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London Terror Attack


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uhhh...  Je suis Londres?


Don't know if there is anything much that can be done in the UK. FDR and Paul J Watson seem to be doing the most good, seem the most sane and Intelligent, and a few others. Occasionally read about tens of thousands of people marching in the North of England and in London on the Internet, nothing on the TV.


Makes me think of the movie "Mars Attacks"  with "don't run we are your friends". I think the majority of people are crazy in someway, maybe it's a requisite to continue to live in most places, maybe like madness being perhaps relative, like discussed in the video on Hamlet. Maybe put FDR on speakerphone somewhere, bit like the ending of Mars Attacks... Either that or when in Rome.... pick a crazy group most likely to survive or not stab you in the back. When Worlds collide? No middle ground?


Uhhh... Onward Christian Soldiers? Save me Jesus...?

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I am pretty convinced that sooner or later all parties who want to have more than just a few percent will take over most ideas from the right wing "populist" parties.

Yes this progress is slow, and its different in all european countries (Germany is far behind), but there is progress.


Right now foreign minister Sebastian Kurz, member of the Austrian People´s party, harshly critized NGO´s to be allies of the human traffickers. He was also the master mind behind the closure of the Balkan route, now more than a year ago. He pleads for refugee camps in Afrika according to the Australian example. He is eloquent, unagitated, and can not be called a Nazi so easily because he is a member (and most likely the next leader) of a big Austrian party.

Best of all, this guy is only 30 years old.

Time.come sees him as a next generation leader: http://time.com/collection-post/4684932/sebastion-kurz-next-generation-leaders/

He is the one than can be elected by all those who are afraid to be called Nazis, and therefore do not dare to vote for the right wing Austrian Freedom Party.


So what has to be done, is to get rid of all the so-called refugees, which is the majority.

Next thing is to cut all subsidies for all those "Islam cultural exchange clubs". Those are supported from the Austrian Socialist Party (who else?), recently many scandals became obvious.

Ultimatively, Islam must be outlawed. There is more than enough evidence that this religion has absolutely no place within any civilization.




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The Austrian guy looks pretty soft, groomed for leadership, Time endorsement, fortunate son, enjoy some spa's, beer etc... Maybe not, perhaps has balls of steel, to get things done, but doubt it.


I remember a post somewhere on the forum a while a go from Germany at migrants receiving 1,000 EUROs plus a month in welfare. Perhaps the people should be losing their shit about that, but 1 guy unless he's superman what's going to change. Mastermind behind the balkan route closure, maybe but I would find it hard to believe if some wealthy residents of Austria didn't have a say somewhere. Oh well just dump em in Germany instead or fast track them through Italy. Can see a very subtle smile(cynical) as he comments on the Brexit decision.

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That depends. What do you think the problem is?

Unchecked third-world immigration with no plan and no effort to integrate the new arrivals. Said immigration being a cynical effort by the left to remake the electorate in the West. What do you think the problem is?

uhhh...  Je suis Londres?


Don't know if there is anything much that can be done in the UK. ?

And, I fear, the US. Maybe the West started to wake up too late.

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Unchecked third-world immigration with no plan and no effort to integrate the new arrivals. Said immigration being a cynical effort by the left to remake the electorate in the West. What do you think the problem is?


And, I fear, the US. Maybe the West started to wake up too late.

Would it make sense if I said that unchecked immigration is not the underlying problem, but just a symptom? Mr.Molyneux talks about this often.

I would actually go further. Donald Trump, Brexit, LePen, terrorism, all of these are just symptoms. They are all the symptoms of the state of the societies of the West.

My diagnosis may not match with yours, but I share the opinion of Mr.Molyneux, that only an absolutist ideology can stand up to an absolutist ideology, that formerly being Christianity. I can accept the opinion that Christianity is no longer "suitable" for the West, but the West had better come up with something better in its stead.


Hey, Goldenages!

Could you open a thread telling us in great detail how Austria is faring at the moment? I know they copied the fence idea off of Hungary, and so that is a good sign. Are people being redpilled? Are they considering joining the Visegrád alliance? Will we ever have a common emperor again?

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Could you open a thread telling us in great detail how Austria is faring at the moment? I know they copied the fence idea off of Hungary, and so that is a good sign. Are people being redpilled? Are they considering joining the Visegrád alliance? Will we ever have a common emperor again?


Hi, hi, I do not think that we will have one common emperor again, we have to get rid of the many emperors in Brussels :D


Only the Freedom Party (FPÖ) wants to join the Visegrad Alliance. I do think thats a good idea - every measure against Merkel and the centralists in Brussels is a good idea.


The last election for the Federal President still showed a majority for the reds. But many things have changed in the meantime - right now the secretary of the interior and the defense minister make statements that were impossible only months ago.


However, the next interesting election will be in France. Been in Paris recently, what a beautiful city. You just have to know where not to leave the subway in the outer districts, its a shame.




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