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Sweden - Immigration related crimes

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2011 Landskrona Large fight police officers injured http://www.hd.se/2011-01-31/polis-slagen-med-egen-batong-pa-koppargarden


2011: Piteå (north of Sweden), Burglary Theft and Assault. investigation dropped http://www.svt.se/nyheter/lokalt/vasternorrland/lena-vi-fick-vart-liv-forstort




February 2nd: Gothenburg, Assult of police officer. http://www.expressen.se/gt/polis-slagen-i-ansiktet---ford-till-sjukhus/

March 18: 7 men guns down people at restaurant, 2 dead http://www.gp.se/nyheter/g%C3%B6teborg/sju-m%C3%A4n-f%C3%A4llda-f%C3%B6r-v%C3%A5r-krog-bar-d%C3%A5det-1.4066288?stampenHideCookieInformation=Jag+f%C3%B6rst%C3%A5r

March 18: Scrap Yard owner 40 break ins since 2010, police: "not a priority" http://www.svt.se/nyheter/lokalt/helsingborg/skrothandlaren-risk-att-man-tar-saken-i-egna-hander


August 21: Tumba (Stockholm suburb) Policevan attacked http://www.dn.se/sthlm/polisen-attackerad-i-tumba/



February: Asylumhousing in Orust. Large fight / riots http://www.expressen.se/gt/storbrak-brot-ut-pa-flyktingforlaggning/


May 2nd: Attempted homicide, Uppsala http://www.expressen.se/nyheter/polis-misshandla-under-utryckning/

August: Asperger woman brutally raped 4 yrs prison + deportation http://www.aftonbladet.se/a/5aMVK

August 3rd: Parents of girlfriend murdered by boyfriend http://omni.se/poliskalla-pojkvannen-mordade-for-att-fa-stanna/a/PQw3z


Oct 2nd: Visby Gotland, Another Aperger woman in wheelchair raped by 6 afghanis. Investigation dropped http://nyheteridag.se/utredningen-laggs-ner-rullstolsburen-kvinna-pa-gotland-anmalde-gruppvaldtakt-pa-toalett/


Oct 29th: Västerås, Young boy raped by 5 men http://www.expressen.se/nyheter/minderarig-pojke-misstankt-valdtagen/

November: Ulricehamn, Theft, caught on security camera, Store owner finds individual via facebook, Investigation dropped http://www.bt.se/ulricehamn/utredningen-laggs-ned-trots-tydliga-bildbevis/

Nov3rd Malmö: Homicide + attempted homicide http://www.sydsvenskan.se/2016-11-02/tva-skadade-vid-tva-skjutningar-i-malmo




March 6th Hallsberg, riots 11 people apprehended http://www.na.se/blaljus/brott/upploppet-i-hallsberg-alla-elva-anhallna-for-valdsamt-upplopp


March 10, Molestation of several girls at indoor swimmingpool http://www.na.se/blaljus/brott/upploppet-i-hallsberg-alla-elva-anhallna-for-valdsamt-upplopp


March 14th Eskiltuna, Riots http://www.ekuriren.se/eskilstuna/polispadrag-i-lagerberg/

March 15th Åkersberga (Stockholm suburb) 3 injured gang violence http://www.expressen.se/nyheter/tre-skadade-efter-skottlossning/

March 15th Borlänge Theft from Ambulance during rescue http://www.dt.se/blaljus/brott/tjuv-slog-till-mitt-under-pagaende-ambulansutryckning

March 16th Kristianstad: Attempted kidnapping of 10-year old girl http://www.kristianstadsbladet.se/kristianstad/man-forsokte-rova-bort-flicka/


March 17th Bottnaryd: Wife stabbed to death http://www.jp.se/article/kvinnan-nekade-till-sex-hoggs-till-dods-av-man/

March 17th Gothenburg: Attempted robbey 8 men on one victim http://www.expressen.se/gt/man-attackerades-av-ungdomsgang--ford-till-sjukhus/

March 17th Skärholmen (Stockholm suburb) Ten youths attacked police https://www.svd.se/tio-ungdomar-attackerade-poliser-med-stenar


March 17th Skarpnäck (Stockholm suburb) Attempted kidnapping of 2 girls http://www.expressen.se/nyheter/man-forsokte-locka-in-flickor-i-bil-vid-skola/?social=fb

March 17th Uddevalla, Stabbing http://www.expressen.se/gt/kvinna-gripen-for-knivdad-vid-mataffar/?social=fb

March 17th Borås, Rape http://www.expressen.se/gt/kvinna-hittad-utomhus-efter-misstankt-valdtakt/?social=fb

March 17th Malmö, Attempted homicide http://www.sydsvenskan.se/2017-03-17/misstankt-valdsbrott-i-lagenhet-i-malmo-tekniker-har-varit-pa-plats?utm_source=fb&utm_term=2017-03-17T21%3A32%3A31+01%3A00&utm_medium=list-bottom&utm_campaign=75e78dea-fe06-4de1-954b-a27591610247

March 17th Tranås Man assulted by 3 men http://www.tranastidning.se/article/tre-man-haktas-for-grov-misshandel/

March 17th Nordmaling (North of Sweden) Burglaries, several http://www.svt.se/nyheter/lokalt/vasterbotten/polisen-i-nordmaling-ar-som-jesus

March 17th Söderhamn 21-year old teacher molested students http://omni.se/larare-haktad-misstankt-for-flera-sexuella-overgrepp/a/VnL31

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March 18th, Medelpad: Cars and dumpsters set on fire during the night http://www.st.nu/vasternorrland/medan-du-sov-flera-brander-pa-ett-par-timmar-och-brak-i-stan


Malmö, Pipebomb thrown at firefighters fighting burning cars http://www.swedenwatch.com/


Jörn? 25 yr old female on way to work surrounded by 8-10 migrants


Man suspected of double murder in Kista (Stockholm suburb) arrested in Denmark http://www.expressen.se/nyheter/gripen-for-dubbelmordet-tillbaka-i-sverige/

Sundsvall 2 found dead suspected murder http://www.st.nu/blaljus/brott/tva-hittade-doda-i-lagenhet-i-sundsvall-polisen-misstanker-mord

Skövde Stonethrowing at security guards http://www.skovdenyheter.se/article/stenar-kastades-mot-vaktarbil/

and on and on,,, http://www.swedenwatch.com/has most of these incidents in their feed

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A lot of people posting on the forum from Sweden. Had a look at that map of crimes, asylum centres in the North as well, looks like the whole country is an asylum. I know when I did some backpacking in Norway, student accommodation in the North was being converted into asylum centre housing from a local. 


Is there anyone actually doing something to stop outright chaos? The cost of all the social programs is a fortune, is there any movement to try and achieve local autonomy for the non city areas? Partition what's left of the country up, I mean it's quite cold right, in Sweden in the Winter, eventually the whole setup is going to end one way or another. Maybe groups going door to door, village to village, like the Jehova witnesses. Is there anyone being effective in stopping the crime, I'd like to help (will work for food basically), I think it must be possible to prevent the rape and murder. 


"Lies, damned lies, and statistics".

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dysfunc_survivor, how are you confirming that these crimes were committed by immigrants?


Some of them are obvious from the character of them. I will post links to if I find out that a certain crime is made by a ethnic swede. Many of the crimes has follow-up articles which can be found, where the origin of the felon is published, for example the rapes in Västerås, Visby, murders in Kista etc.

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A lot of people posting on the forum from Sweden. Had a look at that map of crimes, asylum centres in the North as well, looks like the whole country is an asylum. I know when I did some backpacking in Norway, student accommodation in the North was being converted into asylum centre housing from a local. 


Is there anyone actually doing something to stop outright chaos? The cost of all the social programs is a fortune, is there any movement to try and achieve local autonomy for the non city areas? Partition what's left of the country up, I mean it's quite cold right, in Sweden in the Winter, eventually the whole setup is going to end one way or another. Maybe groups going door to door, village to village, like the Jehova witnesses. Is there anyone being effective in stopping the crime, I'd like to help (will work for food basically), I think it must be possible to prevent the rape and murder. 


"Lies, damned lies, and statistics".


The government put forth a law proposition, stripping municipalities from the right to refuse refugees. http://www.svt.se/nyheter/inrikes/pk-nya-forslag-fran-regeringen-om-nyanlanda


There was an uprising on the island of Gotland after 6 afghanis raped the wheelchair bound woman. There was also a counter demonstration, which of course got media attention, portraying the protestors who opposed the police action (transporting the aghanis to the mainland and protecting them) as... you guessed it, racists.


There is still strong push to portray us who speak out as racists. There is a large facebookgroup you may have heard of "Stå upp för Peter Springare", a police officer who published a rant displaying the names of perpetrators landing on his desk during a common workweek. We are now 226.000 members in that group. https://www.facebook.com/groups/279528999133185/?hc_ref=NEWSFEEDSome are there just to "spy on the racists". Springare has been tried for two crimes so far, publishing of investigation information, and misuse of internal police database. lol The police has even made the restrictions for use of their database tighter since. He is continuously being slandered in the press.


I live out in the sticks, so no chaos here. I do have two neighbours who house refugees. They receive SEK 3000 (USD 340) per refugee per day for food and housing. I approximate that money from info in this video


The refugees get a prepaid smartphone, free bus fares, gym card (which normally costs also SEK 3000 per year) and schooling. The bus in to town used to be quite empty and sleepy, mainly old people and schoolkids. Nowadays it's a very obvious enrichment of non swedish speaking fellow bus travellers...


To illustrate the ignorance of many swedes: A female acquaintance told me the story of her neighbours reporting her for housing a non-registred tenant. Her "boyfriend" travels from africa to stay with her periodically... Like there are no single men in sweden. I just don't get it. But it does illustrate peoples attitude, but at the same time very afraid to act in a way that can be traced back to a certain individual.


I think it's just a matter of time before we begin to see swedes coming together. Swedes are unfortunately very private and qiet folks, and have to be pushed quite far to stand up for ourselves. There is also a big difference of attitude in the big cities Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmö compared to rural areas. We who live out in the sticks are called "peasants" and white trash and so forth. I grew up in a Stockholm suburb.The suburbs have been completely transformed. Even if I wanted to move, there is no way to move into a city. Stockholm feels very overcrowded at this point. I can't stand it for very long periods of time.


Personally I am mostly waiting to hear of a friends children being groped or raped. The only way a swede will take a stand is to be personally affected by the situation. Sweden have had many years of uninterrupted Marxist indoctrination. Since I try to be open nowadays of my views, there is little chance of me getting a job in the area. Most of my former collegues work side by side with immigrants, so they "need to chose sides".

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150 persons have returned to Sweden after fighting for ISIS. Social services says "Give us a chance to work with these persons" pathological altruism at its best. SÄPO (Security police branch) refuse to give out the names. Why weren't they apprehended at the airport on return? They hade one of them, Mailk sniveling in an INTEVIEW on national swedish TV.


How will sweden be seen internationally as we indirectly support ISIS!?




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According to the county board (länsstyrelsen), the municipality of Malmö is to accept 408 refugees during 2017. According to the law of settlement https://www.migrationsverket.se/Om-Migrationsverket/Pressrum/Fokusomraden/Bosattningslagen.html municipalitys are obligated to provide housing.

For this the municipalities receive USD 25000 per migrant from the government = USD 10,2 million for the 408 migrants.



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March 7th, Hallonbergen (Stockholm suburb) Double homicide. Couple José and Elizabeth Ruth Axelsson gets throats slit / stabbed to death. The father was witness to a murder. 4 youths was arrested aged 15, 16, 20 & 21. Perpetrators are african or of middle-eastern or norhern african heritage. 3 of the names:

  • Fouad Saleh, born 1995
  • Mikael Chamoun, born 1996
  • Adam Boto, born 2000








Uppsala: In january 2016, Mohammed Rawajbeh rapes 16-year old girl at school (Stordammens skola). Is allowed to continue going to the same school. In october 2016, he commits a second rape.




Somebody threats somebody regarding this subject:


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Angelica Wiktor, 30 years old, committed suicide on 17th of June. She was raped by an immigrant while his friend stood guard. They forced themselves into her apartment. Police investigation has been dropped due to "lack of evidence" and the offenders walk free. She had documented injuries.


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