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The world needs angry women

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This seems like classic feminism to me, or at least it's common in feminist circles. The stereotype of the angry feminist is around for a reason. They view themselves as the oppressed. They are victiminized and angry about it. There is a great injustice against women in their minds. Who's oppressing them? Men, I suppose - or more broadly, the patriarchy.


Anger is the natural response to injustice, and it's not a bad emotion, but like a previous poster said, it needs to be constrained by a rational philosophy. They write: "a womans rage is the most threatening force this planet will ever behold." This strikes me as megalomaniacal. Why does the woman hold the most power? What about men's rage? What about the rage of a two-year-old having a temper tantrum?


"There has been a strategic attack on our wild selves." Why is the wild self the best self? Are men free to be their wild selves? This is an appeal to emotion. It feels good to shed your inhibition and do what you want when you want. But they might not like the consequences.

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If you'd replace the word women / women in that post to men...


She finishes off with something like "the rage must be directed" bladi blah. Then why rage?


For sure. Rage is inappropriate in 99% of situations, and is the result of unprocessed, unexpressed anger which is amplifying what would normally be experienced in a given moment.


I totally agree that the world could benefit from more angry women--provided that they are expressing their anger at the appropriate targets and not sublimating and dumping said emotions on people who did not incite them in the first place. Anger when expressed in a healthy, appropriate fashion can bring relationships together.


The author says that she has been shamed for her anger. She should be angry at the people who have shamed her for her anger, and rage might be appropriate for that. But I don't get the sense that she is suggesting that, but encouraging that anger to be used and expressed whenever she wants.

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