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How do you stay strong in the face of irrationality?


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On another forum, which I was formally a member of, I accidentally trolled a community by asking what I thought was a fairly simple question, which resulted in the thread being shut down. I was accused of ignoring reality though I presented hard data and was only offered anecdotal evidence in return. This is not my first encounter with irrationality, but it is always very mentally fatiguing, and makes me question why I even bother.


How do you stay strong in the face of irrationality?

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Yes. It's frustrating. Particularly when you are presenting hard evidence. The way I would think of it is to control your mind and not let it run away in reactionary directions like excessive frustration. You can take positives from such circumstances, such as knowing which people to distance yourself from (anti-reality people) and knowing that your value at least in one regard is higher than those people.

Topics in this ballpark have been discussed many times and I think the consensus is to not waste much time with such people. Though I do think it's still worth some level of engagement with people who resist hard data. There was one topic that in the past I heard bits and pieces on in the past and although I did not completely dismiss what I heard, I was skeptical. The pitter patter of information on this topic eventually made me look into it myself and I found out the assertions were true. This is common, particularly when changing deep-seated beliefs.

Stay strong by keeping to the facts. Have enough belief in yourself that you won't be swayed by sophistry and emotional manipulation. View having your thread shut down as a victory. Them not being able to come back and delete your post probably means you won and you may have sown a few seeds of doubt deep in the recesses of some's congnative disonance.

Adopt the mindset of a winner and warrior who doesn't back down: (skip to 1m45s if it dones't links properly)

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Ask what's in it for me. As I remember Stefan saying before the Presidential election.


Be careful what you wish for.


Make like a tree and get out of here.... As Biff would say.


Stoic training in combination with higher ideal. Maybe the occasional trolling.  


Reinforce the original definitions of concepts through Integrity.


Or something.........

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I also face the same things in conversation. I had worked with two male colleagues for years, and spent lots of time in the hills and high country with them working on weeds.  We would talk about life, plans, our pasts and then one of them became engaged.  We started to talk about parenting and they both joked about being spanked as children and the good it did them. I asked if they were planning to spank their future children and they both said 'of course'.  I said that I would never hit a child because it damages their brains as reported by research.  They both got angry and asked me if I thought they were brain damaged.  I said that I thought they were both very bright, intelligent people but that it was possible they may be even smarter without the spanking in their pasts. They got more angry and told me that children who were not disciplined ran out of control.  I was not able to get through to them the idea of discipline or coaching without hitting.  I failed here too and the conversation was shut down.  I think I could see little explosions happening in their brains that meant what I said was challenging their worldview, their view of their parents, their view of fathers.  I agree with Holgerson that it is mentally fatiguing. I suppose in answer to the question - how to stay strong? Think of the world you want, the calm rational work without violence, with children who are safe and respected, and then act out of that conviction. Gain strength from the vision of the future. I know that's not completely helpful but it's what I'm trying to do.

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