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Minds Blog

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I've been keeping a weekly blog on Minds. Topics are various, including philosophy, atheism, culture, marriage and relationships, children, economics, survivalism, and more.


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I am very much enjoying the blogging feature on Minds.


My opinion of Minds in general is very positive. It's as user friendly as Myspace was in the early days, and the user interface makes it a good format for keeping track of a few subscriptions. The downside is that the feed format makes it impractical for keeping track of numerous subscriptions if using it, as I do, to follow certain content creators closely, hence I limit my subscriptions and there is no "favorites" wherein I can keep track of certain content creators without cluttering up my feed. (At least not that I know of - I'm a retard with computers and internet, so I could be missing some obvious solution).


With that said, for following my favorite few YouTubers I find it preferable to following them through YouTube itself.


I realize I've been absent from here for a long time, I intend to be back regularly again now that things are settling down for me a bit in my life.


Is anyone else in this community releasing content on Minds?

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