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Need to Vent: The Overflowing of Propaganda at Work

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Just need to vent some frustration:


At work, we have this internal announcement page where people can post about anything:   Celebrations of achievement, company anniversaries, happy hour parties, brand launches...all the stuff you'd expect.


Except HALF of the posts are mind-bogglingly sexist/racist propaganda:


Things like.....


"Why Women Are Treated Like Garbage at Tech Companies"


"Learn to Check Your White Male Privilege"


"Why Are Tech Companies Still So Racist and Sexist?"


"How the Patriarchy Affects Technology"


"Why We're Not Doing Enough for Blacks in The Tech World"




"Microaggressions: Yes, They're Real"



These are mostly posted by females.




And there is ZERO pushback.  Zero. It's radio silence.  Everybody politely swallows this stuff.


If I was brave, I could write a response, but it would destroy my career - - and I'd certainly never be allowed in a position of management.


I feel like I'm living in the world of 1984 - wrong-think, hate speak, thought crimes,  2+2+=5...

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Perhaps you can look for another job while temporarily holding on to your current one. Have you considered remote freelancing? Working from home is becoming more of the norm these days, and as a self-employed person, you'll less likely be hit with such propaganda.

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I'm not interested in leaving.  I'm just lamenting on how deeply rooted the SJW propaganda is.


Bluntly, I have to ask, why not? You clearly are working for an organization that fundamentally disagrees with the base of your own moral beliefs. If companies start to lose good employees because of this crap then they may start to re-evaluate supporting it. In the free market you vote with you choice and actions. By choosing to stay you are choosing to vote in support of this sort of activism. 


I'd also point out that staying at a company like this one poses a direct risk to you. If they support this sort of thing it is likely that even a cursory accusation of "harassment" from a female employee about you (whether it is legitimate or not) would be met with little expected burden of proof and a heavy handed consequence for you that could have harsh ripple effects throughout your career and life.

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I know how you feel. Our CEO recently said (paraphrasing) "men work and women look after children and their aging parents. Its a social norm we have to break". WTF?! We sell furniture! I'm seriously considering changing jobs because my gut tells me this crap is so deeply embedded now that to even ask the obvious questions will cost me my career in the end. But then, maybe I should just MTFU and be the first to stick my head above the parapet to suffer the slings and arrows. After all, its hardly Juno or Sword or, god forbid, Omaha beach. Good luck friend.

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Step it up a notch:


All white men need to die

White genocide is checking your privilege

We need to ban pens and other phallic symbols of male dominance

The top 100 contributors on StackOverflow are men

This is excellent advice. I do not have experience with western liberals, but my bro lives in Belgium, where he often takes up the role of the extreme liberal just to mess with their heads.

It Works like magic... gets liberals to actually think.

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On ‎3‎/‎26‎/‎2017 at 0:57 PM, NotDarkYet said:

Just need to vent some frustration:


At work, we have this internal announcement page where people can post about anything:   Celebrations of achievement, company anniversaries, happy hour parties, brand launches...all the stuff you'd expect.


Except HALF of the posts are mind-bogglingly sexist/racist propaganda:


Things like.....


"Why Women Are Treated Like Garbage at Tech Companies"


"Learn to Check Your White Male Privilege"


"Why Are Tech Companies Still So Racist and Sexist?"


"How the Patriarchy Affects Technology"


"Why We're Not Doing Enough for Blacks in The Tech World"




"Microaggressions: Yes, They're Real"



These are mostly posted by females.




And there is ZERO pushback.  Zero. It's radio silence.  Everybody politely swallows this stuff.


If I was brave, I could write a response, but it would destroy my career - - and I'd certainly never be allowed in a position of management.


I feel like I'm living in the world of 1984 - wrong-think, hate speak, thought crimes,  2+2+=5...


Many workplaces are headed this way. It is very chaotic. I am not sure what field you are in. Is it at all possible to consider alternative means to make money? I am looking into starting my own business. I read 10% entrepreneur among a variety of books. The process has begun. Similar to what you wrote, I have seen it time and time again in the school systems or workplace. It is very leftist. It is pro victimhood. I cringe at it. Surprisingly, guess how many are divorced? Single moms? Promote victimhood? Are anti Trump? Have absolutely zero level of consciousness, self knowledge, reason or evidence. Its just a series of bitching and nonsense. Shockingly, guess how productive this is?


I wont complain about the school system. I just wont participate, fund or pay for this sorts of nonsense. I will look into something valuable like Self Authoring by Jordan Peterson. I will look at other programs or courses through alternative sources. Instead of bitching about this workplace scenario, I will create an optimum business venture for myself. I recommend you doing the same.


I am not suggesting you quit now. I am suggesting you look at alternative ways to make money. Consider doing things you can if your current job was outsources, you were fired or the position you are in no longer exists.

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