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Please help me find these FDR episodes


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I remember listening to an episode some time ago in which Stefan talked about how early American settlements (Jamestown and Plymouth) nearly killed themselves off by having a socialist-shared system of agriculture and labour division. 


I also remember an episode where Stefan talked about actual successful examples of free market capitalism (one of them was the United States in the late 18th century?) 


If you know what episodes I am talking about, please let me know. I am currently engaged in a conversation with a person who claims 'free market capitalism has never worked', I am looking for convincing evidence to the contrary. 



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I remember listening to an episode some time ago in which Stefan talked about how early American settlements (Jamestown and Plymouth) nearly killed themselves off by having a socialist-shared system of agriculture and labour division.

#3509 - http://www.fdrpodcasts.com/#/3509/what-pisses-me-off-about-thanksgiving-



I also remember an episode where Stefan talked about actual successful examples of free market capitalism (one of them was the United States in the late 18th century?)

Need more specifics, free market capitalism (what little there is) examples are speckled throughout multiple pod-casts.



I am currently engaged in a conversation with a person who claims 'free market capitalism has never worked', I am looking for convincing evidence to the contrary.

My suggestion would be to start with defining free market capitalism, however, based on the claim you say the person states, evidence may not work. This pod-cast may help - #3055-The Death of Reason: Why People Don't Listen to Reason and Evidence

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Regarding this (below), all I can remember was that Stefan was talking about a short period of 10 or 20 years where the United States grew very fast in the absence of big state. I believe it was the late 1800's not the 18th century. 


It's probably impossible to pinpoint the episode based on just that ^ unless someone literally just listened tot it :)


Thanks for the reply though, it helped :)


I also remember an episode where Stefan talked about actual successful examples of free market capitalism (one of them was the United States in the late 18th century?)

Need more specifics, free market capitalism (what little there is) examples are speckled throughout multiple pod-casts.

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