good degree carries a lot of weight with companies, some wont even look at you without one. everyone has to start somewhere I dont know who on earth would give a broke ex monk 250 grand but it all seems a bit daft to me. As a person who has owned and sold 2 businesses in my 37 years i can tell you, i would never employ anyone who hasn't gotten a degree for any kind of decent job.

 I would advise to those not wanting to join the rat race to get a vocation, rather than a qualification. You can always fall back on a vocation you can never fall back on nothing. Be a plumber be a good plumber.

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On 10/11/2017 at 9:38 AM, Dylan Lawrence Moore said:

BOOM. Looks like you know the big secret to passive income. I'm not in the market for getting my own rentals yet (especially here with the housing prices so insane). I got to generate the money to invest first, which is what I'm doing with wholesales and flips. Cool to see someone else on the board doing similar stuff.

Rich Dad Poor Dad by Kiyosaki is a must read. I had a poor dad(middle class hard working dad but didn't know how to save for tmrw) and had a best friends dad who was my rich dad. He gave me the advise when I was younger to learn how to "not work for your money but make your money work for you". He'd say "when I'm sleeping at night, on vacation, playing golf etc, my money is out working for me". That stuck with me. I can remember where I was sitting at age 16 when he said all of this. I barely graduated high school. Bought first rental at 19, flipped a few(wish Id kept everything), and it's turned out well. that being said I got quite lucky to be in this time period of rapid real estate growth in a city thats exploding. 

My business functions similarly at this point as well. I delegate whatever I can so I can spend as much time with my fam as I can. School would have been the worst decision I could have possibly made. Every single adult was telling me to go.

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On 10/12/2017 at 10:03 PM, tonk said:

everyone has to start somewhere I dont know who on earth would give a broke ex monk 250 grand but it all seems a bit daft to me. 

Ironically enough, I just had someone approach me that I met from my Aikido network (from when I was a "monk"). He told me he will be selling his house next year and will be sitting on 150-200k in cash that he wants to do RE with, and he reached out to me because of what I've been posting about my current RE project on FB. Seems what seems daft to you wasn't part of the equation.

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On 10/13/2017 at 6:37 PM, Marshall B said:

Rich Dad Poor Dad by Kiyosaki is a must read. I had a poor dad(middle class hard working dad but didn't know how to save for tmrw) and had a best friends dad who was my rich dad. He gave me the advise when I was younger to learn how to "not work for your money but make your money work for you". He'd say "when I'm sleeping at night, on vacation, playing golf etc, my money is out working for me". That stuck with me. I can remember where I was sitting at age 16 when he said all of this. I barely graduated high school. Bought first rental at 19, flipped a few(wish Id kept everything), and it's turned out well. that being said I got quite lucky to be in this time period of rapid real estate growth in a city thats exploding. 

My business functions similarly at this point as well. I delegate whatever I can so I can spend as much time with my fam as I can. School would have been the worst decision I could have possibly made. Every single adult was telling me to go.

As a 19 year old novelist who is both working magic and discovering quickly that the mainstream route is suicide, that's pretty much my goal (to make my money, or in my case my product, work for me) and my long term goal (is to eventually be making a passive income off my works so I can actually be a father to my future children). 

Luckily any poor kid with creative talent and a willingness to dedicate regular time to making regular progress, and also access to the internet through which to study things like philosophy and Christianity as well of course for possible self-publishing and self-marketing (and studying all that and whether A B or C is best to do or not to do), can make a good living as a creative professional of some kind or another. 

The trick, as far as I can tell, is actually being able to accurately gauge my own competency and also being able to discern good advice from bad advice (in terms of what to do with a finished product). 

Writing is something I've been doing as a hobby since I was bored to tears in middle school, and considered making it professional when one of my classmates became practically addicted to what I was writing at the time in early High School. 

Of course I changed a whole lot since then--which I'm sure is for better personally, and I would assume for my professional work as well but I might be wrong--and am cautiously optimistic about my long term prospects. I am very glad the internet (and Stefpai in particular) saved me from taking the magnum bullet of college and possibly becoming a Democratic political talking head who does the Devil's own work, or shell-shocked at the age of 26 about how in spite of all the debt I've accrued I knew virtually nothing of practical value.  

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I know several young men in the same job for over a decade, some 15yrs, another 12, and NO RAISE. Despite years of government education, nothing was to be had or gained. Classic example of dead end job. No progression or opportunity for progress unless of course, 1. You are directly related to the powers to be 2. Are friends of the power to be. Again, with ZERO incentive to progress, what do people do? 'Fuck the dog' until quit(ing) time. One of my fears is being in a situation like this, no raise, no bonus or any incentive to step it up. After 17yrs of government education and months of flyering my resume around, I am getting sparse phone calls for job opportunities, all either part time or temporary full time jobs, shit benefits or none what so ever. Even if I had a liquid million dollars cash, I would GTFO, and never look back. What does a million buy a man in this country? A decent size house, car, some clothes, and a day job still. A few kids and a divorce later, he is fucked, and thinking about taking a toaster oven into the bath tub.


I am not sure what the solution is but, 30yrs and waiting until retirement is not the answer. Many companies fold, go under, and piss away what was suppose to be the employees retirement fund spent on handouts to the CEOs. These stories keep popping up. I think the push is to be slave, either to government education, then, to get pissed at education as a whole, and to get stuck plugged into the Matrix. Its making people not want to learn and be adverse to education as a whole. Its not education that is the problem. Its the cookie-cutter government education system.


For starters, basic cooking, food nutrition, personal financing, and accountant should be MANDATORY but, it is not. Nothing with respect to entrepreneurship, owning a business, and establishing critical thinking among the youth is ever taught. Masses of students are taught to be an employee, to be subservient, and essentially a slave or worse, a beggar. There is no position of power one can pursue once in a position of debt. Furthermore, women are chasing career, are miserable as fuckkkkkk in the workplace, bringing their dramas to the environment, and shaking ass while pussy bombing the men before clinging to victimhood thereafter when not getting the ring. Men don't know how to compete with women as Dr Peterson pointed out.


I see the value of education, of learning, self knowledge, and evidence. Still, accumulating debt, begging for handouts in the form of some shitty low paying job, and just being a corporate slave/shill for the next 30yrs is retarded. I am not sure what the solution is here anymore then I am with dating and marriages in the west.

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