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Guest Request, Camille Paglia


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Camille Paglia has a new book out called "Free Women, Free Men", which I've not read, but apparently is a tome of scathing essays pushing back against third wave feminists (nothing new for Paglia, herself a feminist), eviscerating PC culture's ruining of university scholasticism and turning higher learning into SJW indoctrination factories, and actually defends masculinity and traditional roles for the sexes as (*gasp*) biologically-based rather than entirely socially constructed.





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I just recently started reading "Free Women, Free Men".  Here's her FIRST paragraph of the introduction:


"History moves in cycles  The plague of political correctness and assaults on free speech that erupted in the 1980s and were beaten back in the 1990s have returned with a vengeance.  In the United States, the universities as well as the mainstream media are currently patrolled by well-meaning but ruthless thought police, as dogmatic in their views as agents of the Spanish Inquisition."


She has essays titled, "The Nursery School Campus: The Corrupting of the Humanities in the U.S.", "No Sex Please, We're Middle Class", and "Coddling Won't Elect Women, Toughening Will".


PLEASE, get her on!  

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