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Stone Interview and Cultural Marxist Deep State


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Here's an angle that Roger Stone may have missed in his estimates:


What if the Frankfurt School's involvement with the OSS's "denazification" program created a congenital defect in the Deep State that did more than merely reflect the Frankfurt School's animus toward working class Germans?  What if this congenital defect generalized this animus to include working class white Americans?


Moreover, what if this congenital defect was baked into the Deep State utilizing sophisticated Soviet techniques then deployed including pedophilia sexual blackmail?


NB: By its very nature, the Deep State has an opaque structure which could have, and would have been utilized by moles to create central points so that only a few individuals would need to be controlled, and then only on the most critical occasions.


JFK and RFK assassinations would be easily explained by this.


But what about the assassination of MLK?


NB: MLK's last book before he was assassinated "Where Do We Go From Here:  Chaos or Community" proposed a radically different approach to civil rights than the affirmative action welfare state:


Universal Basic Income


If Universal Basic Income had been adopted, the deadly embrace between college educated whites and the rent-seeking welfare state could have been averted.  More to the point working class whites would not have seen blacks as enemies.  Moreover, the UBI would have made it politically impossible for the Democrats to sneak through the immigration replacement of the working class as every immigrant would be seen as a direct threat to an existing income stream to the working class.

The Southern Poverty Law Center took over the "Poor People's March" movement started by MLK's last book, and ensured that any attempt by working class whites to defend themselves against the affirmative action welfare state would be portrayed as resurgent Naziism.

In this paradigm, Roy Cohn's connection with Columbia University (attending there at exactly the time the Frankfurt School was working for the OSS) as well as pedophilia help explain why Senator Joe McCarthy rejected Robert Kennedy and hired Roy Cohn at the height of McCarthy's influence and, from that moment forward, McCarthy's stock declined to his death a few short years later.

PS:  Yes I'm quite aware that Roy Cohn was Trump's attorney in the late 1970s.  This may explain the extreme hysteria of the Cultural Marxist regime -- and its use of "Russia" as a kind of preemptive strike.

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Universal Basic Income


If Universal Basic Income had been adopted, the deadly embrace between college educated whites and the rent-seeking welfare state could have been averted.  More to the point working class whites would not have seen blacks as enemies.  Moreover, the UBI would have made it politically impossible for the Democrats to sneak through the immigration replacement of the working class as every immigrant would be seen as a direct threat to an existing income stream to the working class.


The Southern Poverty Law Center took over the "Poor People's March" movement started by MLK's last book, and ensured that any attempt by working class whites to defend themselves against the affirmative action welfare state would be portrayed as resurgent Naziism.


In this paradigm, Roy Cohn's connection with Columbia University (attending there at exactly the time the Frankfurt School was working for the OSS) as well as pedophilia help explain why Senator Joe McCarthy rejected Robert Kennedy and hired Roy Cohn at the height of McCarthy's influence and, from that moment forward, McCarthy's stock declined to his death a few short years later.


PS:  Yes I'm quite aware that Roy Cohn was Trump's attorney in the late 1970s.  This may explain the extreme hysteria of the Cultural Marxist regime -- and its use of "Russia" as a kind of preemptive strike.

The UBI would cause rent seeking in the private sector? as with agricultural subsides. Also with a UBI, the potential to end up in a "Blade Runner" scenario with small apartments and "Replicants" confined to "off-world colonies". There is also kind of a violent scene in the movie "The Prodigal Son" where Roy is asking for more life from his maker and discussing ways to extend his life, that are met with counter reactions in theory.


Having said that, if there is a "welfare" system then a UBI would in theory at least give everyone(all races) the same "potential" treatment and help bring down the monetary system quicker and perhaps the state, or establish a kind of aristocracy.

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UBI means ridiculous taxation (no business growth) or high inflation (goodbye dollar reserve currency).  Businesses would see the opportunity of extracting more wealth from new immigrants, and this business interest, like it has already, would be faster acting than the publics' opposition to immigration based on the recognition of negative outcomes.

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The respondents would say that the major defect in democracy is the tendency for the majority to vote itself more and more money.  A population with less disposable income also has less disposable time and resources in general to devote to political action in self-interest, however unenlightened.  So a UBI would tend to balance out popular interests (again, however unenlightened) against business interests seeking more immigrants.  

Moreover, an immigrant that might be competing for an income resource is less of a threat than an immigrant that _will_ be competing for exactly the same income stream.  The latter obtains under the UBI.


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The second comparison is faulty in two ways:
1.    a citizen would not necessarily see it as competition, since the citizen would be getting his UBI regardless (much like citizens don't see inflation as taxation).
2. the notion of a threat to the economy should already be acknowledged if it is expected a citizen will oppose immigration, unless we are to think a single level of separation (miscellaneous welfare vs UBI) is currently preventing the citizen from acknowledging that threat.

On the first point, we'd first have to assume that the extra time would be spent towards an understanding of economics (more UBI out means more inflation means lower dollar value which means you get less value from your own UBI) and towards political action, instead of the various forms of entertainment.  From my observations of people who get extra time, I don't think extra time would lead to these activities.  But, say extra time did lead to these activities.  From what I've seen, more time does not necessarily increase the depth of self-interested action, but only the breadth.  And so, you'd get something like movements to increase the UBI (similar to movements to increase the minimum wage).

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