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should I move to a new city to earn way more money?

William Wyatt


1 member has voted

  1. 1. Where should I set up my life and career?

    • Brisbane/Gold Coast/Byron
    • Melbourne/Northwest Tasmania

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I'm a 23 year old musician, singer  busker and aspiring peaceful parenting activist. I'm struggling between the decisions of moving to a new city in order to earn more money and live in a preffered climate, Or staying in brisbane for fame and friends and beaches?

1. Brisbane/Gold Coast/Byron: Pros and Cons.

 I live in subtropical brisbane. A lively little city small and compact. entertainment districts all squished into a melting pot of sex, drugs, art and music. it's a tropical fiesta, but it doesn't pay that well.

Some of the artsy uni students started a music festival called jungle love. A festival full of "nice" people. Passive hippies, hipsters,spiritual people, musicians and artists. Mostly vagueley anti authoritarian leftists into astrology, aliens, and ego death. A few an-caps go and generally gell with the people.

I've actually convince people tripping on acid, to be pro free market capitalism using different works. But I still have very mixed feelings about the brisbane music scene to say the least... Yet if I said "capitalism" they would be like "Nah fuck dat man"

Anyway I'm playing at this festival. and if I get a band together I can probably play in front of a few hundred people and maybe convince them of peaceful parenting. 300 fans in this city?

However, I do know that the guy running the festival thinks it's okay to spank....

If I live on the gold coast I may be able to develop friendships with the gold coast FDR group given I increase my self knowledge. Although, they are very busy with their families and such, being in their 30s. My other FDR friend is also very busy with university and such. 

I may eventually start up a rock opera show, given that The gold coast has lots of tourism for it's beaches... The gold coast is close to many theme parts

But It get's very hot and humid here in summer, which I hate. I could move to a mountain, but would still have kane toads, snakes and so so many insects in the subtropics. 

But if that theatre show is anti child abuse, and my family come to see it. My mother could stalk me.. Given that brisbane is nearby.. (brisbane is close to gold coast)

Pros: easy band, playing big festival, fame and influence, groovy vibes, FDR friends close by, Gold Coast, melting pot of creativity, rock opera show in gold coast, GOLD COAST MIGHT PAY BETTER THAN MELBOURNE *unconfirmed*

Cons: Humid heat, insects, festival is full of hippies and some non peaceful parenters, Parents close by, Mother might go crazy on my theatre show, drug influences from family and friends, 

2. Melbourne/Northern Tasmania

Melbourne is more spreading out and is a cooler maritime oceanic cfb climate, Said to be more sophisticated and intellectual than Brisbane. Yet quite elitist and leftist as with every city. Arts and Music scene is very spread out, vast and more centred on the artist rather than the scene. 

I expect less fame in melbourne, but it also means I can promote peaceful parenting and libertarianism without feeling collective pressure toward PC culture. 

I can also make much much more money busking, and the economy is better so I can find work pretty easily as well.. 

I can probably still create my rock opera, Melbourne may even be more suited to it. 

My family will be far away, so I can defoo. and 

I can quickly pay to get my teeth fixed, rent out my own apartment in hills and do my self therapy in nature without insects or intense heat.. 

melbourne pros: guaranteed higher income, cooler nicer climate like coastal western us or europe,  fix teeth, less mysticism and paranoia, EASY DEFOO YAY

cons: may not find good libertarian friends, it can have 4 seasons in 1 day and occasional heatwaves. Brisbane is more consistently hot and humid from november to april. 

Thanks heaps in advance. 


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Hello William, those are some tough choices. You are young and seemingly quite transient at the moment.  It could be your chance to check Melbourne out and have a go at earning some more money.  Fixing your teeth sounds important too.  If you are away from your friends and family it will be important to make good friends in Melbourne, could you search out some friendship links ahead of time? - put out feelers for a Melbourne FDR group, look on meetup for peaceful parenting groups etc.. I have been told to make a decision and then 'wear it' for a few days.  See how it feels and go from there.  Good luck

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You are at the age of 23 so you do have a few years yet to explore life and take risks (reasonable and lawful hehe) if that is your focus. Also consider asking yourself what you see yourself doing in 15 years. I am, well, lets just say many decades older, and the one key piece of advice I would pass along when making such major decisions is that as each year goes by, life starts to move faster and faster. You 30's will go by much faster than your 20's, and 40's..zoom by!!

Choose a path that focuses on happiness not just for the moment, but that is a path that will keep building to where you want to be. Some only want to always live in the moment, consider living on the path so you get the enjoy the view of the entire valley of opportunities, as well as the tree next to you  :)

Keeping  on top of your health when young is important, as we get older we live on the foundation we have built over the years.

We can rarely extend ourselves in the comfort of never changing surroundings...even ideological surroundings!


Good luck

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