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Critical Mass Is Imminent


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Physics. the amount of a given fissionable material necessary to sustain a chain reaction at a constant rate.
an amount necessary or sufficient to have a significant effect or to achieve a result:
a critical mass of popular support.



Once Critical Mass is achieved, the attack pressure will skyrocket overnight. Expect complete shutdowns of alternative media. 




Now is the time to strengthen and expand media output resources. 



The tipping point will be the first indictment of a major player. Maybe a Huma Abedin type or a Circuit Court Judge. The resistance we are seeing now is the surface tension on the balloon. 




When you pop a balloon there is a great expulsion of air outwards. When we pop the Deep State Globalist's network, there will be over-reaching attacks on every front. The greatest of which will be a dramatic increase in interests rates as the bankers look to finish off the dollar, collapse the American economy, and shake up the world stage like never before. --"Order out of chaos"-- You will know this is coming when many of the big players can no longer be found on our shores. The violent expulsion of force is directed at us, while the material forming the balloon implodes, eating itself. When they begin attacking each other is when we've finally won.


Look to the EU for clairvoyance. 

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Actually "critcal mass" is an acknowledged misnomer even in the source domain, i.e. nuclear physics.  What is critical is, roughly speaking, the ratio of mass to surface area, such that neutrons emitted from fission events strike other fissionable nuclei, rather than escaping through the surface of the reaction volume, just sufficiently often to sustain a chain reaction.  


"Critical" in such a context is more or less synonymous with "criterial", i.e. being a value just sufficient to change a system from one behavioral mode to another.  It is erroneous to speak of having "enough critical mass", for example;  "enough" and "critical" are synonyms in such a context.


Abstracting from the domain of nuclear physics to that of control theory, the concept is having   amplification factor around a feedback loop exactly equal to one.  Any larger and the signal increases exponentially every time around the loop.  Any smaller and it decays exponentially.  (I'm assuming the reader understands what "exponentially" means.  It doesn't mean "extremely" or "rapidly".)

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Former Federal Reserve Chairman, former member of Ayn Rand's inner circle, still current intellectual traitor and Globalist meat puppet warns that the bond bubble is about to burst with interest rates rising rapidly. Maybe the Maestro has seen the score before the concert begins.




Also in the news YouTube is purging "objectionable content", Twitter continues to censor further. 


It's like watching an addict go through withdraw. You've seen it before, you know what's coming, but nothing can derail the freight train before it goes off the cliff.

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